1 | GAIN |
| Gain ground | ترقی کرنا | Fashions are gaining ground in society. |
| To gain one’s | دلائل سے مخالف کو شکست دینا | It is very difficult to gain his sister’s point. |
2 | GAITER |
| Ready to the last gaiter button | مکمل تیار | Are you ready in the last gaiter button for today’s performance. |
| Galanty show | پتلیوں کا سایہ | Life is nothing but a galanty show. |
4 | GALL |
| Gall and wormwood | مکمل طور پر غیر متفق کرنا | Would you please stop your gall and wormwood talk. |
5 | GALLOP |
| To gallop through | بہت جلد ترقی کرنا | You cannot get good marks just by galloping through books. |
6 | GAME |
| Die game | آخر تک ہمت قائم رکھنا | Good sportsmen always die game. |
| Make game of | کھیل تماشا بنانا | Don’t make game of great spiritual ideals. |
| The game is up | سکیم فیل ہوگئی | When the police came, the bank breaker found that the game was up. |
7 | GANG |
| To gang up | شامل ہونا | The inspector ordered the police to gang up. |
| To stop a gap | کمی پوری کرنا | His hard labour enabled him to stop a gap in his studies. |
8 | GAS |
| Step on the gas | رفتار تیز کرنا | The driver stepped on the gas to pursue the thief. |
| Gate of justice | عدالت | Not even the Supreme Court is the gate of justice today. |
| Stand in the gate | دفاع کی حالت میں احتیاط کرنا | The girl stood in the gate to face the intruder. |
10 | GATHER |
| Gather ground | ترقی کرنا | By and by you will gather a ground. |
| Gather to a head | پک جانا | The grains have gathered to a head. The political parties are gathering to a head for the elections. |
| To gather strength | مضبوط ہو جانا | The patient is gathering strength now. |
| To through down the gauntlet | چیلنج ترک کرنا | When a pickpocket faces you with a revolver it is better to through up the gauntlet. |
12 | GEAR |
| Gear up | رفتار تیز کرنا | The students gear up for the examination. |
| Gear down | رفتار کم کرنا | The students gear do.vn for the summer vacation. |
| Out of gear | خراب | The car has gone out of gear. |
| In gear | چالو حالت میں | The car is in gear. |
13 | GENERAL |
| in general | عام اصول کی طرح | Students of rich families do well in general. |
14 | GET |
| Get ahead | ترقی کرنا | To modern society everyone tried to get ahead. |
| Get along | پیش قدمی کرنا | They get along well in a good school. |
| Get off | بھاگ جانا | Somehow the thief got off. |
| Get out | اپنے آپ کو آزاد کرنا | He is trying to get out of the contract. |
| Get there | کامیاب ہونا، اپنا مقصد حاصل کرنا | Without study, how do you hope to get there in examination?. |
| Get through | مقصد حاصل کرنا | Please, meet me when you get through the work in hand. |
| Get up | اوپر اٹھنا تیار ہونا | Please get tip. |
| To get rid of | تنگ آجانا | I want to get rid of my wife at all cost. |
| To get a chance for the better | بہتر بنانا | The patient has got a chance for the better. |
| To get through | کامیاب ہو جانا | I am sure he will get through in his final examination. |
| To get along | پیش قدمی کرنا | The scheme seems sound, we can get along with it. |
| To get at | پہنچنا | We are trying to get at the peace of this hill. |
15 | GHOST |
| A ghost of a chance | بہت کم موقع | He has only a ghost of a chance to get a job. |
| Ghostly weapons | شیطان | You cannot win her confidence just by ghostly weapons. |
16 | GIFT |
| Gift of the gab | بولنے کی طاقت | Ladies generally have the gift of the gab. |
17 | GIVE |
| Give and take | لین دین | Give and take is die basis of all business. |
| Give birth to | پیدا کرنا | The cat game birth to 3 kittens. |
| Give chase | پیچھا | The police gave the robber a chase. |
| Give ear | سننا | Please give car for the whole story. |
| Give forth | نکالنا | They gave forth the whole story. |
| Give ground | شائع کرنا | Don’t give ground to sadness. |
| Give into | لپیٹنا | The Minister give in to the Prime Minister. |
| Give it to one | گالیاں نکالنا | The teacher gave it to the boy. |
| Give out | کم ہو جانا | The Press gave out the scandal. The chimney give out smoke. Food gave out in the kitchen. |
| Give over | ختم ہونا | The newspaper has given over. |
| Give tongue | اظہار کرنا | The dying girl gave tongue to her feelings. The dog gave tongue. |
| Give up | ترک کر دینا | They gave up the whole enterprise. |
| To Give the world | سزا دینا | The Prime Minister’s statement has given the world. |
