| Caesarian operation | بچے کی پیدائش آپریشن کے بعد | Junaid was born through a Caesarian operation. |
2 | CAKE |
| Cakes and ale | زندگی کی اچھی چیزیں | A few men have cakes and ale in the world while many do not have even dry bread and water. |
| Eat one’s cake and have ft too | دو چیزوں کا فائدہ لینا | A lot of rich people eat the cake and have it too. |
| Take the cake | عزت دار | Mr. Faheem has taken the cake. |
| Apiece of cake | بہت آسان | Life these days is not a piece of cake. |
3 | CALF |
| Golden calf | دولت کی پوجا | Many people to-day worship the golden calf. |
4 | CALL |
| At call | ہر وقت موجود | For fortunate notable people money is at call. |
| Call attention | یادکرنا یا کروانا | Let me call attention to your childhood days when your condition was miserable. |
| Call cousins | دعویٰ | Let us call cousins. |
| Call down | گالی گلوچ | I do not call down my friend. |
| Call for | پکارنا/دعویٰ کرنا | He called for his old debts. |
| Call forth | جگانا/ابھارنا | Let us call forth the help of gods. |
| Call in | مدد کے لئے پکارنا | Let us call in the Police. |
| Call in question | شک کرنا | People have called in question the robbery of MCB. |
| Call off | نکلوانا | The strike was hastily called off by the port labour unions. |
| Call on | ملنے جانا | Let us call on the chief Minister for help. |
| Call out | چیلنج کرنا | The Frenchman called out the English cavalier. |
| Call over | اونچا پڑھنا | He called over the register of rolls. |
| Call to mind | یاد کرنا | Let us call to mind the olden and golden days. |
| Call to order | اثر کرنا | The Speaker called the Assembly to order. |
| Call up | بلانا | All retired soldiers were called up because of war. |
| Within call | تھوڑے فاصلے پر | If you are sincere, you will always find me within call wherever I am. |
| To call bad names | گالی دینا | It is not good to call him bad names. |
| To call away | تبدیل کرنا/ہونا | His attention was called away by the appearance of a young girl. |
| To call into being | تخلیق | God has called the whole world into being. |
5 | CANDLE |
| Burn the candle at both ends | دونوں ہاتھوں سے دولت اڑانا | Please don’t burn the candle at both ends. |
| Not fit to hold a candle | مقابلے کے قابل | Mrs. Bhutto is not fit to hold a candle to Bhutto, although she bears his name. |
| Candle power | روشنی ناپنے کا پیمانہ | This is 20- candle power lamp. |
| Canine appetite | بہت زیادہ بھوک | The have-nots suffer from canine appetite. |
6 | CANVAS |
| Under canvas | خیموں میں رہنا | For years the refugees lived under canvas. |
7 | CAP |
| Feather in one’s cap | قابل فخر | Atomic tests are feather in the cap of Pervez Musharaf. |
| cap and bells | پیشہ ور مسخرے | He bears cap and bells. |
| Cap in hand | عاجزانہ | She has set her cap in hand. |
| Set one’s cap at | ڈورے ڈالنا | She has set her cap at him. |
| The cap fits | حوالہ کا مناسب ہونا | When Professor Wajid talks of dictatorship, the cap fits him. |
| Throw uo one’s cap | خوشی کا اظہار | When they won the game the children threw up their caps. |
| Cap-a-pie | سر تا پاؤں | He was a gentleman, cap-a-pie. |
| Capital error | سخت غلطی | By giving employment to that fellow you have made a capital error. |
| A capital sentence | سزائے موت | At last the court decided to bive a capital sentence to Ghazanfar for the murder of his wife. |
| Make capital out of | فائدہ لینا | A shrewd beggar makes capital out of his misfortunes. |
| Captain of industry | صنعتی ملازم {بڑا} | Don’t expect a Fovour from me, because I am not a captain of industry. |
10 | CARD |
| Cards in one’s hands | قابو میں | Shrewd business folk keep the cards in their hands. |
| Cards on the table | ذرائع وغیرہ کھلے ہونا | Quaid kept his cards on the table. |
| Knowing card | مکمل شناسا | A successful businessman is a knowing card. |
| Play one’s cards well | اچھا کام کرنا | You must play your cards well to win success. |
