1 | BABY | ||
Hole the baby | کم سنبھالنا | When Mr. James was imprisoned Mr. Josepih held the baby. | |
2 | BACK | ||
Back friend | ساتھ دینے والا دوست | There are few back friends left nowadays. | |
Back handed | غیر مخلص | Beware of the back- handed friend. He is playing a back-handed game with us. | |
Backing down | پہلو تہی | Once you have made a commitment let there be no backing down. | |
Back-number | بیکار | An aged man is a back- number. A dismissed minister is a back-number. | |
Back of | پیچھے | China is back of Pakistan. | |
Back out | وعدہ سے پھرنا | Dishonest business people back out of their deals when the market goes up. | |
Back water | چپو چلانا پیچھے کو | We had to back water to reach the shore. | |
Break the back of | کام کا بڑا حصہ ختم کرنا/کمر توڑنا | Government of a big country can break the back of the stronger Prime Minister. | |
On the back of | کافی پیچھے | Russia is on the hack of India. | |
Back out | پھرنا | It is no heroism no back out of your commitments. | |
Put one’s back into | سخت محنت کرنا | You must put your back into preparation for the examination. | |
Behind one’s back into | پیٹھ پیچھے | Behind my back at the office, my assistant puts everything in disorder. | |
To back up | حمایت کرنا | For a good cause one must always back up. | |
To turn one’s back upon | منہ موڑنا | It is shame in you to turn your back upon your fiends in trouble. | |
Back and belly | روٹی کپڑا | It is very hard to earn back and belly now-a-days. | |
Backstair influence | خفیہ مضبوط سہارا/سفارش | Come what may, I will get a job with out backstair influence. | |
To Set one’s back | کسی کا ناراض کرنا | I do not think it is advisable to set any body’s back. | |
3 | BACKBITE | ||
Backbite | چغلی کھانا | It is not good to back bite your friends. | |
4 | BACKBONE | ||
Backbone | ریڑھ کی ہڈی/اہم | A Prime Minister is a backbone of the democratic government. | |
Backbone less | غیر مضبوطی/کمزوری | A weak democratic government suffers from backboneless. | |
To the backbone | مکمل طور پر | All our staff are honest to the back bone. | |
5 | BACON | ||
To bring one the bacon | مقصد میں کامیابی | I had to work before I brought him the bacon. | |
6 | BAD | ||
Bad debt | قرضہ جو واپس نہ ملے | Sooner or later you have to write off a bad debt. | |
Bad man | بدمعاش | Every town today is full of bad men. | |
Bad shot | غلط اندازہ | His examination was a bad shot. | |
Go to the bad | برائی اپنانا | The whole nation is going to the bad. | |
In bad books | معتوب | Rahat is in bad books of the principal. | |
With a bad grace | نامہربانی | He received the guests with a bad grace. | |
Bad blood | دشمنی | Do not have bad blood With anyone. | |
Bad time | برے وقت | During the bad time relatives and friends do not stand by. | |
Bad form | بد اخلاقی | A person with bad form does not succeed in life. | |
7 | BAG | ||
Bag and baggage | بوریا بستر | I left for Pakistan in 1947 bag and baggage. | |
Let the cat out of the bag | راز کے لئے دینا | The women quite often let the cat out of the bag. | |
In the bottom of the bag | آخری کوشش کے طور پر | He had his gun in the bottom of his bag go help his brother in the fight. | |
8 | BAIL | ||
Accept, dmit to, Allow Bail | ضمانت پر | The magistrate accepted the bail of a rich man to set the prisoner free. | |
Bail up | مغلوب ہونا | The debtor was bailed up. | |
9 | BALANCE | ||
To hang in balance | غیر یقینی | The future of a young man hangs in the balance. | |
Balanced personality | مستقل مزاجی | Quaid had a balanced personality. | |
To lose one’s balance | توازن کھونا | While getting down from the car, my wife lost her balance. | |
