1 | FACE |
| Face the music | نا خوشگوار کو قبول | The smugglers must be put before law to face to music. |
| Face to face | آمنے سامنے | The two enemies met face to face in the battle field. |
| Face value | قیمت | The face value of this coin is one rupee. |
| I have two faces | دوغلا چہرہ ہونا | Every politician has at least two faces. |
| Lose face | غیرت کھونا | Many ministers have lost faces. |
| Pull a long face | اداس دکھائی دینا | When a politician loses elections, he puts a long face. |
| Save one’s self | زلت سے بچنا | You must pay something to the creditors to save your face. |
| Show one’s face | ظاہر ہونا | I will show my face at your marriage, even though I am seriously Ill. |
| To one’s face | اس کی موجودگی میں | Nobody dare criticize a minster of millionaire to his face. |
| To look in the face | بہادر ہونا | To look in the face of one's enemy is a reflection of boldness. |
| To make faces | منہ بنانا | Do not make faces at your elders. |
| To put a new face on | کی کیفیت بدلنا | The death of Mr. Quaid has put a new face on Pakistan’s foreign policy. |
2 | FACT |
| As a matter of fact | حقیقت میں | As a matter of fact, Allama Iqbal was a great philosopher. |
| In fact | در حقیقت | In fact, we met last year. |
| In point of fact | در حقیقت | In point of fact, Indian team lost the match without having fought for it. |
3 | FADE |
| Fade away | آہستہ آہستہ غائب ہونا | Evils do not fade away. |
4 | FAG |
| Fag-end | چیز کا گھٹیا حصہ | To serve our guests at he fag-end of table is contrary to good manners. |
5 | FAIL |
| Without fail | یقینا | We are meeting tomorrow without fail. |
6 | FAIR |
| Far and square | ایماندار | You ought to be for and square in all your dealings. |
| Did fair | وعدہ | He bids fair to become a minister. |
| In a fair way to | کامیابی کے نزدیک | She is in a fair way to bear a child. |
| Keep fair with | اچھے تعلقات رکھنا | You must keep fair with your friends. |
| Stand fair with | کسی کی نظر میں اچھا ہونا | Mushahid stood fair with the former Prime Minister. |
| Behind the fair | بہت دیر بعد | In working for success he was behind the fair. |
| Fair play | ایمانداری | Let us adopt fair play in every thing. |
| Fair means | ایمانداری سے | He was the game by fair means. |
| A fair hand | اچھی طرح سمجھ آنے والی لکھائی | Ashiq has a fair hand. |
| Air promise | اچھے مواقع | There appears to be a fair promise in this business. |
| Fair - weather friends | ضرورت کے وقت کام نہ آئے | Keep away from fair- weather friends. |
7 | FAIRY |
| Fairy tale | ناقابل یقین کہانی | His love story is nothing but a fairy tale. |
8 | FAITH |
| To pin one’s faith | خلوص سے | He told me all this in good faith. |
9 | FALL |
| Fall across | اتفاقا ملنا | I fell across an old friend on the road. |
| Fall among | | One night i fell among the thieves. |
| Fall away | زوال پذیر ہونا، کمزور ہونا | Glory always fails away. |
| Fall behind | پیچھے رہ جانا | Our five year plans are falling behind. |
| Fall flat | بے اثر ہونا | All his efforts to succeed fell flat. |
| Fall in | کشمکش ہونا | The soldiers were ordered to fall in. |
| Fall in with | متفق ہونا، اتفاقا ملنا | The ministers hand to fall in with the Prime Minister. |
| Fall off | ختم ہونا، مر جانا، گر جانا | The leaves fall of in autumn. |
| Fall on | خوشی سے شروع کرنا | The studious students fell on their books near the examination. |
| Fall over | سوجانا | Many Indian soldiers fell over in Kashmir. |
| Fall short | کمی ہونا، قلت ہونا | Sugar fell short in the marriage. |
| Fall through | ناکام ہونا | All plans of men and mice fall through. |
| Fall upon | حملہ کرنا | The people fell upon the policemen near Jame Masjid. |
| To fall a prey | شکار ہو جانا | You just fell a prey to his advice. |
| To fall in with | اتفاق کرنا | I do not fall in with your views. |