| Show one’s cards | راز کھولنا | Never show your cards to your competitors. |
| Speak by the card | مطلب کی بات کرنا | A great leader speaks by the card. |
| Sure card | کامیابی کا پکا ذریعہ | Money is a sure card in the world now-a-days. |
| House of cards | کمزور منصوبہ | If you work on a house of cards, you will never be successful. |
| Throw up the cards | شکست قبول کرنا | You have no way out now except to throw up your cards. |
11 | CARE |
| Take care | احتیاط کرنا | Take care lest you should fall. |
| Take care of | حفاظت / خیال کرنا | Please take care of the baby. |
12 | CARPET | | Many national problems are on the carpet in Parliament. |
| On the carpet | زیر بحث | Don’t expect a Fovour from me, because I am not a captain of industry. |
13 | CARRY |
| Cary all before one | رکاوٹیں برداشت کرنا | She carries all before him. |
| Carry away | جوشیلا کرنا | Mr. Jinnah carried away the Muslims of India. |
| Carry off | موت کی وجہ بننا | Heart trouble carried off my brother. |
| Carry on | جاری رکھنا | Who is carrying on your business? How do you carry on these days? |
| Carry one’s point | اعتراض ختم کرنا | The minister knows how to carry his point. |
| Carry out | پورا کرنا | He carried out the plan of his life. |
| Carry the day | کامیاب ہونا | It is not easy to carry day in elections. |
| Carry too far | حد سے بڑھنا | Don’t carry quarrels too far. |
| Carry Through | مشکل میں ساتھ دینا | Stamina will carry you through all obstacles. |
| Carry up | اونچی منزلیں بنانا | They intend to carry up skyscrapers in Karachi. |
| Carry weight | اثر کرنا | My advice carries no weight with the Prime Minister. |
| Put the cart before the horse | قانون فطرت کے مخالف چلنا | Don’t try to teach your father, son. That is putting cart before the horse. |
| Carte blanche | عمل کی آزادی | Do not give too much carte blanche to your subordinates. |
| Carte de visite | کارڈ پر چپکا ہوا چھوٹا پورٹریٹ | Carte de visite is not common now-a-days. |
14 | CASE |
| In any case | ہر قیمت پر | I will fight for my right in any case. |
| In case | بالفرض | Call me in case you need my help. Go slow, in case you fall. |
| In case to | صحیح حالت | He is in case to go home. |
| Make Out One's case | کسی پوزیشن کے لئے وجہ بننا | The advocate made out a good case for the client. |
| Put the case | مثال کے طور | How revolutions are born? Let us take the case of Quit India Movement. |
15 | CASH |
| In cash | پیسے والا | I am in cash now-a-days. |
| Out of cash | پیسے کے بغیر | I was out of cash yesterday. |
| hard cash | موجود پیسہ | How much hard cash do you have? |
16 | CAST |
| Cast a horoscope | زائچہ بنانا | The pundits have cast my horoscope in vain. |
| Cast abut | نظر دوڑانا | I am casting about for some money to tide over the emergency. |
| Cast anchor | بادبان ڈالنا | The ship cast anchor in Karachi. |
| Cast an eye | دیکھنا | Don’t cast an eye on beauties. |
| Cast a spell on | سحر کرنا | Asad cast a spell on the listeners. |
| Cast a vote | ووٹ دینا | Whom are you casting your vote for? |
| Cast back | واپس موڑنا | A second revolution will cast back our history since 1947. |
| Cast down | اداس | Why are you feeling cast down? |
| Cast lots | لاٹری نکالنا | Lots are cast by the Lahore Development Authority for allotment of houses. |
| Cast off | ٹھکرائے ہوئے | Shahid is wearing cast off clothes. |
| To castaglance at | دیکھنا | The whole college cast a glance at Sumaira. |
| Cast away | ضائع کرنا | I cannot afford to cast away any more money. |
17 | CARVE |
| Carve out | اپنی محنت سے حاصل کرنا | You must carve Out a nice career. |
| Cut and curve | بہتر کرنا | You must cut and carve your style. |
18 | CAT |
| Bell the cat | نا ممکن کام | Everybody wants to remove a tyrant but nobody is willing to bell the cat. |
| Catted and fished | محفوظ | After marriage a girl is catted and fished. |
