1 | DAGGER |
| At dagger’s drawn | خون کے پیاسے | Iraq and USA are at dagger’s drawn. |
| Look daggers | کھاجانے والی نظروں سے | She looked daggers at her stepson. |
| Sword of Damocles | خطرے کی تلوار | The Pakistan- China alliance is a sword of Damocles hanging over India. |
3 | DAMP |
| To strike a damp into | حوصلہ توڑنا | I don’t know why some parents strike a damp into the heart of their children in doing some initiative work. |
| To damp the enthusiasm | ہمت پست کرنا | Your working have damped the enthusiasm of the whole society. |
4 | DANCE |
| Dance a bear | ریچھ کا ناچ | The circus master danced a bear. |
| Dance attendance on | چاپلوسی | Please dance attendance on ministers. |
| Dance upon nothing | پھانسی لگنا | King Charles danced upon nothing. |
| Lead one a dance | غلط راہ پر لگانا | He led the detective a dance. |
5 | DANDY |
| Handy Pandy jack-a-Dandy | بے وقوف دوست | Every university student is a Handy Pandy jack-a-Dandy. |
6 | DANGER |
| Danger line | خطرے کا نشان | The more ambitious a person is the quicker he reaches the danger line. |
7 | DARE |
| I dare say | کہہ سکتا ہوں | I dare say he is a good boy. |
8 | DARK |
| Dark horse | ایسا گھوڑا جس کی صلاحیتوں کا علم نہ ہو | There are many a dark horse in the ruling party. |
| Dark continent | افریقہ | There is much light in the Dark Continent. |
| Darken one’s door | ملاقات کرنا | Please do darken my door. |
| Keep dark | خاموش ہونا | It is best to keep dark about political conspiracies. |
| Keep it dark | چھپانا | Please keep it dark. |
| Prince of darkness | کوئی علم نہ ہونا | Let not the prince of darkness take you. |
| A leap in the dark | نا معلوم خطرہ | China’s attack on India was a leap in the dark. |
| The dark ages | تاریخ کا ابتدائی زمانہ | During the dark ages, a man had very limited wants. |
9 | DASH |
| Dash off | جلدی سے تیار کرنا | I can dash of a sonnet. |
| Dash out | شکست دے دینا | She has dashed out her enemies one by one. |
| To dash one’s hopes | لسی کو مکمل نا امید کر دینا | You own action is responsible for dashing your hopes. |
| Dash of good blood | اچھی خصوصیات ہونا | Majid does not have dash of good blood in him. |
| To cut a dash | اہم کار کردگی | Pasha cut a dash in his last performance in Lahore. |
10 | DATE |
| Out of date | پرانا | My type writer is out of date now. |
| Up to date | جدید | Newspapers keep you up to date. |
11 | DAY |
| Call it a day | روانہ ہونا | Let us call it a day and go home now. |
| Day by day | روزانہ | Prices are rising day by day. |
| Day in and day out | لمبے عرصے سے | I have been writing books day in and day out. |
| Day off | ایک کی چھٹی | Please take a days off and have some rest. |
| Day out | ملازم کی چھٹی کا دن | It is a day out for our cook. |
| Days of grace | بلوں کی ادائیگی کےلئے مخصوص دن | Do pay your bills in the days of grace. |
| One of these days | مستقبل قریب کسی وقت | We are going to meet one of these days. |
| See daylight | مشکل مسئلہ کو سمجھنا | I have just begun to see daylight about Pakistan’s problems. |
| Win the day | فتح | Napoleon won the day. |
| Day of doom | روز قیامت | A thief should never forget the day of doom. |
| To lose the day | جنگ ہار جانا | At last India lost its day to China. |
| D-day | قیامت کا دن | July 4th is a D-day for Englishmen in America. |
12 | DEAD |
| Dead as a door- nail | بالکل پردہ | I found him dead-as a door nail. |
| Deak language | متروک زبان | Sanskrit is not a dead language. |
| Deadly sin | گناہ عظیم | There is no deadly sin now-a-days. |
| Sead set against | کے بالکل مخالف | Javed is dead set against Shahid. |
| Put the dead wood on | فائدہ حاصل کرنا | He put the dead wood on his closest friends. |
| Dead drunk | نشے میں دھت | He came dead drunk before his wife. |
| Dead loss | مکمل نقصان | The books soiled in rain are a dead loss to us. |
| At dead of night | آدھی رات | The thieves stole away the whole cash at dead of night. |
| A dead- letter | متروک قانون | Why do you rely on what is a dead letter now. |
13 | DEAF |
| To be deaf to | توجہ نہ دینا | He is a deaf to my suggestions. |
