1 | HABIT |
| Habit of mind | ذہنی اختراع | Something or the other is always a habit of mind in every human being. |
| To get into a habit | عادی ہو جانا | His hobby of drinking has resulted in getting into a habit. |
2 | HAIL |
| Within hail | اتنا نزدیک کہ جسے بلایا جا سکے | He is standing within a hail distance. |
3 | HAIR |
| Lose one’s hair | ناراض ہوجانا | If someone cracks a joke, don’t lose your hair. |
| Make one’s hair stand on end | بہت حیرانگی یا ڈر ظاہر کرنا | The murder of his lieutenant made his hair stand on end. |
| Not to turn a hair | پریشان نہ ہونا | He did not turn a hair when his friend died. |
| Put up the halt | بال بنانا | Maidens p1st up their hair. |
| To a hair | بال بال بچنا | He resembled his father to a hair. |
| To the turn of a hair | | She copied her exercised to the turn of a hair. |
| To get a person by the short hair | کسی پر پورا کنٹرول ہونا | Parents should get children by the short hair. |
4 | HALF |
| Half-and-half | دو برابر چیزوں کا آمیزہ | This liquor is beer and brandy half-and-half. |
| Go halves | برابر برابر حصہ کرنا | Let us go halves before we divide the shop. |
| Halfhearted | بے ہمت | Half-hearted efforts are never successful. |
| Half backed | نا تجربہ کار | Many labourers of our factory are doing things by halves. |
| To meet half-way | سمجھوتہ کرنا | The only solution to their difference is that they should meet half-way. |
5 | HALL |
| Bachelor shall | ایسی جگہ جہاں بیوی کا اثر نہ ہو | He prefers to live in the bachelor’s hall rather than in his house. |
| Liberty hail | یسی جگہ جہاں ہر کوئی اپنی مرضی کر سکے | Bachelor’s hall is a liberty hall. |
| Hallmark | اہم مستقبل | Today’s statement of the Prime Minister is a hallmark of the government’s policy. |
6 | HAMMER |
| Bring the hammer | نیلامی کرنا | The shop was brought to the hammer. |
| To hammer an idea into one’s head | سمجھانا | It is very difficult to hammer an idea into Hamayun’s head. |
7 | HAND |
| At any hand | کسی بھی صورت | We shall meet tomorrow at any hand. |
| In an hand | کسی صورت میں | Prices must not be allowed to rise in any hand. |
| At first hand | پہلی دفعہ | I know the story at first hand. |
| At hand | قریب | I keep the bookshelf at hand. |
| Bear a hand | حصہ لینا، مدد کرنا | Will you bear me a hand in this enterprise? |
| By hand | ہاتھوں کے ذریعے | This painting was made by hand. |
| By the strong hand | طاقت سے | You can get something done only by the strong hand. |
| Change hands | مالک بدل جانا | This shop has changed hands man times. |
| Come to hand | وصول ہونا | A wonderful book had come to my hand. |
| Come to one’s hand | آسانی سے حاصل ہو جانا | Fortune has come to my hand. |
| Good hands | قابل بھروسہ وسیلہ | The girl is in good hands. |
| Hand and foot | بھرپور توجہ سے | You can achieve your objective hand and foot. |
| Hand and glove | دو گہرے تعلقات | Tahir and Sohail are hand and glove. |
| Hand it to one | کسی کی برتری تسلیم کرنا | I do really hand it to you. |
| Hands down | نہایت آسانی سے | They won the match hands down. |
| In hand | | I have five rupees in hand. |
| Lay hands on | حاصل کرنا | I cannot lay my hands on the book I want. |
| Lend a hand | مدد کرنا | Please lend me a hand in this enterprise. |
| Old hand | تجربہ کار آدمی | There are many old hands in politics. |
| Young hand | تجربہ کار نوجوان | It is not for young hands to meddle with politics. |
| On all hands | ہر طرف | There is corruption on all hands. |
| On my hand | کسی کی ذمہ داری | I have too many task on my hands. |
| Out of hand | فوراً | Please pay out of hand. |
| Poor hand | غیر ماہر شخص | I am a poor hand at mathematics. |
| Set one’s hand to | مشغول | Do your best whatever you see your hand to. |
| Show of hands | ہاتھ اٹھا کر رائے کا اظہار کرنا | The matter was decided by a show of hands. |
| Strike hands | معائدہ کرنا | Let yourself strike hands in this bargain. |
| Take in hand | سنبھال لینا | Please take in hand the education of my boy. |
| To one’s hand | جلدی میں | You will find him to your hand for work. |
| Wash one’s hands of | ذمہ داری سے دستبردار ہونا | We have washed our hands of T.V. trouble shooters. |