| Enough to make a cat laugh | مزاحیہ | Your statement is enough to make a cat laugh. |
| Rain cats and dogs | زور کی بارش | It is raining cats and clogs outside. |
| Room to swing a cat | تھوڑی جگہ | There is not room enough to swing a cat in my house. |
| See which way the cat jumps | اونٹ کر کروٹ بیٹھتا ہے | Let us see which way the cat jumps in this matter. |
| Cat and dog life | لڑائی جھگڑا والی | All these four years, I had been living a cat and dog life with my wife. |
| To let the cat out of the bag | بھانڈا پھوڑنا | Women generally let the cat out of the bag. |
| Cat’s paw | کسی کا آلہ کار ہونا | One cannot be successful for long working on cat’s paw. |
19 | CATCH |
| Catch at | جھپٹنا | The cat caught at the rat. |
| Catch fire | آگ پکڑنا | Petroleum soon catches fire. |
| Catch hold of | دبوچنا | The constable caught hold of the thief. |
| Catch on | سمجھنا | Loose pant bottoms have catch on for boys. |
| Catch out | غلطی کرنا | The accountant was caught out. |
| Catch sight of | دیکھنا | I could not catch sight of my friend in crowd. |
| Catch up | پیچھے چھوڑنا | The car will catch up the cart. |
| To catch one’s breath | اچانک پکڑنا چیک کرنا | When the candidate was copying, the examiner caught his breath. |
20 | CAUSE |
| First cause | بنیادی وجہ | I spend most of my time in contemplating on the first cause of the universe. |
| The final cause | مقصد | Nobody knows the first or the final cause of why we are born and why we die. |
| Formal cause | کسی چیز کی وجہ | What is the bosic cause of your formal invitation?. |
| Hour of cause | کوشش کا وقت | Death is the highest hour of cause. |
| Make common cause with | مقصد کے لئےاکھٹے ہونا | The GDA had made a common cause with the Muslim League. |
| Material cause | حادثے کی وجہ | What is the martial cause of Ali murder? Nobody yet knows. |
| Show cause | وجہ | When he filed a case, he was asked to show cause. |
21 | CAVE |
| Cave in | پھسلنا | When the mine caved in many labourers died. |
| A lady of a certain age | عمر رسیدہ لیکن مناسب | A lady of a certain age dined with me last night. |
| In a certain condition | حاملہ | When I met her, she was in a certain condition. |
22 | CHALK |
| By a long chalk | بہت زیادہ فاصلہ | You cannot catch me by a long chalk. |
| Chalk out | ٹریس | I will chalk Out your career. |
| Not to know chalk from cheese | کچھ علم نہ ہونا{معاملہ کا} | So far as science is concerned, I do not know chalk from cheese. |
23 | CHANCE |
| Chance upon | اتفاق سے ملنا | How did you chance upon my address? |
| By chance | اتفاقا | I met by chance on the road. |
| Even chance | امکان ہونا | You have even chance of getting into CSS. |
| Stand a good chance | اچھ امید | You stand a good chance of winning the prize. |
| Take one’s chance | رسک لینا | When you are in trouble, you have to take a chance to get out of it. |
| To main chance | بڑا مقصد | Election is the main chance of politician. |
| An eye to the main chance | اپنا فائدہ سوچنا | A modern man never forgets to keep an eye to the main chance. |
24 | CHANGE |
| Change colour | پھیکا پڑنا، شرمانا | When you talk of marriage, the girl changes colour. |
| Change oneself | کپڑے بدلنا | Change yourself quickly for marriage. |
| Change one’s mind | رائے بدلنا ارادہ بدلنا | Strong men do not change their mind easily. |
| Change one’s tune | خوشی سے غم میں بدلنا | When there is a grief in the family, your expressions have to change your tune. |
| Put the change on | بھگانا | Please do not try to put the change on me. |
| Small change | سکے | Can you give me small change for a thousand rupee. |
25 | CHAPTER |
| to the end of the chapter | مکمل | I will be true to my principles to the end of the chapter. |
26 | CHARGE |
| Give in charge | پولیس کے حوالے کرنا | He wants to give you in charge. |
27 | CHASE |
| Wild goose chase | تلاش | Life today is a wild goose chase. |
