1 | EAGLE |
| Eagle -eyed | ہوشیار | Nothing can remain secret before the eagle-eyed Income Tax Officer. |
2 | EAR |
| Ear witness | سن کر گناہ کی گواہی دینا | There was no eye witness to the murder but there was at least an ear witness, a blind man in the house. |
| About one’s cars | ہر طرف | The houses fell about my ears. |
| Be all ears | پوری توجہ دینا | When someone speaks to you, be all ears. |
| Give ears | متوجہ ہونا | When I speak to you, please give ear. |
| Go in at one ear and out at the other | دھیان نہ دینا ایک کان سے سننا دوسرے کان سے نکال دینا | Let us go in at one ear and out at the other in this affair. |
| Lend an ear | سننے کا خواہشمند | When you are free from your work, please lend me an ear. |
| Over head and ears | سننا | I found the boy over head and ears in study. When her mother died, the boy was over head and cars in sorrow. |
| Tickle the ears of | خو کرنا، خوشامد کرنا | This news vill surely tickle the ears of Arshad. |
| To turn a deaf ear | سننے سے انکار کرنا | She turned a deaf ear to all he said. |
| Walls have ears | دیواروں کے کان ہوتے ہیں | Speak gently because the walls have ears. |
3 | EARLY |
| Early and late | ہر وقت | My friends are most welcome to visit me early and late. |
| To come to an early grave | جلدی شروع کرنے والا کامیاب ہوتا ہے۔ | Nasir’s father came to an early grave. |
| Keep early hours | جلدی سونا اور جلدی اٹھنا | Old men keep early hours. |
4 | EASE / EASY |
| Ease off | آہستہ آہستہ سست پڑ جانا | All agitations ease off in the due course of time. |
| Easy money | محنت کے بغیر حاصل کردہ روپیہ | Everybody wants easy money now-a-days. |
| Easy Street | آرام و آسائش کی حالت | Everybody wants to be in an easy Street now-a-days |
| Take it easy | بے آرام جلدی میں نہ ہونا | There is ample time to catch the train. Please take it easy. |
| Take one’s ease | اپنے آپ کو آرام دہ بنانا | Take your ease in my house. |
| Easy and free | مال مفت دل بے رحم | Our officer is easy and free. |
5 | EAT |
| Eat one’s words | شرمندگی اٹھانا | Those who quite often cat their words are not trusted by their friends. |
| Eat out | کھانے پینے کی اشیاء ختم کرنا | Let us eat out the breakfast. Let your gossip not eat out my studies. |
| Eat up | جذب کرنا | They ate up the whole dinner. Do not be eaten up with studies. |
| To eat humble pie | ذلیل ہونا، خفت اٹھانا | Do not be arrogant lest you may have to eat the humble pie very soon. |
6 | ECHO |
| Cheer to the echo | دل سے تالیاں بجانا | When the Prime Minister spoke to the Punjab University students, they cheered to the echo. |
| Economy of truth | جھوٹ | Your letter enjoys economy of truth. |
8 | EDGE |
| On edge | امید رکھنا | The nation was on edge when Pakistan got her independence of August 14,1947. |
| Set on edge | خطر ناک معاملات سے بے پرواہی سے نپٹنا | The liberation of Kashmir will set the nation on edge. |
| Set one’s teeth on edge | پر جوش کرنا | The battle of waterloo set Napoleon’s teeth on edge. |
| General effect | عمومی اثر | What is the general effect to your commitments? |
| Give effect to | عمل کرنا | The law must be given effect to. |
| In effect | در حقیقت | In effect, Quaid was the supreme ruler of Pakistan. |
| Take effect | کام شروع کرنا | This notification had taken effect last year. |
9 | EFFIGY |
| To burn in effigy | پتلا جلانا | Those who rise to power quite often see themselves burnt in effigy. |
10 | EGG |
| A bad egg | بے کار شخص | A disobedient student is a bad egg. |
| A good egg | ابتدائی مرحلے میں | The Pakistan State Life Insurance Policy is good egg. |
11 | ELGHT |
| An eight days | ایک ہفتہ | I lived with Dr. Suhail an eight days. |
| Figure of eight | 8 کی شکل کی تصویر | They made a figure of eight in skating. |
12 | ELBOW |
| At one’s elbow | بہت ہی قریب | She kept ample money at her elbow. |
| Bend, crook, or life the elbow | بہت زیادہ شراب نوشی کرنا | Those who lift the elbow come to a trouble. |
| Out at elbow | پھٹے پرانے کپڑوں میں | The philosophers are out at elbow. |
| Out at elbow | مکمل طور پر | I am down in work up to the elbow. |
13 | ELDER |
| Elder hours | رات دس بجے سے پہلے کا وقت | They played card games in elder hours. |
14 | EL DORADO |
| El dorado | جنت | Modern youth try to reach El Dorado without work. |
| Electric blue | نیلا رنگ | I had the wall of my verandah painted electric blue. |
| In the elements | بہت خوش | I found Shahid in the elements. |