| Deaf-nut | بے موج | I can assure you, the business you have started is going to be beaf-nut. |
| To give a deaf ear to | بے قدری کرنا | He gave a deaf ear to the professor’s lecture. |
14 | DEAL |
| Deal in | کاروبار کرنا | He deals in cloth. |
| Deal out | تقسیم کرنا | Please deal out the cards properly. |
15 | DEATH |
| At death’s door | موت کے قریب | I found him at death’s door. |
| Death on | مہلک | Liquor was death on him. |
| Put to death | قتل کر دینا | The minister put his king to death. |
| Jaes of death | موت کی دہلیز پر | I found her in the jaws of death. |
| To death | آخر تک | They delayed to death. |
| At death’s door | مزے کے قریب | He was at death’s door last Sunday. |
| To be sick unto death | تھکا ہوا | I am quite sick unto death for any more service. |
16 | DEBT |
| Debt of honour | واجب قرض | Every debt of honour must be paid. |
| In one’s debt | ممنون ہونا | It is best to be not in anyone’s debt. |
| Floating debt | عوامی قرضہ | Pakistan is under heavy floating debt. |
| Debt of nature | موت | Everybody has to pay the debt of nature. |
17 | DECLARE |
| Declare off | دستبردار ہونا | He declared off early in the game. |
18 | DECOY |
| Decoy duck | دوسروں کو دھوکہ دینے میں مصروف | Police employ decoy ducks to entice criminals. |
19 | DEEP |
| In deep waters | مشکلات میں | Good men are in deep waters but all men in deep waters are not good. |
20 | DEFAULT |
| Judgment by default | بحث کے فقدان کے باعث غلط فیصلہ | It was a judgment by default that ruined him. |
21 | DEFECT |
| Defects of one’s qualities | خوبیوں کے باوجود نقائص | Only morally strong men can be non-violent and cowardice is certainly not a defect of their quality. |
22 | DEFENCE |
| Stand on the defensive | اپنا تحفظ کرنا | In arguing the import licence scandal the Prime Minister stood on the defensive in the National Assembly. |
| In defence of | کی حمایت میں | We are in defence of Kashif to select him as our leader. |
| Deficiency desease | اہم عنصر کا فقدان | Pakistan’s economy is a victim of deficiency disease. |
24 | DEGREE |
| By degree | آہستہ آہستہ | You can reach the top of the ladder in your career degree. |
| Forbidden degress | خونی رشتے میں شادی جائز نہیں | The marriage of brother’s son and sister’s daughter is not forbidden degrees. |
| Third degree | جسمانی اذیت سے جرم کا اعتراف کرانا | Third degree methods are customary rather than exceptional with police all over the world. |
| Third degree | بڑی حد تک | The Peoples Party has failed to deliver the goods to a degree; and hence frustration dules supreme in the nation. |
25 | DELIVER |
| Deliver the goods | وعدہ پورا کرنا | After her “Ghurbat Metaoo” manifesto which won her sweeping elections? Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto could not succeed in delivering the goods. |
26 | DEMAND |
| In great demand | بہت قید ہونا | Wherever a minister or a millionaire goes, he is in great demand. |
| Line of demarcation | سرحد | N.E.F.A is a is a line of demarcation between India and Pakistan. |
| Democrat wagon | مشہور کھیل | Every leader fights for a seat in the democrat wagon. |
29 | DENY |
| Deny oneself | رشوت سے انکار | Great leaders must deny themselves comforts and luxuries to set a right example before the masses. |
30 | DEPART |
| The departed | مرحوم | May God the departed soul resting peace!. |
31 | DEPTH |
| The depth bomb | پانی کے سطح کے نیچے پھٹنے والا طاقتور بم | The loss of every by-election is a depth bomb for the ruling party, because it makes its position precarious. |
32 | DESCEND |
| To descend upon | جملہ کرنا | India is on the lood-out descend upon Pakistan. |
| Destination moon | بہت مشکل میں | To become a minister or millionaire is a destination moon for millions of people. |
34 | DEVIL |
| Between the deli and the deep sea | دونوں طرف سے مشکل میں | Quite often, even a successful politician finds himself between the devil and the deep sea. |
| Devil a bit, one, thing | بالکل نہیں | If you don’t come, I don’t care devil a bit. |
| Devil of a mess | بہت بڑی الجھن | World currency today is devil of a mess. One who glorifies corruption is a devil’s advocate. |