Balance of advantage | سفارش {بڑی} | He has balance of advantage in getting the job of an overseer. | |
10 | BALL | ||
Keep the ball rolling | کام چلتا رکھنا | When a man dies, his family has to keep the ball rolling. | |
Ball at one’s feet | کامیابی ہاتھ میں ہونا | In the next General Elections, no party will find the ball at its feet. | |
11 | BAND | ||
Band of hope | تنظیم جو نشہ وغیرہ سے پرہیز کرے | There is no band of hope in the world today. | |
12 | BANDY | ||
Bandy words | بحث و مباحثہ | When you have lost a case, bandying words wil not save the situation. | |
13 | BANG | ||
Bang-up | فیشن زدہ | Every university boy is in the bang-up. | |
14 | BANK | ||
Break the bank | جوئے سے | He broke the band and won a large sum of money. | |
To bank upon | انحصار | Even at the age of thirty he banks upon his parents. | |
15 | BANKRUPT | ||
Go bankrupt | دیوالیہ | Many traders go bankrupt because of their dishonesty. | |
16 | BANNER | ||
Keep the banner flying | کام کرتے رہنا | While I am away from the force, please keep the banner flying. | |
17 | BANNS | ||
To forbid the banns | شادی میں رکاوٹ ڈالنا | When the boy wanted to marry, the girl’s mother forbade the banns. | |
Bail up | He has balance of advantage in getting the job of an overseer. | ||
18 | BAPTISM | ||
Baptism of blood | شہادت /مرجانا | Tipu Sultan accepted the baptism of blood at the altar of the freedom of Muslims. | |
19 | BAR | ||
Call to the bar | بیریسٹر بننا | Many young boys are called to the bar. | |
At the bar | وکالت کی پریکٹس کرنا | For many years Abraham lincoln was at the bar. | |
Cross the bar | مرنا | Quaid crosssed the bar on September 11, 1948. | |
20 | BARGAIN | ||
Sell one a bargain | بیوقوف بنانا | The lawyer sold the litigant a bargains. | |
Strike a bargain | بات بننا | The man struck a good bargain with the shopkeeper. | |
Dutch bargain | پینے پلانے پر ختم ہونا{معاملہَ | In all bargains, the drunkards always prefer to Dutch bargains. | |
21 | BARK | ||
Bark up the wrong tree | غلط جگہ جانا/تہرے بندے پر شک کرنا | In investigating the murder of the Railway Minister, the police is barking up the wrong tree. | |
22 | BASKING | ||
Basking shark | خطرناک لیکن غیر مضر شخص | A police officer is a basking shark. | |
23 | BASKET | ||
To have too many eggs in one basket | بہت کچھ کرنا | A modern businessman has always too many eggs in one basket. | |
24 | BAT | ||
To carry out one’s bat | کام کو کامیابی سے مکمل کرنا | Mrs. James hopes to can our her bat. | |
Off one’s own bat | اچھے بل بوتے پر | One rises or falls off one’s own bat. | |
Bated breath | رکی ہوئی سانس | The people heard the tidings with bated breath. | |
Off one’s own bat | اپنی کوشش سے | I have made all money entirely off my own bat. | |
25 | BATTERY | ||
Masked battery | دشمن کی نظر سے اوجھل | Radio Pakistan is a kind of masked battery. | |
To turn a man’s battery against himself | کسی کو اسکی دلیلوں سے ہرانا | I turned his battery against himself while discussing politics with him. | |
26 | BATTLE | ||
Half the battle | کامیابی کی طرف لے جانا | Passing a university examination is half the battle to getting employment. | |
Not to know from battledore | ناواقف | So far as chess is concerned, I do not know AB from battledore. | |
27 | BAY | ||
Stand at bay | دشمن کا سامنا | When the enemy attacked, the patriots stood at bay. | |
To bay at the moon | ناممکن کے حصول کی کوشش | Your efforts are all baying at the moon. | |
28 | BAYONET | ||
At the point of bayonet | زبر دستی | The soldiers robbed the civilians at the point of bayonet. | |
29 | BE | ||