| From hand to mouth | غربت | With this small income we are living from hand to mouth now-a-days. |
| To take in hand | سنبھال لینا | It is high time, that you should take in hand the responsibility of your parents. |
| Off hand | فوراً | I cannot give any decision off hand. I must have some time to think over the problem. |
| To have clean hands | ایماندار ہونا | You cannot have clean hands in any government office. |
| From good hands | قابل بھروسہ وسیلہ | We have come to know from good hands that a few posts of clerks are king vacant under your kind control. |
| Come to hand | وصول کرنا | All the members of my family came to hand at the railway station this mooning. |
| Hand to hand | ہاتھوں ہاتھ لینا | The new military camps are going to be hand to hand. |
| Throw the handkerchief | بلانا | The king threw the handkerchief among the ladies of the harem. |
| To feel handsome | اچھا محسوس کرنا | The patient is feeling handsome. |
| Know a handsome or two | تجرنہ کار ہونا | I know a handsome or two of government jobs. |
10 | HANG |
| Hang on | چمٹنا ، لمبا کرنا، انتظار کرنا | The boy hung on the girl the whole day. |
| Hang one’s head | شرمندہ ہونا | After a convincing defeat the cricketers hung their heads. |
| Hang out | نمائش کرنا، ظاہر کرنا | They hung Out their nameplates. |
| Hang together | متحد کرنا | If you do not hang weather, you will hang separately. |
| Hang up | معطل کرنا، طویل کرنا | They hanged up final decision for two months. |
| Hang over one’s head | خطرہ میں ہونا | The whole country is hanging over his head owing to increased cost of living. |
| To hang heavy | بوجھ اٹھانا | The new job is hanging heavy on my head. |
11 | HARBOUR |
| Harbour refuge | جنت پناہ گاہ | A true yogi is a harbour of refuge for distressed souls. |
| Hard of hearing | بالکل بہرہ | Old folk are hard of hearing. |
| Hard facts | ناقابل انکار حقائق | Hard facts about Pakistan cannot be ignored. |
| Hold words | گالی دینا، مشکل الفاظ | Call him no hard words. |
| Hold hard | رکنا | Please hold hard until I return. |
| Hold nut to crack | مشکل مسئلہ | How to increase good production in our count is a hard nut to crack. |
| Hard and fast | سخت | There is no hard and fast rule in becoming a member of the I.T. Union. |
| Hard up | مطلوب | I am hard up of money now-a-days. |
| Hard-hearted | ظالم | The army has got to be hard hearted. |
| Hard-headed | صاف اور واضح | Our manager is a hard—headed man. |
12 | HARNESS |
| To die in harness | کام کرتے ہوئے مرنا | The leaders who die in harness are worshipped till ages. |
13 | HASH |
| Settle a person’s hash | خاتمہ کرنا | I can settle a hash of my friend only when he is willing to act on my advice. |
14 | HAT |
| A bad hat | بالکل پاگل | The child is a bad hat. |
| Mad as a hatter | | The youngster was mad as a I hatter. |
| My hat | حیرانگی کا اظہار | You want to buy this house? My hat. |
| Talk though the hat | مسلسل بولے جانا | Please stop talking through your hat |
| Under one's hat | راز میں | I can tell you under niv ha that I am going abroad next summer. |
15 | HATCHET |
| To bury the hatchet | جھگڑا ختم کرنا | Will both of you bury the hatchet and compromise?. |
| To throw the hatchet | مبالغہ آرائی | Many women are in the habit of throwing the hatchet. |
16 | HAVE |
| Have it | حملہ | Don’t have it at my friend. |
| Have it Out | تیزی سے اظہار کرنا | Let its have it out. Whatever you want to say have it out. |
| Have on | پہننا | Why are you not having on a coat today. |
| Have up | عدالت میں جواب دہ ہونا | Let us have him up before the judge. |
| Haves and have—nots | امیر و غریب | All haves and have nots sitting in this gathering are requested to contribute something for the Flood Fund. |
| Have away | ختم کرنا | Please have away your language from here. |
17 | HAWK |
| Hawk-eyed | دو اندیش | The old man of this village is haw—eyed. |
18 | HAZARD |
| At all hazards | تمام خطرات | I am ready at all hazards to save the life of my wife. |
19 | HEAD |
| Come to a head | عروج پر پہنچنا | When matters conic to a head, you must take a quick decision. |
| Go to one's head | کسی کے اچھے حالات خراب کرنا | Money and power go quick to one’s head. |