| Devil’s advocate | برے کام کا حمایتی | One who glorifies corruption is a devil’s advocate. |
| Devil’s dozen | تیرہ | Give me a devil’s dozen of your best books. |
| Devil to pay | چھپائی کی غلطی | If we do not rectify our economy we have a devil to pay. |
| The devil of | نا پسندیدہ شخص | He is the devil of director. |
| The devil among | پریشان | I knew there was the devil among the gathering. |
35 | DEW |
| With the des on | بالکل تازہ | She bought vegetables with the dew on. |
36 | DIAMOND |
| Diamond cut diamond | لوہا لوہے کو کاٹتا ہے | The Peoples Party and the Muslim League are diamond cut diamond in Pakistan. |
| Black diamond | کوئلہ | Black diamond is available in abundance in America. |
37 | DEVOID |
| To be devoid of reason | بے وقوف ہونا | Are you devoid of all reason? |
38 | DEVOUR |
| To devour the way | تیزی سے جانا | The camels devoured the way quickly. |
39 | DIE |
| Die back | بتدریج مرنا | My brother was dying back for a year before the end came. |
| Die away | آہستہ آہستہ غائب ہو جانا | The noise died away in the distance. Many events of history just die away. |
| Die down | | All agitation die down in the course of time. |
| Die game | آخر تک ہمت قائم رکھنا | All great men die game. |
| Die hard | موت سے لڑنا | Pakistan’s economic ills will die hard. |
| Die off | تیزی سے یا بڑی تعداد میں مرنا | With large doses of DDT, mosquitoes die off. |
| Die out | معدوم ہو جانا | Honesty is dying out in the world. With large-scale building activities in the cities, vegetation is dying Out. |
| To die with one | ختم ہو جانا | Nazi secrets died with Hitler. |
| To die hard | بہت مشکل سے ختم ہونا | Old habits die hard. |
| To die in harness | کام کرتے ہوئے مرنا | Quaid-e-Azam died in harness. |
| To die daily | روحانی موت مرنا | He dies daily |
40 | DIFFER |
| To agree to diffar | ایک دوسرے کو قائل کرنے کی کوشش ترک کر دینا | Nadeem and Bilal agreed to differ. Mazhar and his son agreed to differ. |
| Make difference between | فرق رکھنا | Let us not make a difference between the poor and the rich. |
51 | DIG |
| Dig in | سخت محنت کرنا | The deal was dug in. You must dig in to win success. After long battle the army dug in. |
| Dig up | کھود کر نکالنا | Let us not dig up old differences. |
| To dig at | کے خلاف بیان دینا | It does not pay to dig at your elders. |
52 | ILEMMA |
| On the horns of a dilemma | دونوں طرف سے شکار میں ہونا | Unable to resign or justify his position, the president found himselfonthe horns ofa dilemna. |
53 | DINT |
| By dint of | کی طاقت کے ذریعے | Sohail was able to get that job by dint of his uncle’s influence. |
54 | DIP |
| Dip into | اچھی طرح چھان بین کرنا | Dip into thoroughly and then start a suitable business. |
| To dip into the future | آنے والے واقعات کے بارے میں سوچنا | On completing his education career, he has dip into the future for service. |
55 | DIRT |
| To eat dirt | بے عزتی برداشت کرنا | An honourable man never eats dirt. |
| To throw dirt at | گالی دینا | Do not throw dirt at others. |
56 | DISCARD |
| Throw into the discard | کوڑے کے ڈھیر پر پھینکنا | Old men with energy, knowledge and experience cannot be easily thrown into the discard. |
57 | DISCORD |
| Apple of discord | وجہ نزاع | Money was the apple of discord among brothers. |
| A voyage of discovery | نئے خیالات کا اجتماع | Ayub Khan’s visit to China was voyage of descovery. |
| Be at one’s discretion | مکمل طور پر کسی کے کنٹرول میں ہونا | The President can declare emergency in the country at his discretion. |
| At discretion | کسی سے اندازے کے مطابق | The magistrate decided the matter at discretion. |
| At the discretion of | کی مرضی سے | At ihe discretion of God, they have been blessed with a son. |
| A blessing in disguise | چھپی ہوئی نعمت | An employer’s harsh treatment sometimes proves blessing in disguise to an employee. |
60 | DISMAL |
| Dismal science | سیاسی معاشیات | You find many leaders sunk in the dismal science. |
61 | DISPUTE |
| Beyond, without, dispute | یقینا | The leadership of the Prime Minister is beyond dispute. |
| Dossplved in tears | بے تحاشا رونا | The boy was dissolved in tears. |