Be all and end-all | آخر نتیجہ | One should never be too proud, death is the be-all and end-all of all human beings. | |
30 | BEAD | ||
Draw a bead on | نشانہ لینا | The acoit new a bead on the policeman | |
To tell one’s beads | تسبیح کرنا | An aged man should retire from politics and tell his beads. | |
31 | BEAM | ||
On one’s beam-ends | تشویش میں | You have to offer help when you find someone on beam-ends. | |
32 | BEAN | ||
Full beans | پر جوش | After the college exams the students are full of beans. | |
Give one beans | دھمکی دینا | When a child does something wrong, do not give him beans. | |
33 | BEAR | ||
Bear a hand | مدد کرنا | Kindly bear me a hand in lifting this burden. | |
Bear away | سمندر میں سفر شروع کرنا | The ship bore away with the tide. | |
Bear Hard | مرضی کے بغیر | Do not bear hard on the child. | |
Bear in hand | امید رکھنا/برقرار رکھنا | Please bear the youth in hand. | |
Bear out | تصدیق کرنا | Please bear out that I have done no harm to you. | |
Bear up | حوصلہ برقرار رکھنا | You must bear up until the trouble is over. | |
Bear up for | سفر کرنا | Please bear up for a great position in life. | |
Bear with | برداشت کرنا | You should bear with your friend’s weakness. | |
Borne in upon | زبردستی متاثر کرنا | It must be borne in upon you that I am not going to take lies. | |
Bring to bear | عمل میں لانا | Great influence was brought to bear upon the minister for getting quotas of steel. | |
34 | BEARD | ||
Beard a loin in its den | بڑی طاقت کو للکارنا | Challenging the might of the Mughals, the Sikhs bearded the lion in its own den. | |
35 | BEAT | ||
Beat about the bush | بال کی کھال اتارنا | There is no use always beating about the bush. | |
Beat a retreat | ہتھیار پھینکنا | Before the advancing forces of the enemy, the patriots beat a hasty retreat. | |
Beat down | کم کرنا | The Pakistani ladies are often competent in beating down the prices. | |
Beat it | بھاگ جانا | When the down appeared, the cat beat it. | |
Beat the air | بے مقصد لڑنا | In fighting against the people, a government can only beat the air. | |
Beat one’s brains | پریشان ہونا | Do not beat our brains about the illness of your father. | |
36 | BEAN | ||
Beau ideal | خیالی خوبصورتی | Truth should be the beau ideal of life and not money which is the beau ideal now-a-days. | |
37 | BEAUTY | ||
Beauty sleep | آدھی رات سے پہلے | Let us have some beauty sleep before the clock strikes twelve. | |
Beauty queen | خوبصورتی کی ملکہ/حسن کا پیکر | Salma is the beauty queen of saman a bad College. | |
38 | BECOME | ||
To become of | ہونا / انجام ہونا | What will become of his Sons after his death? | |
39 | BED | ||
A bed of roses | آسان | Life is not bed of roses. | |
To take to bed | بیمار ہونا | He has been taken to bed for the last ten days. | |
Bed-fellow | ولی دوست | Kamran and Mohsin are bed-fellows. | |
40 | BEFORE | ||
Beforehand with the world | آسانی سے ملنا | The prince was before hind with the world. | |
41 | BEG | ||
Begging letter | خیرات کے مقصد سے خط | The mail of begging letters is heavy but it is seldom replied. | |
Go a-begging | ضرورت ہونا | Because of a ceiling on big properties huge building go a-begging for customers. | |
42 | BEGIN | ||
To begin with | شروع میں | To begin with I am not acquainted with Pakistan History. | |
To begin the world | زندگی شروع کرنا | It is very difficult to begin the world now-a-days. | |
Beginning of the end | باب بند کرنا | It is begging of the end for the Pakistani National Assembly which Ghulam Ishaq had rightly advised that its should be dissolved. | |
43 | BEHIND | ||
Behind the scenes | پردے میں | The principal and the lecturers are having their successions behind the scenes. | |