| Have a head on ones shoulders | قابلیت اور توازن ہونا | You can face the world while you have a head on your shoulders. |
| Head and Shoulders | بہت زیادہ | He is involved in debt head and shoulders. |
| Head off | راستے سے بھٹک جانا | He headed off for his house from his office. |
| Iddp one's head | اپنے آپ پر قابو ہونا مخمل مزاج ہونا | You must keep your head at all times. |
| Lose one's head | ضبط نفس کھو دینا | You can never afford to lose your head. |
| Lay heads together | مشورہ کرنا، گفتگو کرنا | Let us lay our heads together for the good of country. |
| Offone's head | خود، دیوانہ | If you want to get rich quickly, you are off your head. |
| Out of one's head | خود بخود | He delivered the speech out of his head. |
| Over head and cars | عرق | You will meet him always over head and cars in the newspaper. |
| Show one's head | ظاہر ہونا | The king must show his head to the people. |
| Take it into one's head | نظریہ چھپانا | He took it into his head to form a society. |
| Turn ones head | مفرور بنانا | Let money and success not turn your head |
| cannot make a head or tail | سمجھ نہ سکنے والا | It is difficult to make a head or tail of the Prime Minister’s speech of to-day. |
| Good head | وصف | He is good-headed map. |
| Hot head | جلد باز شخص | A hot—head is always a loser in life. |
| From head to foot | تمام بدن پر | He is having pimples from head to foot. |
| At the head of | خاص بڑا، نمایاں | Who is at the head of this council? |
| To put something into someone’s head | مشورہ دینا | Many members of the club put something into the head of the leader to make Mr. Kashif their new Secretary. |
20 | HEAP |
| Knock, strike all of a heap | ناکام کرنا، نقصان پہنچانا | The leader struck the enemies all of a heap. |
21 | HEART |
| After one’s heart | کسی کی پسند کے مطابق | The house was after m heart. |
| At heart | حقیقی کردار میں | At heart ever body is a great man. |
| Break one’s heart | شدید تم کا باعث | The death of Faisal broke my heart. |
| By heart | زبانی | Man students learn their books my heart. |
| Have at heart | عزیز جاننا | I have at heart the memory of my brother. |
| Have one's heart in the mouth | گھبرانا، خوف زدہ ہونا | If you are looking for success, don’t have our heart in the mouth. |
| Heart and hand | بہت محنت سے | He devoted himself to his duty heart and hand. |
| Heart and soul | بہت خلوص سے | He served his teachers heart and soul. |
| Heart of hearts | دل و جان سے | I remember you with the heart of hearts. |
| heart of oak | گہرا اثر لینا | Napoleon had a heart of oak. |
| Take to heart | بہادر | I took his death to heart. |
| Set the heart upon | گہرا اثر لینا | It is not good to set your heart upon anything in the world. |
| Speak to the heart | شدید خواہش کا اظہار کرنا | This song speak to the heart. |
| wear one’s heart on one’s Sleeves | جذبات کا کھلم کھلا اظہار کرنا | If you are angry with our friend, do not wear your heart upon your sleeves. |
| Take heart | بہادر بنو | Take heart and do your duty in life. |
| With all ones heart | بہت خوشی | I am ready to help you with all my heart. |
| To have no heart | کوئی جذبات نہ ہونا | The old man of our Street has no heart for his children. |
| Heart to heart | بے تکلف اور آزاد | Let us have a heart—to—heart talk and finish the matter once for all. |
| Out of heart | بہ ہمت | It is but natural to be out of hearts when you fail in Some examination. |
| Break the heart | غم سے مرجانا | The man broke his heart for the misbehaviour of his family. |
| With all my heart | بہت خوشی سے | I apologise for my misbehaviour wih all my heart. |
22 | HEAT |
| Turn on the heat | وحشیانہ سلوک کرنا | The police very often turn on the heat to extort confessions from offenders. |
| At a heat | آسان سی کوشش میں | You cannot succeed b working at a heat, take the help of our friends. |
23 | HEAVE |
| Heave in sight | منظر آنا | I sill be there to welcome you when you have in sight. |
24 | HEAVEN |
| In the seventhe heaven | بہت خوشی کی حالت میں | After marriage a bride is in the seventh heaven. |
25 | HEEL |