| To fall out | ترک کرنا | Do not fall out of your hope. |
10 | FAMILY |
| In a family way | گھر کی طرح | Let us gossip in a family way. |
| In the family way | حاملہ | I don’t think the bribe is in the family way. |
11 | FANCY |
| To catch the fancy of | خوش ہونا | My cycle caught the fancy of my friend. |
12 | FAR |
| By far | بڑی حد تک | Benazir is by far the most powerful in the world today. |
| Far and near | ہر طرف | You find Pakistani far and near ii the world. |
| Far and wide | چاروں طرف | Ross were far and wide in the garden. |
| Far between | بے قاعدہ | My visits to temples are few and far between. |
| Far cry | لمبا عرصہ | Peace is a far cry from the cold war. |
| In so far as | ممکن حد | I will help you in so far as it lies within my power. |
| Far-sighted | دور اندیش | Mv fattier is a far-sighted man. |
| Far reaching | زیادہ اثر رکھنے والا | This is my far-reaching plan. |
13 | FAST |
| Fast by | قریب | He lives fast by the railway station. |
| To play fast and loose | ناقابل اعتبار ہونا | Don’t play fast and loose with your parents. |
| Fast friend | گہرا دوست | Both of them are fast friends. |
| Hard and fast | یقینی | There are no hard and fast rules in international politics. |
14 | FASTEN |
| Fasten on | نظریں گاڑھنا | The boy fastened on the girl almost at first sight. |
15 | FAT |
| Fat-headed | بے وقوف | He is a fat-headed man. |
16 | FATAL |
| Fatal blow | مہلک | He stuck his enemy with a fatal blow. |
17 | FAULT |
| At fault | احساس گناہ | For the sad state of out education today our teachers are at fault. |
| Find fault | تنقید کرنا | It is easier to fine faults that to remedy them. |
18 | FAVOUR |
| In favour of | کے حق میں | He drew his will and testament in favour of his sister. |
19 | FAWN |
| TO fawn on | خوشامد کرنا | The children fawn on their parents. |
20 | FEAR |
| Without fear and favour | غیر جانبداری سے | We must do our duty without fear and favour. |
21 | FEATHER |
| A feather in one’s cap | اہم امتیاز | Kashmir liberation is a feather in the cap of Indian Government. |
| In high feather | اونچی ہواؤں میں ہونا | When a person wins something, he is in high feather. |
| Show the shite feather | بزدلی کا مظاہرہ کرنا | When Napoleon attacked, the Austrians showed the white feather. |
22 | FEED |
| Fed up | بھرا ہوا | Students are fed up with this false education that leads them from no where to nowhere. |
23 | FEEL |
| To feel the pulse | کسی کا راز معلوم کرنا | Before taking any decision in respect of my brother’s marriage, my daddy would like to feel his pulse. |
| To feel at home | آرام دہ ہونا | All of us should try to make the foreign tourists feel at home while they are in Pakistan. |
| Fellowship | محبت اور باہمی عزت کا اظہار | The king gave his minister the right hand of fellowship. |
25 | FETCH |
| Fetch and carry | کسی کا کوئی کام کر دینا | He fetched and carried for his teacher. |
| Fetch off | مشکل سے نکالنا | He fetched off the family from India. |
| Fetch up | صحت یاب ہونا | He fetched up the girl into a beautiful maidenhood. |
26 | FEW |
| A good few | کثیر تعداد | A good few attended the mourning meeting. |
| Quite a few | اچھی تعداد | Quite a few came to meet the minister. |
| In few | مختصر لفظوں میں | In few, I will do my best to help you. |
| Some few | کم تعداد | Some few came to the meeting. |
| The few | اقلیت | The few defeated the many. |
| To play the first fiddle | رہنما کا کردار ادا | The Prime Minister plays the first fiddle in politics. |
| Keep the field | اپنی بنیاد قائم رکھنا | In these days of soaring prices it is hard to keep the field in daily expenditure. |
| Fake the field | جنگ جیسی تدبیریں | When a child is angry with the parents, he takes the field. |
27 | FIGHT |