| To give oneself airs | مغرور ہوجانا | My father-in-law has given airs for his wealth. |
18 | GLAD |
| Glad of | پر جوش ہونا | I am glad of your success. |
19 | GLANCE |
| To glance at | تنقیدی ریمارکس دینا | The teacher glanced at students. |
20 | GLOVE |
| Hand and glove | گہر ےدوست | They are hand and glove with each other. |
| To fit like a glove | بالکل صحیح | Today’s statement of the Prime Minister fits like a glove to our national policy. |
21 | GO |
| Go about one’s business | اپنے معاملات پر توجہ دینا | A businessman goes about his business and lets others go about their business. |
| Go abroad | غیر ملک میں جانا | When did you go abroad? Has the news gone abroad? |
| Go against | خلاف ہو جانا | To tell a lie goes against my grain. |
| Go aside | غلطی کرنا | Many great men go aside under the pernicious influence of materialism. Honest has gone aside from the world. |
| Go at | حملہ کرنا | Napoleon went at the enemy with full force. |
| Go back | پھر جانا، مکر جانا | Don’t go back on your commitment. |
| Go bail | ضمانت دینا | Will you go bail for me? |
| Go black | | The Americans are reluctant to go black. |
| Go down | ڈوب جانا ،زوال پذیر ہونا | The reputation of the Prime Minister has gone down. |
| Go far | پائیدار ، دیرپا | Woollen clothes go far. |
| Go for nothing | کوئی قدر نہ ہونا | Truth goes for nothing in the world. |
| Go halves | برابر حصہ کرنا | Whatever we earn, we should go halves. |
| Go in and out | آزادانہ گھومنا | Few people go in and out in the Prime Minister’s residence. |
| Go in for | اپنے آپ کو وقف کرنا | Most of the modern youth go in for making money. |
| Go in tin to | جنسی تعلقات قائم کرنا | Don’t go in unto prostitutes. |
| Go off | مر جانا | The workers went off in a hurry my brother went off on june 24, 2000. Glory of politics is going off. All ties go off by and by. |
| Go one better | آگے نکل جانا | Rashid cannot go Naveed better. |
| Go one’s way | روانہ ہونا | The old leaders have gone their way. |
| Go over | اعادہ | The judge went over the whole story. |
| Go through | ادا کرنا پڑھنا | She went through the marriage ceremony. |
| Go to pieces | مکمل ٹوٹ جانا | The dinner set slipped from her hands and went into pieces. |
| Go to the wall | ایک طرف ہو جانا | The ruling party does not easily go to the wall. |
| Go under | مر جانا، ہار جانا | My brother has gone under. The rock went under in the high tide. |
| Go with | متفق ہونا | I am read to go with von on this point. |
| Go without | قلت ہونا | Millions in India are going without food. |
| Great go | ڈگری امتحان | The students are preparing for the great go. |
| Let go | چھوڑ نا | Bhutto let go Mujibur Rehman. |
| No go | نا ممکن | There is no go on this point. |
| To go to rack and ruin | مکمل جلا ہوا | As a result of fire. the whole market has gone to rack and ruin. |
| To go hand in hand | مکمل معاہدہ | On the issue of rice production in the country all the ministers went hand in hand. |
| To go about | جگہ جگہ | For getting orders, he goes about the whole city. |
| To go through | معائینہ کرنا | The doctor has gone through the patient thoroughly. |
| Go on | جاری رکھنا | Go in with your statement. |
| At the first go | بہت خرچ کرنا | Shahid was leading the race at the first go. |
22 | GOAT |
| Get one’s goat | غصے میں | Beware lest you get our boss’s goat. |
23 | GOD |
| God’s truth | اٹل حقیقت | Death is a god’s truth. |
| God of this world | شیطان | Atom is another god ofihis world. |
| God forsaken | قابل رحم | The patient is God-forsaken. |
24 | GOLD |
| Golden mean | درمیانی راستہ | Islam preached the path of the golden mean. |
25 | Golden rule | کسی کی اچھی بات پر عمل کرنا | It is in the interest of everybody to follow the golden rule. |
| Gold fever | پیسے کی خواہش | Human weakness is gold fever. |
| A golden age | تاریخ کا روشن دور | The golden age has passed from the modern world now. |
| Golden opportunity | بہترین موقع | We have got a golden opportunity of starting a new business now. |
25 | GOOD |
| Be as good as one’s word | اپنا وعدہ پورا کرنا | Be as good as your word and do the work. |
| For good | ہمیشہ کے لئے | They left Pakistan for good. |
| For good and all | ہمیشہ کے لئے | The friends decided to part for good and all. |
| Good for anything | کسی بھی کاروبار کے لئے مناسب | An active boy is good for anything. |
| Good for nothing | بے کار بے فائدہ | Rich men's children prove good for nothing. |