| Come to heel | کتے کی طرح پیچھا | Wherever a ‘minister goes, scophants come to heel. |
| Heels over head | الٹا | I Few men can escape death after falling heels over head from heights. |
| Out of heels | کسمپرسی کی حالت | A man in economic difficulties is usually out of heels. |
| Tread on one's heels | پیچھے آنا | When you have money, your friend come treading on their heels. |
| Under the heels | قتل کر دینا، ختم کر دینا | Hitler put many people under the heels. |
26 | HELL |
| Hell of noise | شور شرابا | The school student are making a hell of noise. |
27 | HELP |
| Help one self | اپنی مدد آپ | At a social dinner you are expected to help yourself. |
| More than one can help | ضرورت سے زیادہ | Rising prices are more than the poor can help. |
28 | HEN |
| Hen-hearted | بزدل | Hen-hearted have no place in army. |
29 | HERE |
| Here and there | ادھر ادھر | Good men are found here and there. Why are you wandering here and there?. |
30 | HIDE |
| To play hide-and seek | فریب دینا، دھوکہ دینا | Never encourage the habit of playing hide-and-seek with our friends. |
31 | HIGH |
| High and low | امیر اور غریب اوپر نیچے ہر طرف | High and low came to the meeting. |
| High and might | ممتاز ، بلند مرتبہ | India is ruled by the high and mighty. |
| High feather | اعلیٰ ہمت | The parrots fought for freedom in high feather. |
| High life | فیشن ابیل معاشرے کی زندگی | Keep away from high life. |
| High living | پر تعش کھانا | Middle classes can no longer afford high living. |
| High seas | سمندر | No nation has control over the high seas. |
| High spot | نمایاں | Bhangra is a high sopot of punjabi marriages. |
| High time | عمل کا وقت | It is high time that you should realise the responsibility. |
| High born | اعلیٰ خاندان سے | Dilawar is a high born boy. |
32 | HIT |
| A hit or a miss | ایسی حالت جس میں کامیابی یا ناکامی دونوں ممکن ہو | A young man’s career today is a hit or a miss. |
| Hard hit | محبت یا کسی تکلیف سے متاثر | When his mother died, the boy was hard hit. |
| Hit a bolt | کمزوری | A politician always hits a bolt in the opposition. |
| Hit out | مکا مارنا | The ruffians hit out time police. |
| Hit the nail on the head | مطلوبہ مقصد | In dealing with employs, Majid does not know how to hit the nail on the head. |
| Hit upon | حاصل کرنا | In the deep and dark loneliness of the night You often hit upon great ideas. |
33 | HITCH |
| Hitch up | شادی کرنا | Napoleon hitched up Josiphine. |
34 | HITHER |
| Hither and thither | ادھر ادھر | When I reached home I found all my things scattered hither and thither |
35 | HODGE |
| Hodge podge | کھچڑی، خراب | Pakistan today is a hodge podge of economic and political currents. |
36 | HOLD |
| Hold forth | سامنے رکھنا، دکھانا عوام کے سامنے | Few politicians can hold forth for truth now—a—days. |
| Hold hard | رکنا | He was ordered to hold hard talking nonsense |
| Hold in | رکاوٹ | Hold in your indignation. When somebody loses temper you must hold in. |
| Hold of | عزت کرنا | I hold of my visit with pleasure. |
| hold off | دور رکھنا | You must hold off evil company. |
| Hold one in hand | کوئی فائدہ حاصل کرنا | Mr. Vajpai can no longer hold President Clinton in hand. |
| Hold one’s own | اپنی حیثیت قائم رہنا | A man without money cannot long hold his own against s man with money. |
| Hold over | ملتوی کرنا | The meeting has been held over for tomorrow. |
| Hold together | متحد رہنا | We must hold together against the common foe. |
| Hold up | ابھارنا، ساکت کر دینا، روکنا اور رکاوٹ | He holding up forces of violence in the country. |
| To hold good | لاگو ہونا | A vehicle permit does not hold good everywhere in the country. |
| To hold out | پیشکش کرنا | There is nothing good in our stock which I can hold out to you. |
37 | HOLE |
| A hole in one’s coat | کسی کی عزت پر دھبہ | Bad debts are a hole in one’s coat. |
| In holes | سوراخوں سے بھرا ہوا | Your shirt is all in holes. |
| Load in the hole | مکھن میں پکا ہوا گوشت | He is fond of toad in the hole. |
| To pick holes in | غلطیاں نکالنا | Will you please stop picking holes in the matter?. |
| Make holes in | زیادہ رقم استعمال کرنا | Women are in the habit of making holes in their husband’s pockets. |