28 | CHEAP |
| Cheap and nasty | گھٹیا اور گندہ | The birthday card she sent me was cheap and nasty. |
| Cheap jack | سستا سامان | The days of cheap jacks are over. |
| Dirt cheap | مضحکہ خیز حد تک گھٹیا | Nothing is dirt cheap now-a-days. |
| Feel cheap | بے عزتی محسوس کرنا | I feel cheap in this matter. |
| On the cheap | سستی کم قیمت پر | If you are in police, you can get everything on the cheap. |
29 | CHEAT |
| To put a cheat upon | دھوکا دینا | You cannot put a cheat upon a man of God. |
30 | CHECK |
| To keep in check | قابو میں رکھنا | Keep your children in check. |
31 | CHEEK |
| Cheek by jowl | پہلو بہ پہلو | The lovers walked cheek by jowl. |
32 | CHEER |
| Cheer up | خوشی ہونا | Cheer up! For your life is not long. |
33 | CHEF |
| Chef Oeuvre | شاہکار | This book is going to be my chef Oeuvre. |
| Chew the rag, the fat | مسئلے پر بحث کرتے رہنا | Please stop chewing the rag. Let us take dinner and go to bed now. |
34 | CHICKEN |
| Chicken-hearted | بزدل | Danish is a chicken-hearted fellow. |
35 | CHILD |
| Child’s play | آسان | CSS examination is not a Childs play. |
| From a child | بچپن سے | I know you from a child. |
| Second childhood | بڑھاپے کا بچپن | Can’t forget that we in old age pass through second childhood. |
| With child | حاملہ | The woman is with child. |
| Child wife | چھوٹی عمر کی بیوی | Nadeem was married to a child wife. |
36 | CHILL |
| Take the chill off | ہلکا گرم کرنا | Take the chill off the water, please. |
37 | CHIP |
| Chip of the old block | باپ جیسا | Your son is a chip of the old block. |
| Chip of one’s shoulders | چیلنج والا | Minister ship is a chip in your shoulders. |
| Chitty-faced | بچوں جیسا | Remember that chitty- faced girl. |
38 | CHOICE |
| For choice | ترجیح | I am an author for choice. |
| Make choice of | چننا | Make choice of the book you want. |
| Take one’s choice | اپنی خواہش حاصل کرنا | You can take your chouce here. |
39 | CHOKE |
| Choke down | کچلنا | You cannot choke down people’s difficulties. |
| Choke off | چھٹکارا پانا | You cannot choke off rising prices through punitive action. |
| Choke up | بھرا ہونا | Her heart was choked up with sorrow. |
40 | CHOOSE |
| Cannot choose | متبادل ہونا | Beggars cannot choose. |
| Not much to choose between | اچھا یا برا برابر ہونا | There is not much to choose between unemployment and cheap employment. |
| Pick and choose | بہت احتیاط سے چلنا | You cannot pick and choose your destiny. |
41 | CHOP |
| Chop in | مداخلت | Please don’t chop in when I am talking. |
| Chop up | چھوٹے ٹکڑے کرنا | Please chop up these vegetables. |
| Chop and change | خریدنا و بیچنا | Every successful man passes through chop and change before he comes to his own. |
42 | CHUCK |
| Chuck it | روکنا | Please chuck it talking and do something. |
| Chuck up | ہمت ہارنا | When tou face a stronger for, chuck up. |
| To give one the chuck | معطل کرنا | The manager gave the peon the chock. |
| Cinderella dance | آدھی رات کو ختم ہونے والی ڈانس پارٹی | Let us have Cinderella dance in the moonlight. |
| Vicious circle | شیطانی چکر | Money is an evil and yet one cannot live without money. It is all a vicious circle. |
44 | CITY |
| Eternal city | روم | Karachi is as well an eternal city as Lahore. |
45 | CLAP |
| lap- trap | واہ واہ حاصل کرنے کا طریقہ | Politics is a clap-trap. |
| Clap eyes on | نظر پڑنا | He clapped his eye on the girls. |
| Clap hands | معاہدہ کرنا | Anwar and Saqib have clapped hands. |
| Clap hold on | سختی سے پکڑنا | The constable clapped hold on the ruffians. |
| Clap up | اچانک نتیجہ نکالنا | Quaid clapped up. |
| Clap on the back | ہمت بندھانا | When Qasim passed his matric examination, his father clapped him on the back. |
46 | CLEAN |
| Clean hands | جرم وغیرہ سے پاک | No rich man has clean hands these days. |
| Clean slate | آغاز کرنا | Write your life on a clean slate from tomorrow. |