| war of eliments | بڑا طوفان | In Fiji Island there has been a war of elements. |
| White elephant | فائدے سے زیادہ نقصان پہنچانے والی چیز | To keep a big house is to maintain a white elephant. |
18 | ELEVEN |
| Eleven and twenty long | بالکل صحیح | Your score in life is eleven and twenty long. |
| Eleventh hour | عین وقت پر | The police caught the robbered handded at the eleventh hour. |
20 | ELF |
| ELflock | بالوں کی لٹ | My wife has an elegant elflock. |
| Elf struck | سحر زدہ | That lady elf struck me completely. |
21 | ELFISH |
| ELfish- selfish | خوبصورت اور خود غرض | Rashida was elfish-selfish. |
22 | ELIXIR |
| Elixir of life | آب حیات | Hope is the only elixir of life in the modem world. |
23 | EMERALD |
| Emerald type | چھوٹی جسامت | This book is not intended to be printed in emerald type. |
24 | EMPLOY |
| In the employ of | کا ملازم ہونا | I am in the employ of Kamal Junior Model School, Lahore. |
25 | EMPTY |
| Empty- handed | کوئی تحفہ نہ لانا | He came back from his friend’s house empty-handed. |
26 | END |
| At a loose end | بے کار، بے روزگار | Millions in Pakistan are at a loose end. |
| Be the end of | خاتمہ کا باعث بننا | Let agriculture be the end of our economic troubles. |
| Get hold of the wrong end of the stick | بڑی غلط فہمی | To hold Majid responsible for the murder of Salma is to get hold of the wrond end of the stick. |
| In the end | آخر میں | In the end, he must hold it responsible for the economic strain of Pakistan today. |
| Make both ends meet | بمشکل گزارہ کرنا | Happy is the man who can make both ends meet gracefully. |
| No end | بہت زیادہ | There is no end of trials and troubles today. |
| Odds and ends | بالکل سیدھا | He told me about the odds and ends of his business. |
| Place on end | متفرقہ اشیاء | Place the newspaper on end of his business. |
| World without end | مقصد حاصل کرنا | We wanted the world without end. |
| Come to an end | ہمیشہ کے لئے | My motor engine has come to an end. |
| To put an end to | تھک جانا | Lawlessness among students must be put an end to. |
| To gain one’s own ends | روکنا | Some people do help only to gain their own ends. |
| To end in smoke | اپنا مقصد پورا کرنا | All his efforts ended in smoke. |
27 | ENGROSS |
| Engrossed in | منہمک | You are engrossed in her love. |
28 | ENOUGH |
| Enough and otspare | کافی مقدار میں | I have money enough and to spare. |
29 | ENTER |
| Enter a protest | تحریر کرنا | People made a mistake when they did not enter a protest against tax authorities. |
30 | EPITOME |
| In epitome | چھوٹے پیمانے پر | The troubles of Pakistan are the troubles of the world in epitome. |
31 | EPOCH |
| Epoch-making | ترقی کے لئے مخصوص وقت | We are living in an epoch-making era. |
32 | EQUAL |
| To have no equal | مخالف کے بغیر | So far as tragic acting is concerned, Shamim Ara had no equal. |
| Equal to the occasion | کسی بھی ہنگامی صورتحال کے لئے مناسب | The Pakistan Army has proved itself equal to the occasion in the recent Indian aggression. |
33 | ERRAND |
| A fool’s errand | بے مقصد سفر | My visit to my friend for money was a fool’s errand. |
| A sleeveless errand | احمق کا پیغام | Your search for name and fame is a sleeveless errand. |
| Make an errand | جانے کا بہانہ تراشنا | You can always make an errand for going home. |
| Run errand | جھوٹے موٹے کام | Children love to run errands. |
| lo go on errand | پیغام رسائی کرنا | He went on an errand to the Prime Minister. |
34 | ESTATE |
| The fourth estate | احتیاط | The fourth estate is the most important in democratic countries but of no importance in totalitar nations. |
| The eternities | اٹل حقیقت | Democracy can be successfully run only by due esteem of the eternities. |
36 | EVE |
| One the eve of | کچھ کرنے کے وقت | He worked hard on the eve of examination. |
| Daughter of the eve | عورت | The daughter of the eve is an essential part of the Universe. |
| Born of eve | ہراساں | Very few born of eve can resist the temptation of food. |
37 | EVEN |
| Even date | ایک ہی تاریخ | Thanks for your letter on February 17 and I draw your kind attention to my letter of even date. |
| Even now | ابھی تک | I met her even now. |
38 | EVENING |
| The evening Star | زوال | It is now the evening star of her beauty. |
| The evening of life | بڑھانا | My father is now enjoying the evening of life. |
39 | EVER |
| Ever so | کسی حد تک | He will do for her anything ever so. |