| Keep one at a distance | اپنے سے دور رکھنا | Mrs. Bhutto keeps most of her supporters at a distance. |
| Within striking distance | بہت نزدیک | Both the enemies were standing within striking distance. |
| Kistinction without difference | بہت تھوڑا فرق | It is hardly a distinction without difference for me whether you stay here in the night or not. |
65 | DIVINE |
| Divine service | عوامی خدمت | My father is devoting his major time in divine service. |
66 | DIZZY |
| To make dizzy | حیران کر دینا | Salma made the whole audience dizzy. |
67 | DO |
| Be done | ختم ہونا | The marriage is done. |
| Do away with | تباہ کر دینا، ختم کر دینا | Let us do away with dowry. Evils must be clone away with. |
| Do in | دھوکہ دینا ، تھکا دینا،قتل کرنا | You cannot do me in by clever talk. The man was done in by his friends. The work has not yet been done in. |
| Do to death | قتل کرنا | The doctors did my brother to death. |
| Do with | کا استعمال کرنا | Can you do with this pencil? Nothing doing with my business. I’ll manage to do on with anybody. |
| Have to do with | کسی بھی طرح کا تعلق ہونا | I have nothing to do with you. What have you to do with her? |
| To do in the eye | دھوکہ دینا | The quality of a thief lies in doing in the eye. |
| To do as the RO mans do | ما حال کے موافق بنانا | When the Rome do as the Romans do. |
68 | DOG |
| Dog’s age | لمبا عرصہ | We have not met since a dog’s age. |
| Go to the dogs | برباد ہو جانا | Since the achievement of independence in 1947, India has gone to the dogs. |
| To lead a dog’s life | ذلت آمیز زندگی گزارنا | Millions in India today are leading a dog’s Life. |
| Dog of war | ترک کر دینا | The plague has left the dog of war. |
| To throw to dogs | قربان کر دینا | Allama Iqbal threw his whole life to the dogs. |
| Dog cheap | بہت سستا | Mangoes are dog cheap in Pakistan. |
69 | DOLLAR |
| Almighty dollar | دولت کی طاقت | Almighty dollar rules the world. |
70 | DONE |
| Done for, out, up | سخت تھکا ہوا | I completely done up with my routine of writing books. |
71 | KONKEY |
| Donkey work | مشقت محنت | All life is a donkey work. |
| Donkey’s years | لمبا عرصہ | It is strange that we have not met a donkey’s years. |
| Dooms day | روز قیامت ہمیشہ کے لئے | His habits are not going to change till doomsday. |
73 | DOOR |
| Next door to | قریب | The feverish patient was next door to Lunack |
| Out of door | کھلی ہوا میں | Men who work out of doors enjoy good health. |
| Show one the door | گھر سے نکالنا | If the servant does not work faithfully, show him the door. |
| At death’s door | مرنے کے قریب | He is at the death’s door now-a-days. |
74 | DOUBLE |
| Double dealer | دھوکہ باز شخص | He is a double dealer. |
| Double-minded | غیر فیصلہ کن | You are always double-minded in selecting your career. |
| Double-faced | جھوٹا | I am not going to agree to your this double-faced argument. |
75 | DOWN |
| Down and Out | وسائل ختم ہونے کے قریب ہونا | I was down and out when he came to my help. |
| Down in the mouth | مایوس ہونا | The Indian soldiers in Kashmir are down in the mouth. |
| Down on one’s luck | بد قسمت | Nobody helps when one is down on one’s luck. |
| Down to the ground | مکمل طور پر | The house was burnt down to the ground. |
| Down under | مخالف مقامات پر | Many men are flourishing down under. |
| Up and down | ادھر ادھر | I walked the whole day up and down. |
| Ups and downs | بد قسمتی | There are many ups and downs in the life of a man. |
| To hiss down | خاموشی | I request you to hiss down. |
| To send down | سزا دینا | The thief has been sent down. |
| Down-hearted | مایوس/پست ہمت | He is bound to be down-hearted after losing his job. |
| To grind down | طاقت سے امن قائم کرنا | The days of grinding down have gone. |
76 | DRAG |
| To drag in | تعارف کرانا | The company is going to drag in a new cigarette in the market next month. |
77 | DRAUGHT |
| To suffer the draught | بد ترین حالات کا سامنا کرنا | His bad behaviour will make him suffer the draught one day. |
78 | DRAW |
| At daggers drawn | کھلم کھلا دشمن | India and Pakistan are at daggers drawn with each other. |