| Come clean | غلطی ماننا | She came clean in court and was Stuck. |
| To make a clean breast of | فراخدلی سے اعتراف کرنا | I am ready to make a clean breast of my mistake. |
47 | CLEAR |
| Clear off | چھٹکارا پانا | Clear off stolen property. |
| Clear out | خالی، چھٹکارا | Clear out bad characters. |
| Clear the air | صورت حال کو بہتر بنا کر ٹینشن ختم کرنا | The lB must clear the air about the bomb explosion incident. |
| Clear the way | رستہ کھولنا | Clear the way for the Royal procession. |
| Clear tip | صاف ہونا/کرنا | Please clear up the mystery of the murder. |
48 | CLISH |
| Clish-clash | گپ شپ | Please stop this dish-clash and let us talk factually. |
49 | CLOCK |
| Clock in | آنے کا وقت {رجسٹرڈ} | The employees are expected to clock in. |
| Clock out | جانے کا وقت {رجسٹرڈ} | Please clock out when you leave office. |
| Like clock work | مسلسل | He takes his exercise like clock work. |
50 | CLOSE |
| Close call | بال بال بچنا | The brother of Ahmad had a close call. |
| Close a bargain | انتظام کرنا | He closed a bargain on this matter. |
| Close down | جمود پر آنا | The trade unions closed down the factories. |
| Close shop | ایسی جگہ جہاں ایک فرقے سے تعلق رکھنے والے رہیں یا نوکری کریں | Many Christian houses are a close shop. All Parsi institutions are a closed shop. |
| Close in upon | گھیرنا اور گرفتار کرنا | The policemen closed in upon the gang of shoplifters. |
| Close with | رہنمائی | I will close with you for sale of your goods. |
| With closed doors | جب پرائیوٹ لوگوں کا داخلہ ممنوع ہو | Officer was holding a meeting with closed doors. |
51 | CLOTH |
| Clothe in words | لفظوں میں اظہار | I cannot clothe my gratitude in words. |
| To cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth | چادر کے مطابق پاؤں پھیلانا | Wise is one who cuts his coat according to his cloth. |
52 | CLOUD |
| Under a cloud | مصیبت میں | Mr. Sadiq was long under a cloud. |
| In the clouds | تصورات میں | He lost his career in the clouds. |
| Cloud on one’s brow | پریشان ہونا | He could not easily see a cloud on Ali’s brow. |
| Cloud-castle | دن کا خواب | Haris passes her time in cloud-castle. |
| Live in clover | عیش میں زندگی گزارنا | The rich live in clover. |
53 | COAL |
| Blow the coals | ابھارنا | Please do not blow the coals in the meeting. |
| Carry coal to Newcastle | ایسی چیز لینا جو کثرت میں ہو | To bring Yoga from the West to the East is like carrying coal to Newcastle. |
| Heap coals of fire on the head | برائی کا بدلہ اچھائی سے دینا | Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) heaped coals of fire on the head of the non-believers who teased him. |
54 | COAST |
| The coast is clear | رستے میں کوئی رکاوٹ نہیں | The army was ordered to proceed as the coast was clear. |
55 | COAT |
| Turn coat | ابن الوقت | A person in the habit of turning coat never succeeds in life. |
56 | COCK |
| Knock into a cocked hat | ظاہر شکست | The thief was knocked into a cocked hat. |
| Cocky cow | ڈیری فارمر | Milk Pak Milk Scheme is our cocky cow. |
| A cock and bull story | ناقابل یقین | We are not going to work on your cock and bull story. |
| To live like a fighting cock | اچھی خوراک پر رہنا | The whole family is living like a fighting cock now-a-days. |
| That cock won’t fight | یہ منصوبہ نہیں چلے گا | That cock of yours will not fight. |
57 | COFFIN |
| Drive a nail in ones coffin | تابوت میں کیل لگانا | Doctor’s injection drove a nail in the patient’s coffin. |
58 | COIN |
| Coin money | تیزی سے پیسہ بنانا | A trader is always coining money. |
| Pay a man in his own coin | ادلے کا بدلہ | While I wait and see, I let God pay my enemies in their own coin. |
59 | COLD |
| Cold-blooded | بہ حس | It was a cold-blooded murder at Dublin. |
| To catch cold | سردی لگنا | Every body is likely to catch cold in winter. |
| To bive the cold shoulder to | بے عزتی کرنا | The boss gave cold shoulder to his employees. |