| Fight it out | آخر تک کوشش | If we seek to purge the nation of corruption we shall have to fight it Out. |
28 | FIGURE |
| Cut a figure | نمایاں کرنا | Salma cuts a figure at every social function |
| Person of figure | اہم آدمی | In the world of literature Bernard Shaw vill remain a person of figure. |
29 | FIND |
| Find one in | پانا ، ملنا | You will find God in children. |
| Find one’s account in | معقول نفع حاصل کرنا | Every top government officer finds his account in the firms he deals within his official capacity. |
| Find out | دریافت کرنا | The IB must find out the truth about the murder of Ali Raza. |
| To find one’s legs | بڑھنا، کھڑا ہونا | When the drunkard found his legs he noticed that he was lying on the road. |
| Fine arts | مائن آرئش | Fine arts require spare money for their pursuit. |
| To look through | نہ دیکھنے کا بہانہ | The teacher has to look through its fingers. |
30 | FIRE |
| Fire off | تباہی | The examiner fired off a hundred questions. |
| On fire | جلتا ہوا | India today is a house on fire. |
| Set on fire, set fire to | جلانا | They set the house on fire. |
| Fire out | معطل کرد ینا | Fire our this servant, he is a dishonest man. |
| Fire away | شروع کرنا | Fire away with your work immediately. |
| Between two fires | دو مشکلات میں | Sometimes circumstances put us between two fire. |
| To pour oil on fire | جلتی پر تیل ڈالنا، مشکل کرنا | The President speech poured oil on fire. |
31 | FIRST |
| First come, first served | پہلے آئیے پہلے پائیے | The allotment of LDA flats is on the first come, first served basis. |
| From first to last | شروع سے آخر تک | She stood by me from first to last. |
| First and the fore most | سب سے اہم | The first and the foremost thing for you is to learn typing. |
| First thing | پہلا نتیجہ | Nervousness is the first fruit of affluence. |
| First water | اعلیٰ کوالٹی | Yoga is the first thing in the in the morning. |
32 | FISH |
| Fish in troubled waters | نا موافق صورت | The fish in troubled waters is the order of the day. |
| A fish out of water | ارد گرد کے ماحول میں بے چینی | In India I felt like a fish out of water. |
33 | FIT |
| Fits and starts | بے ترتیبی سے | We should work regularly and not by fits and starts. |
| Fit out | مسلح | The train is fitted out for the tour. |
34 | FIX |
| Fix on | فیصلہ کرنا | You must fix on great ambitions in life. |
| Fix up | طے کرنا | They have fixed tip an interview tomorrow. |
35 | FLAG |
| Dip the flag | جھنڈا نیچا کرنے کے بعد احتراما دوبارہ لہرانا | They dipped the flag in honour of the king. |
| Red flag | خطرہ کا نشان | Kashmir under Indian Government may hoist the red flag. |
| To burst into flames | شعلوں میں جلنا | The van carrying explosive burst into flames. |
36 | FLAT |
| Falt out | پوری رفتار | Near examination the students study their books flat Out. |
37 | FLEE |
| Flee for one’s life | زندگی بچانے کے لئے بھاگنا | Many good-hearted persons had to flee for their lives during the earth quake. |
38 | FLESH |
| Flesh and blood | انسانی فطرت | No flesh and blood can bear the health torture. |
| In flessh | اچھی حالت میں | You will find him in flesh. |
| To put on flesh | تمام نوع انسانی | Happiness is the best thing to put on flesh. |
39 | FLIGHT |
| In the first, top | اعلیٰ ترین درجہ میں | Rani is now in the top flight in National Public High School. |
40 | FLY |
| Fly in the face of | مخالفت کرنا، بے عزتی کرنا | The disgruntled elements flew in the face of the Prime Minister. |
| Fly open | اچانک کھل جانا | Gas flew open the cork of the bottle. |
| Fly out | غصہ سے پھٹ پڑنا | Don’t fly out if something goes wrong. |
| No flies on | | Let there be no flies on administration. |
| To fly high | بہت پر جوش ہونا | Let us not fly high but proceed according to the facts of life. |