| Good offices | وساطت، وسیلہ | I got this job through the good offices of my uncle. |
| Good people, good folk | سمندری سفر سے | There are no more good folk in the world now-a-days. |
| Make good | ادا کرنا پورا کرنا | You must make good this work. She made good her promise. |
| No good | بے کار، بے فائدہ | Education is no good now-a-days. |
| Stand good | آخر تک اچھا | Truth always stands good. |
| Think good | خواہش مند | He thinks good of going home. |
| A good hand at | ہوشیار ، ماہر | He is a good hand at watch repairing. |
| Good money | اصلی | You are having a good money note. |
26 | GOOSE |
| To kill the goose that lays golden eggs | مستقبل کے فوائد قربان کر دینا | I do not want to kill the goose that lays golden eggs by selling my book at cheap rates. |
27 | GRAB |
| Have the grab on | بہت فائدہ ہونا | He has the grab of Nasies influence in getting a job. |
28 | GRACE |
| With good grace | اچھے طریقے سے | Let us do every thing with good grace. |
| Airs and graces | رویہ سلوک | In high time that you should change your bad airs and graces. |
29 | GRADE |
| Make the grade | مشکلات پر قابو پالینا | The boy has at last made the grade in the school. |
| On ghe tip-grade | ترقی کرتے ہوئے | The patient is on the up-grade now-a-days. |
| Grade up | بہتر بنانا | Please grade up the quality of your products. |
30 | GRAIN |
| Against the grain | قدرتی طبع کے خلاف | One cannot succeed if one works against the grain. |
31 | GRAND |
| Grand total | ٹوٹل،اخذ | The grand total of life is Zero. |
32 | GRANT |
| Take for granted | پہلے سے فرض کرنا | One should rake death sooner or later for granted and build his life on that assumption. |
33 | GRAPE |
| Grapes from thorns | برے سے اچھا | He has the art of getting grapes from thorns. |
34 | GRAPPLE |
| To grapple with | سلجھانا، مقابلہ | It is difficult to grapple with the problem arising from high cost of living. |
| Grasp at | پکڑ لینا | His efforts to grasp at the running train failed. |
35 | GRASS |
| Go to grass | ریٹائر ہو جانا/کام چھوڑ دینا | A writer who earn his living day to day cannot go to grass. |
| Let the grass under one’s feet | وقت ضائع کرنا | If von let the grass tinder sour feet, you will fail in life miserably. |
36 | GRAVE |
| Dig one’s own grave | اپنی موت کی خود وجہ بننا | Don’t dig our grave with your own teeth. |
| With one foot in the grave | موت کے نزدیک | People do not give up greed even with one foot in grave. |
| Quiet as the grave | ساکت / خاموش | During curfew a town becomes as quiet as the grave. |
37 | GREASE |
| Grease one’s palms | رشوت | No government servant will do your work unless von grease his palm. |
38 | GREAT |
| A great gun | | The Professor of Chemistry in our college is a great gun now-a-days. |
39 | GRIEF |
| Come to grief | بدقسمتی کا سامنا کرنا | Everybody sometimes comes to grief. |
40 | GRIP |
| To lose one’s grip | کنٹرول کھودینا | The grandfather has lost his grip on his youngest grandson. |
41 | GROUND |
| Break ground | کسی بھی کام میں پہلا قدم اٹھانا | For discipline in India we have yet to break the ground. |
| Fall to the ground | بے نتیجہ ہونا | Plans of men and mice fall to the ground. |
| Gain ground | ترقی کرنا | Steady work always gains ground. |
| Lose ground | پیچھے رہ جانا | In the last twenty-eight years Pakistan has lost much ground. |
| Give ground | فائدہ ضائع کر دینا | At Simla Summit we have given ground to India. |
| Hold or stand one’s ground | ثابت قدم رہنا | You must stand your ground in the face of adversity. |
42 | GROW |
| Grow out of | کا نتیجہ | Your misery grows out of your bad planning. |
43 | GRUBB |
| Grubb Street | سستا اور گھٹیا اداب | My writings belong to the Grubb Street. I am glad to belong to the Grubb Street. |
44 | GUARD |
| Guardian angel | دوسرے کے فائدے کے لئے وقت | Edhi Welfare known to be guardian angel to hundreds of poor. |
| Mount guard | نگرانی میں رکھنا | The police have mounted guard round the Jama Masjid. |
| On one’s guard | ہوشیار | You have to be always on your guard against enemies. |
45 | GUN |
| As sure as gun | یقینا | I will meet you tomorrow as sure as a gun. |
| Great gun | بہت اہمیت کا حامل شخص | Ayub Khan was a great guilt. |
| Son of a gun | بدمعاش | Beware of the son of gun. |
| Stick to ones guns | اپنی پوزیشن قائم رکھنا | The Principal is bent upon sticking to his guns. |