| In cold blood | دانستہ | The man was murdered in cold blood. |
| Leave one cold | متاثر کرنے میں ناکام | The actor’s performance left us cold. |
| Leave out in the cold | نظر انداز | Don’t leave your friends in the cold. |
| Throw cold water on | ہمت توڑنا | Do not throw cold water on youthful ambitions. |
| To have cold feet | لڑائی نہ کرنا | The general had cold feet in the last war. |
| Cold comfort | بدمزہ | The whole day was a cold comfort. |
60 | COLUMN |
| Fifth columnist | جو ملک کے مفاد کے خلاف کام کرے | There are many fifth-columnists in every country of the world. |
61 | COLOUR |
| Come off with flying colours | فتح حاصل کرنا | Pakistan Test team came off with flying colour. |
| Come out in one’s true colours | اصل کردار دکھانا | When a man loses temper, he comes out in his true colours. |
| Fear no colours | خوف نہ ہونا | I tear no colours except God. |
| Give colour | دلچسپ بنانا | You must give colour to your story. |
| High colour | رنگ کالا ہونا | She bears high colour. |
| Join the colour | بھرتی ہونا | Major Mustaq joined the colours in 1939. |
| Lose colour | اچھی شکل کھونا | I wish you will never lose your colour. |
| Off colour | مرجھایا/بیمار | The boss is quite often off colour. |
62 | COME |
| Come about | واقعہ ہونا | Great things have come about since independence. |
| Come across | ملنا | I came across an old friend in the bazar. |
| Come and go | عمل کی آزادی | Every body enjoys to come and go in our house. |
| Come at | پہنچایا | Newton came at the Law of Gravitation. |
| Come back | شہرت واپس ملنا | Nadir has indeed come back. |
| Come by | حاصل کرنا | He came by a big job through his friend. |
| Come down | اترنا | When are you coming down the ivory tower into the rose garden? |
| Come down with | تنخواہ ملنا | He came down with full payment. |
| Come high | مہنگی | Food comes high now-a-days. |
| Come low | سستی | Even death is not coming low these days. |
| Come in | داخل ہونا | Please come in. |
| Come in for | حصہ لینا | He came in for large property. |
| Come of | متعلق ہونا | He comes of a respectable family. |
| Come of age | بالغ ہونا | The youth has come of age and demands voting rights. |
| Come off | بچنا | He could not come off the death trap. |
| Come out | چھپنا | No newspaper came out today. |
| Come out with | کہنا | The murderer came out with truth. |
| Come round | دوران واقعہ ہونا | Great events come round in the year. |
| Come short | ناکام | He came short of success. |
| Come short of | حاصل کرنے میں ناکام | He came short of his mission. |
| Come to grief | پریشان ہونا | Men driven by curiosity often come to grief. |
| Come to oneself | صحیح ذہنی حالت میں آنا | A drunkard takes time to come to himself. |
| Come to pass | واقعہ | Great things have come to pass since 1974. |
| Come to stay | مستقل ہونا | Inflation has come to stay. |
| Come true | سچ ثابت ہونا | May tour mother’s prayer come true. |
| Come upon | حملہ کرنا | Babar came upon the enemy with full force. |
| Come up with | پکڑنا | The police came up with the robbers. |
| To Come to blows | لڑنا | After their heated discussion, leaders of both the groups came to blows. |
| To Come to light | منکشف ہونا | Many things have come to light now. |
| To come down with | پیسے دینا | Wait, I will come down with ten rupees. |
| To come up to | پہنچنا | The train has come up to the outer signal. |
| To come to a standstill | رکنا | The train has come to a standstill. |
63 | COMFORT |
| Cold comfort | تھوڑا سا | The death of Nasir has given only cold comfort to the Opposition. |
| Comfort station | باتھ روم | There is no comfort station in this street. |
64 | COMMAND |
| Command me to | یاد کرنا/سلام پہنچانا | Please command me to the president. |
| Commit to memory | دل سے سیکھنا | In ancient times all knowledge was committed to memory. |