| To fly to arms | اسلحہ اٹھانا | The Pakistani army flew to arms in the liberation of Kashmir. |
41 | FOLLOW |
| Follow on | کوشش جاری رکھنا | If you feel, follow on. |
| Follow suit | دوسرے کا کام جاری رکھنا | If I go home. you follow the suit. |
| Follow up | | You must follow up your success in business. |
42 | FOOD |
| Food values | مختلف خوراک کی خصوصیات | Cultural values spring front food values. |
| Food of thought | ایسی بات جو کچھ سوچنے کا موقع دے | The death of my wife give me food for thought. |
43 | FOOL |
| Fool away | بے مقصد ادھر ادھر گزار دینا | I have fooled away the holidays. |
| Fool’s paradise | احمقوں کی جنت ، جھوٹی امیدوں میں | For quarter of century after attaining independence, the people are living in fools paradise. |
| Made a fool of | کسی شخص کا مذاق اڑانا | Don’t make a fool of me by holding hopes of becoming a minister. |
| Play the tool | بے وقوف کا کردار ادا کرنا | He thinks the President is playing the fool to the Prime Minister. |
| Be a fool to | بوڑھے عاشق سے زیادہ کوئی بے وقوف نہیں | I am a fool to Rashid. |
44 | FOOT |
| Have one foot in the grave | موت کے قریب | Many leaders have one foot in the grave. |
| Set on foot | پیدا کرنا، ابتدا کرنا | He has set the whole project on foot. |
45 | FOR |
| As for | جہاں تک اس کا تعلق ہے | As for the work, you must depend on yourself. |
| For all | تاہم | He fought and lost for all my advice. |
| For that | کیونکہ | He bought a house for that he had ready cash. |
| For to | کے لئے | He worked hard for to pay off his dabts. |
| For why | کیونکہ | He did not eat or why he was ill. |
| Nothing for it but | اس کے علاوہ اس سلسلے میں کچھ نہیں ہو سکتا | If he does not come, there is nothing for it but go and catch him. |
| Forasmuch as | تمام حالات کے لئے قبول کر لینا | I took his advice for better or worse. |
| To take for better or worse | لبھانے والی لیکن ممنوعہ شے | Job is a forbidden fruit to many of the young graduates today. |
46 | FORBID |
| Forbidden fruit | لازمی چیز | Law does not recognise an agreement made under force and fear. |
| Force the pace | رفتار تیز رکھنا | You cannot force the pace of economic happiness. |
47 | FORGET |
| Forget oneself | اپنی قدر کھو دینا | Don’t forget yourself when you mix with the crowd. |
48 | FORM |
| Form, good or bad | اچھی یا بری سماجی رسم کے مطابق | The boy turned out in good form. The old fold are always in bad form in society. |
49 | FORTUNE |
| To make a fortune | بہت کمانا | He has made a fortune in the business. |
| To try one's fortune | پھر خطر ناک قدم | Let us try our fortune and join in his business. |
50 | FOUL |
| Fall foul of | کشمکش میں ہونا | The students are falling foul of the authorities everywhere. |
| Foul play | غلط لین دین | We should not indulge in a foul play with our friends. |
| Fountain of justice | مکمل انصاف | The new Prime Minister of Pakistan is a fountain of justice. |
52 | FOUR |
| The four sea | ہر جگہ | Wind blows over the four seas. |
53 | FREE |
| Free hand | عمل کی آزادی | The President has free hand in the Parliament. |
| Make free with | آشنا ہونا | Don't be free with another’s money. |
54 | FRIEND |
| From hand ot month | بمشکل گزارہ کرنا | Most of the working class people of Pakistan today are living from hand to mouth. |
| From door to door | گھر سے گھر تک | I am selling my wares from door to door. |
55 | FRONT |
| Come to the front | نمایاں ہو جانا | After the death of the Quid, Liaquat All khan came to the front. |
| In front of | | Please wait for me in front of the coffee house. |
| In full swing | پورے جو بن پر | The school is in full swing this month. |
| To the full | مکمل طور پر | I have paid of my debts to the full. |
56 | FUN |
| To be great fun | بہت مضحکہ خیز ہونا | Life is said to be great fun in America. |
| Make fun of | مذاق اڑانا | Don’t make fun of your friends. |