| The Ever-lasting | خدا | The ever-lasting knows better. |
| Ever green | ہمیشہ تروتازہ | The recollections of your kindness shall remain ever green in my mind. He worked hard every whit. |
40 | EVERY |
| Every bit, whit | مکمل پورا | He was every bit a gentleman. |
| Every here and there | ہر طرف بکھرا | You find flowers in Lahore every here and there. |
| Every mother’s son | ہر کوئی | Every mother’s son should fast one day in the week for health. |
| Every now and again | کبھی کبھار | We face troubles every now and again. |
| Every so often | ہر دوسرے | He phones to me every so often. |
| Every which way | ہر طرف | You come across troubles every which way. |
41 | EVIL |
| The evil one | شیطان | Beware of the evil one in your daily life. |
| Speak evil of | کسی کی برائی بیان کرنا | Don’t speak evil of your friends. |
| An evil-minded | بد معاش | Beware of evil-minded persons. |
42 | EXAMPLE |
| To set a good example | اچھی مثال قائم کرنا | Our leader should themselves get good examples in serving the people; others will naturally follow. |
| To make and example | سزا دینا | The court should make an example of terrorists. |
| With the exception of | سوائی | Every boy will attend the party with the exception of Arshad. |
44 | EXCESS |
| Carry to excess | بہت زیادہ کرنا | Do not carry even good ideas to excess. |
| In the excess of | سے زیادہ | You have money in excess. |
| In exchange | متبادل | You may take my book in exchange of your pen. |
| Make an exhibition of oneself | احمقانہ طرز عمل احتیاط کرنا، مذاق بننا | Those who create wonderful pro gramnies in computer software’s make an exhibition of their items. |
47 | EXPENSE |
| At the expense of | کی قیمت پر | Do not earn wealth at the expense of your health. |
48 | EXPRESS |
| Express oneself | اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرنا | You must express yourself clearly calmly and correctly. |
49 | EXTENT |
| A vast extent of marsh | بے کار چیز | Today, the manifesto of the political parties in Pakistan is a vast extent of marsh. |
| To a great extent | بہت حد تک | You are responsible to a great extent for theat error. |
50 | EXTREME |
| Go to the extreme | بہت آگے تک جانا | The government dare not go to the extreme against Sugail. |
| In the extreme | آخر میں | In Quetta winter is cold in the extreme. |
| The last extremity | بدقسمتی کا انتہائی درجہ | Hunger is the last extremity of economic misery. |
51 | EYE |
| All my eye | دھوکہ فریب پوری توجہ دینا | Your greatness is all my eye. |
| Be all eyes | نشہ کا عادی | Be all eyes to your superiors. |
| Be a sheet in the wind’s eye | دیکھنا | With all your glory do not be a sheet in the wind’s eye. |
| Clap, lay, set, eye on | شدت سے رونا | He clapped his eyes on the girl. He laid his eyes on the purse. |
| Cry on’s eyes out | پورا بدلہ | When someone had died, there is no use crying your eyes out. |
| Eye for eye | سورج | Eye for eye is the doctrine of Islam. |
| Eye of day | متوجہ ہونا | Let us enjoy the beauty of the eye of day |
| Give an eye to | منتظر ہونا | Every youth gives an eye to the pretty girls. |
| In eye | تصور میں | Keep the baby in eye. |
| In one,s mind’s eye | ہوا کے مخالف | He has risen high in his mind’s eye. |
| In the wind’s eye | پوری طرح مشاہدہ کرنا | It is hard to drive your scooter in the wind’s eye. |
| Keep one’s eye on | کسی کو حیران کردینا | You must keep your eye on the growing child. |
| Make a person open his eyes | محبت بھری نظروں دیکھنا | The loss of by-elections must be a lesson to make the ruling party open its eyes. |
| Make eyes at | احتیاط کرو | The youth enjoy making eyes at each other. |
| Mind your eye | کسی کو وہ کچھ دکھانا جو وہ نہ جانتا ہو | Mind your eye least you cause an accident. |
| Open a person’s eve | رونا | hunger, unemployment and corruption have opened the eves of the youth today. |
| Pipe, or put a finger in the eye | آسانی | If you have lost your purse, don’t pipe your eye. |
| See withe half an eye | سیدہ دیکھنا ایک طرح سوچنا | One can sec with half an eye the coming troubles of our country. |
| Throw sheep’s eyes at | شرماتے ہوئے محبت سے دیکھنا | She threw sheep’s eyes at her lover. |
| Turn a blind eye on | نہ دیکھنے کا بہانہ کرنا | Hassan came to trouble because he turned a blind eye on his Sons. |
| Up to the eye | بھرپور ملوث ہونا | Shahid is up to the eyes in power politics. |