| Common people | زیادہ تعداد میں {عام لوگ} | Abraham Lincoln said, “God must have loved the common people because He made so many of them.” |
65 | COMPANY |
| Keep company | منسلک ہونا | Keep company with the good only. |
| Know a man by his company | ساتھیوں سے پہچانے جانا | You can know Dr. Ahmad by his company. |
66 | COMPARE |
| Beyond compare | مخالف کے بغیر | Mrs. Bhutto is beyond compare to-day, having pulled down all the giants round her. |
| Compliment of the season | وقت کے مطابق ریمارک | Please do not send me your compliments of the season. I take them granted. |
| Left-handed compliment | طنزیہ ریمارک | Thanks even for your left-handed compliment. |
| Pay or present one’s compliments | سلام لکھنا | Pay my compliments to your friend. |
68 | CON |
| Pros and cons | اونچ نیچ | You must study the pros and cons of the shole situation. |
| In all conscience | یقینا | In all conscience I will, get first class in the examination. |
70 | CONSENT |
| Age of consent | والدین کی اجاز کے بغیر شادی کی عمر | Tariq has reached the age of consent. |
| In consequence | یقینا | He died in consequence of a car accident. |
72 | CONTACT |
| To be in contact with | تعلق ہونا | We were in contact with Babar till we were at Karachi. |
73 | CONEMPT |
| To hold in contempt | نفرت | He is held in contempt by his colleagues. |
| Contempt of Court | توہین عدالت | The Minister of state was found guilty of contempt of court. |
74 | CONTEND |
| Contend against | جھگڑا | You cannot contend against destiny. |
| In contrary to | خلاف | He spoke in contrary to the ruling party. |
| On the contrary | دوسری طرف/ساتھ ساتھ | Qaesar is not a rich man. On the contrary, he is a poor villager. |
| To the contrary | متضاد | The result was to the contrary. |
76 | COOK |
| Cook one’s goose | قتل کرنا | Don’t cook your friend’s goose. |
77 | COOL |
| Cool one’s heels | انتظار کرنا | He has to cool his heels in the ministerial office. |
78 | COPY |
| Copy-cat | نقل کرنا | It is the age of copy-cats. |
79 | CORNER |
| Turn the corner | درمیانی راہ لینا | Pakistan must turn the corner these days in foreign affairs. |
| To put in the corner | سزا دینا | The baby was put in the corner by his father. |
| All the corners of the earth | ہر جگہ | We have searched all the corners of the earth but have not been able to find Nasir anywhere. |
| With the four corners of | چار دیواری میں | Women must live within the four corners of the house. |
80 | COST |
| At the cost of | دوسرے کے خرچے پر | You cannot succeed at the cost of others. |
| To count the COST | رسک کے متعلق سوچنا | Please count the cost of working Of this plan. |
81 | COUNT |
| To count upon | انحصار | How long can one count upon one’s Parents? |
82 | COUNTRY |
| Go to the country | قوم سے درخواست {الیکشن کے دوران} | Ministers might go to the country. |
83 | COURAGE |
| Pluck up courage | ہمت کرنا | You must pluck up courage to face dangers. |
| Dutch courage | شراب پینے کے بعد طاقت دکھانا | Qamar showed Dutch courage by pulling out a knife unnecessarily. |
84 | COURT |
| Out of court | عدالت کے بغیر | They decided the matter out of Court. |
85 | CRACK |
| Crack a bottle | بوتل پینا | Sana can crack a bottle. |
| Crack a joke | مذاق | Please do not crack a joke with me. |
| Crack a crib | عمارت میں نقب لگانا | The rioters crack a crib. |
| Crack credit | قرض معاف کروانا | Sadiq has cracked his credit. |
| Crack up | ناکام ہونا | The whole plan cracked up for want of money. |
| In a crack | ایک لمحہ میں | I shall be there in a crack. |
86 | CRADLE |
| From the cradle | پیدائش سے | He is good from the cradle. |
87 | CRAVEN |
| Craven | شکست ماننا | They cried craven and went down. |
88 | CREAM |
| Cream of the society | امراء | The cream of the society was present in the marriage. |
| Creature comforts | مادی سہولیات | Men are dying for creature comforts. |
90 | CRISS |