Behind the time | ماضی میں | The main reason for his dismissal from service was his being behind the time. | |
Fall behind | پیچھے رہ جانا | He has fallen behind in English studies. | |
Behind one’s back | پیٹھ پیچھے | I do not like your habit of criticising a man behind his back. | |
Behind hand | پیچھے | Our commitments for June will be behind hand in July. Let us complete them in May. | |
44 | BELL | ||
Bell the cat | ناممکن کام کا عزم | The opposition wants to oust the Prime Minister from power but no body is ready to bell the cat. | |
Bell-bottomed | ٹخنوں سے کھلے | Modern boys and girls wear bell-bottomed pants as the latest thing in fashion. | |
Bear off or carry offbell | پہلی پوزیشن لینا | In the last General Election Mrs. Benazir bore off the bell. | |
To sound clear as bell | صاف ہونا بالکل | His love for you sounds clear as a bell. | |
45 | BELOW | ||
Below one’s breath | خاموشی سے | We are talking below our breath. | |
Below the mark | معیار سے کم | His work is below the mark. | |
46 | BELLY | ||
Belly god | پیٹو | Ahmad is a belly god. | |
47 | BELT | ||
Hitting below the belt | وار کرنا {گھٹیا طریقے سے} | It was a moral code with our Aryan forefathers never to hit a man below the belt. | |
Hold the belt | بیلٹ والا ہونا | My friend held the belt in the last boxing championships. | |
48 | BEMOCK | ||
Bemock the moon | بیوقوفی کرنا | If you have lost the game, don’t bemock the moon. | |
49 | BUT | ||
But and a ben | دو کمروں کا گھر | He lived in a but and a ben. | |
live but and ben | عزت سے رہنا | For many many years she lived but and ben in her village. | |
50 | BENCH | ||
Bench hole | ٹوائلٹ | Go, ease yourself on the benchhole. | |
On the bench | جج کا دفتر | Mr. afeer is on the bench of the Lahore High Court. | |
Raise to bench | جج بننا | My friend, Mr. Safeer, has been raised to the bench. | |
51 | BEND | ||
Bend one’s knee | جھکنا | Never bend your knees before anybody except God. | |
52 | BENEATH | ||
Beneath contempt | حقارت سے بالا تر | The Prime Minister Thought him beneath contempt. | |
53 | BENEFIT | ||
Benefit of the doubt | شک کا فائدہ | Many criminals are set free because of the benefit of the doubt. | |
54 | BENT | ||
To the top of one’s bent | رغبت سے زیادہ | He enjoyed liquor to the top of his bent. | |
Take to the bent | اڑانا | When we came, they took the bent. | |
55 | BERSERK | ||
To run berserk | پاگل ہونا | Many men in Lahore run berserk on account of hot and damp weather. | |
56 | BERTH | ||
To bive a wide berth to | فاصلے پر رکھنا | It is best to bive a wide berth to insincere friends and acquaintances. | |
57 | BESIDE | ||
Beside oneself | آپے سے باہر | When the boy returned home, the mother was beside herself with joy. | |
Beside the mark, point, question | غیر متعلقہ | Your discussion is beside the mark. Your argument is beside the point. Your answer is beside the question. | |
58 | BEST | ||
Best-seller | ہاتھوں ہاتھ بکنے والی | “India’s War With Pakistan” was the best seller. | |
Best boy, girl | اچھی / دلپسند | Rahat was the best boy in the party. | |
Best maid | دلہن کی طرف | Mariam was the best maid at Salma’s wedding. | |
Best man | شہہ بالا | Who will be your best man tomorrow? | |
Best part | بڑا حصہ | I had little money for the best part of my life. | |
For the best | اچھے ارادے سے | I helped her with the best intentions. | |
Give one the best | فتح دینا | In this game of cards, I give you the best. | |
Have the best of it | مقابلے میں جیتنا | Kashmiris had the best of it in struggle war against India. | |