38 | HOME |
| Bring home to | ثابت کرنا | I will bring this problem home to you |
| Long home | قبر | My brother has gone to the long home. |
| Make oneself at a home | آرام دہ ہونا | Please make yourself at home here. |
| At home in | ماہر | Rashid is at home in Mathematics. |
| At home | آسان | Please be at home. |
39 | HONEST |
| To turn an honest penny | ایمانداری سے روزی کمانا | His father turned an honest penny throughout his life. |
40 | HONOURS |
| Do the honours | سب کی طرح آداب بجا لانا | Asia Restauram does the honours to even guest. |
| Last honours | ماتمی رسوم | We performed the last honours to my brother in June, 1997. |
| Word of honour | ایسا وعدہ جو بے عزتی کے علاوہ توڑا نہ جا سکے | I give you a work of honour to help you in your needs. |
41 | HOOK |
| By hook or by Crook | جائز اور ناجائز طریقے سے | People today make money by hook or by crook. |
| Off the hooks | خراب مردہ | Everything is off the hooks in Pakistan today. Prohibition is off the hooks. |
| On one’s own hook | اپنی ذمہ داری پر | You can do any thing on your own hook. |
42 | HOPE |
| Hope against hope | نا امیدی کے باجود امید رکھنا | We are all hoping against hope that one day Pakistan will be a land flowing with mild and hondy. |
43 | HORN |
| Horn in | مداخلت کرنا، قطع کلام کرنا | Please don’t horn in when I am speaking. |
| To take the bull by the horns | بہادری سے مشکل کا سامنا کرنا | One must possess the courage of taking the bull by the horns. |
| To blow one’s own horn | شیخی بگھارنا | Do something solid. No use blowing your own horn every now and then. |
44 | HORSE |
| Put the cart before the horse | قانون فطرت کے خلاف کام کرنا | By laying more stress on military and less on meals we are putting the cart before the horse. |
| To Sork like a horse | محنت کرنا | If your want to get first position in our college, you will have to work like a horse. |
45 | HOST |
| Host in himself | ماہر | Quaid was a host in himself. |
46 | HOT |
| Hot air | فضول باتیں | Our plans of socialism are all hot air. |
| Hot stuff | کوئی خطر ناک شے | Strange men is hot stuff now-a-days. |
| Hot water | مشکل حالت | If you spend more than you earn, you will soon find yourself in hot water. |
| To blow hot and cold | تردید کرنا، رد کرنا | In today's meeting the speaker was blowing hot and cold. |
| Hot and hot | پکتے ہی پیش کرنا | The service in Pearl Continental Hotel is worth appreciating you get things hot and hot. |
| Hotch-potch | کھچڑی | Life today is all hotch—potch. |
48 | HOUR |
| At the eleventh hour | آخری لمحے میں | Nobody will come to our help at the eleventh hour. |
| In a good hour | خوش قسمت ہونا | Every body help you in a good hour. |
| In an evil hour | بد قسمت ہونا | Nobody stands by you in an evil hour. |
| Keep good hour | جلدی سو جانا جلدی جاگ جانا | Old people should keep good hours. |
| At all hours | مقررہ وقت کے بغیر | I return home at all hours. |
49 | HOUSE |
| keep a good house | کھانے کی بہتات ہونا | Rich men keep a good house. |
| Keep house | ادارہ یا تنظیم چلانا | She keeps house in Computer Mania. |
| Like a house on fire | تیز رفتاری سے | The news spread lide a house on fire. |
| To keep an open house | تمام آنے والوں کو تفریح مہیا کرنا | Any club is supposed to keep an open house. |
| House to house | گھر گھر | They moved house to house for collecting charity. |
50 | HOW |
| How and how | یقیناً | I shall meet you at the coffee house how and how. |
| The how and the why | طریقہ اور وجہ | Nobody knows the how and the why of the economic mess in which the world finds itself today. |
51 | HUE |
| Hue and cry | شور وغل | There is a great hue and cry about corruption now-a-days. |
52 | HUMPTY |
| Humpty—dumpty | چھوٹا اور موٹا | Every successful leader is a humpty-dumpty in Pakistan today. |
53 | HUNT |
| Hunt the letter | تجنیس حرفی پر اثر ہونا | Good poets do not hunt the letter. |
| Hunt up | تلاش کرنا | Hunt up one who can help you. |
54 | HURRY |
| Hurry—scurry | بے ترتیبی اور تیزی | You can achieve no peace in hurry-scurry. |
| Hurry up | جلدی کرنا | Please hurry up lest you are late. |
55 | HUSH |
| Hush up | خاموش ہونا | Please hush up. |