| Criss-cross | بار بار آنا | A dream has criss-crossed me. |
91 | CROP |
| To crop up | غیر متوقع واقعہ | Since he has declined to study further, the problem of finding a job for him has cropped up now. |
92 | CROPPER |
| Come a cropper | گرنا/ناکام ہونا | The ruling party will one day come a cropper. |
93 | CROSS |
| Cross one’s mind | ذہن میں آنا | It crossed my mind to see you. |
| Cross one’ palm | سکہ ہتھیلی پر رکھنا | If you want anything done, you must cross the authority’s palm. |
| Cross one’s path | رستے میں آنا | As she crossed my path, I won her. |
94 | CROW |
| As the crow flies | سیدھی سیدھ میں | My house is from here as the crow flies. |
| Eat crow | نا پسندیدہ کام پر مجبور کرنا | The principal has forced many students to eat the crow. |
95 | CROWN |
| Crown of the cuaseway | عملی کے درمیان میں | My shop is crown of the causeway. |
96 | CRY |
| A far cry | کافی فاصلہ | Truth in India is a far cry. |
| Cry against | احتجاج | You must cry against corruption. |
| Cry down | رد کرنا | You must not cry down what you cannot live without. |
| Cry off | معاہدے سے پھرنا/نکالنا | The CPI will cry off from the Congress. |
| Cry out | حمل کے دوران | The lady is crying out. |
| Cry over spilt milk | بعد میں پچھتانا | There is no use crying over spilt milk. |
| Cry quits | برابرا قرار دینا | Let us cry quits. |
| Cry up | تعریف | People cry up the rising quits. |
| Cry your mercy | معافی چاہنا | I beg your pardon. |
| Hue and cry | شور | There is much hue and cry in the market. |
| Within cry of | تھوڑے فاصلے پر | He lives within cry of my house. |
97 | CRYSTAL |
| Crystal clear | بالکل | The policies of Mrs. Bhutto are crystal clear to everybody. |
| Cool as cucumber | پرسکون | It is best to be cool as cucumber in a time of trouble. |
99 | CRUSH |
| Crush a cup | کپ کا خالی کرنا | Come, crush a cup. |
100 | CRUTCHES |
| To walk upon crutches | دوسروں پر انحصار کرنا | You cannot walk always on crutches. |
101 | CUP |
| Cry cupboard | روئے کےلئے رونا | The children cry cupboard. |
| In one’s cups | نشے کی حالت میں | I found him in his cups. |
102 | CURLIE |
| Curlie-wurlie | زبر دست گول زیورات | Some ladies are found of curlie-wurlie. |
103 | CURRY |
| To curry favour | چاپلوسی | Clerks generally try to curry favour with their officers. |
104 | CURTAIN |
| Behind the curtain | پردے کے پیچھے | Most of our leaders live behind the curtain. |
105 | CUT |
| Cut above | خصوصیت کے لحاظ اچھا ہونا | Mild is a Cut above any other drink. |
| Cut and come again | کھلی فراہمی | There is no cut and come again of water in our city. |
| Cut and dried | بنی بنائی | She delivered a cut-and-dried food. |
| Cut and run | تیزی سے بھاگ جانا | Please cut and run to your office. |
| Cut dead | پہچاننے سے انکار | When she talked to him, he cut her dead. |
| Cut in | مداخلت | Please don’t cut in when I am talking. |
| Cut it out | چھوڑنا | If you have no time to attend a party, cut it out. |
| Cut it too fat | بحث زیادہ کرنا | When you have to flatter somebody, don’t cut it too fat. |
| Cut off with shilling | کچھ نہیں/ خالی | His father cut him off with a shilling. |
| Cut one’s losses | نقصان کم کرنا | A good trader must cut his losses. |
| Cut one’s stick | رخصتی | It is time to cut our stick. |
| Cut out for | مناسب | He is cut out for a minister. |
| Cut short | کم کرنا | You must cut short your speech. |
| Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth | چادر کے مطابق پاؤں پھیلانا | You must cut your coat according to your cloth. |
| To cut down | کم کرنا | In the interest of the country the Government must cut down its expenditure on defence. |
| To cut to the heart | احساس مجروح کرنا | By saying that he is thief, he cut him to the heart. |
106 | CYCLOPS |
| Cyclops | ایک آنکھ والا بلا | Every materialist is a kind of Cyclops. |
107 | CYNIC |
| Lay the cynic | ہر چیز پر تنقید | For god’s sake don’t play the cynic. |