| Draw a blank | کوئی فائدہ حاصل نہ ہونا | In his struggle for higher life, the modern man quite often draws blank. |
| Draw in | کم کرنا/چھوٹا کرنا | The cotton cloth draws in after washing. |
| Draw it fine | بہت نفیس ہونا | Few folk draw it fine now-a-days. |
| Draw near | نزدیک ہونا | My birthday is drawing near. |
| Draw on | کھینچنا / پہنچانا | They drew on the quilt. |
| Draw on one’s imagination | تصوراتی یا جھوٹی بات کرنا | A good historian does not draw on his imagination. |
| Draw on one’s memory | یاد کرنے کی کوشش کرنا | Draw upon your memory and let us know where you were born. |
| Draw the cloth, board, table | کھانے کے بعد جگہ صاف کرنا | When the guests left, the hostess drew the cloth. |
| Draw the long bow | شیخی بگھارنا/بڑھا کر بات بیان کرنا | In police company do not draw the long bow. |
| Draw the line | حد ڈھونڈنا | Before you open a bottle of Liquor, draw the line. |
| Draw to a head | باقائدہ ترتیب دینا/مخصوص شکل میں کاٹنا | No deal of Dr. Ars had has yet drawn to the head. |
| In drawing | صحیح بنی ہوئی | The contract agreement is in drawing. |
| Out of drawing | غلط بنی ہوئی | This portrait is out of drawing. |
| Out of the top drawer | اعلیٰ درجے کا | This fruit is out of the top drawer. |
| Dreamland | کسی کے خابوں کی حد | Managership in a big hotel is my dreamland. |
80 | DRESS |
| Dressed day | تین روزہ دورے کا دوسرا دن | He went to see his aunt on the dressed day. |
| Dress up | خاص طور پر تیار ہونا | The bridegroom was dressed up. |
| Evening dress, Full dress | رات کے کھانے پر پہنا جانے والا لباس | Most hotels permit clients only in evening dress. |
| Dripping roast | مسلسل اور آسان نفع کا ذریعہ | Let Salma Restaurant be a dripping roast. |
82 | DROP |
| A drop in the bucket | بہت کم مقدار | American help to Pakistan is a drop in the bucket. |
| Drop out | غائب ہو جانا | Many students who do not do well at studies drop out. |
| Drop down | دور تک بہری سفر کرنا | All the friends dropped down in a ship. |
| Drop in | کبھی کبھار آنا | Please drop in when you arein the town. |
| Drop off | سوجانا | Many passengers drop off in the bus. |
| Get the drop on one | گولی مارنے کے لئے تیار ہونا | They get the drop on the lamb rather than a lion. |
| To drop a hint | اشارہ دینا | I have dropped a hint that they are going to dismiss you from service. |
| To drop on one’s knees | عاجز ہونا | One must drop on one’s knee before God. |
| To drop are mark | کبھی کبھی بولنا | They are only dropping a remark now-a-days. |
| To take a drop | پانی پینا/مشروب پینا | Let us take a drop. |
83 | DROWN |
| Drown out | سیلاب سے | The whole village has been drowned out. |
84 | DRY |
| To dry up | مکمل خشک کرنا | Dry up the fruit before packing. |
| High and dry | تنہا / اکیلا | The USA wants to leave India high and dry. |
| Dry facts | غیر دلچسپ خیالات | Please do not bore me with your dry in India now-a-days. |
| To go dry | پانی کے بغیر | Many cities have gone dry in India now-a-days. |
| Dry as dust | فضول | The picture was absolutery dry as dust. |
| Dry beat | اچھی طرح پیٹنا لیکن خون نہ نکلنا | The thief was given a dry beat. |
85 | DUCK |
| Duck diamond | محبوبہ | I can give up everything for my duck diamond. |
| To break one’s duck | کر کٹ میں رنز | The young cricketer has Just brokent his duck. |
| Lame duck | ناقابل | A dismissed minister is a lame duck. |
| Like a dying duck | دیوالیہ | Pakistani economy is like a dying duck. |
86 | DUE |
| Give the devil his due | برے شخص کو بھی اس کا حق دو | The Prime Minister of Pakistan knows to give the devil his due. |
87 | DUEL |
| Hail the duel | کھیل میں گول کرنا | The Indian team failed to hail the duel. |
88 | DULL |
| Dull brained | بیوقوف آدمی | Do not talk to him, he is dull brained. |
89 | DUST |
| Bite the dust | خود داری کو صدمہ پہنچنا | She made him bite the dust. |
| Dust one’s jacket | تشدد سے اپنا نظریہ منوانا | A good teacher quite often dusts the jackets of his pupils. |
90 | DUTCH |
| Dutch comfort | اللہ کا شکر ہے اتنا ہی کافی ہے | Many men in misery still cling on dutch comfort. |
| Talk like a dutch uncle | جھڑکنا | Please don’t talk to me like a Dutch uncle. |