Had, were best | اچھا ہونا | I were best. Me were best.( it were best for me.). | |
Make the best of ones way | جتنا آسانی سے کر سکے | Let us make the best of our way in life. | |
Put one’s best foot forward | اچھا آغاز | In whatever work we are called upon to do, let us put our best foot for- ward. | |
To the best of my belief | جتنا میرے علم میں ہے | To the best of my belief, he is a reasonable man. | |
59 | BETTER | ||
Be better than one’s work | وعدے سے زیادہ کرنا | Let us be better than our word. | |
Better off | اچھے حالات | People today are better off than before independence. | |
Get the better of | برتری ہونا/فائدہ ہونا | By and by will get the better of any trial or trouble. | |
Think better of | چھوڑنے کی سوچنا | I have learnt to think better you. | |
Better late than never | نہ آنے سے دیر بھلی | Even if you start with your studies now it will be better late than never. | |
One’s betters | برتر / عزیز | One should always respect one’s betters. | |
60 | BETWEEN | ||
Between whiles | وقفے میں | I hope to write to you between whiles. | |
Between you and me and the post | راز کی بات | Between you and me and the post, I have lost my money. | |
Between the devil and the deep sea | پریشانی میں | As and authou, I am between the devil and the deep sea. | |
Between two tires | دو پارییو ں کے درمیان | A wise arbitrator always avoids to bet between two fires. | |
Between cup and lip | امید و حقیقت کے درمیان | There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. | |
61 | BEYOND | ||
Beyond Measure | ناقابل پیمائش | The success achieved by Waqas is beyond measure. | |
To go beyond | حد سے گزرنا | Never go beyond reality. | |
62 | BID | ||
Bid good-bye | خدا حافظ کہنا | As soon as the train whistled he bade good-bye to his friends. | |
To bid welcome | دل خوش آمدید | When we reached the party we were bid welcome by Mohsin’s uncle. | |
Bid fair | لگتا ہے | Hide bids fair to become a minister. | |
63 | BIG | ||
Big bellied | حاملہ | The big-bellied lady is about to bear a child. | |
Big business | اچھا کاروبار | Big business runs the government in many countries of the world. | |
To talk big | لمبی چوڑی ہانکنا | He is in the habit of talking big. | |
To look big | متاثر کرنا | Reality is reality, looking big will not convince me. | |
Big with young | حاملہ | She is big with a young now-a-days. | |
64 | BILL | ||
Bill of fare | کھانے وغیرہ کی لسٹ | He told the bearer to bring the bill of fare before ordering his dinner. | |
65 | BIND | ||
Bind over | قانونی ذمہ داری | He was bound over for the security of the child. | |
Be bound up in | واقف مکمل طور پر | He was bound up in his work. | |
Bind/dare | ذمہ داری | I dare or I will be bound. | |
66 | BIRD | ||
Bird- eyed | تیز نظر والا | He is a bird-eyed man. | |
Bird’s eye-view | عمومی سوچ سے اوپر | You can have a bird’s eyeview of Lahore from the top of Minare Pakistan. | |
Like bird | تیزی سے | He did everything like a bird. | |
A bird’s eye-view | عمومی سوچ | We could hardly have a bird’s eye-view at the time of Quaid’s cremation. | |
Birds of same feather | ایک جیسی عادتوں والے | Birds of the same feather flock together. | |
Bird in hand | یقینی | A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. | |
To kill two birds with one stone | ایک تیر سے دو شکار | Every politician tries to kill two birds with one stone. | |
67 | BIRSE | ||
Set up one’s birse | غصہ بڑھانا | Kashif has set up Wasim’s birse. | |
68 | BIT | ||
Bit and sup | کھانے پینے کو | Let me have bit and sup. | |
Bit by bit | تھوڑی تھوڑی | I will manage to write the book bit by bit. | |
Do one’s bit | اپنی کوشش کرنا | I will gladly do my bit for you. | |
Tobive a bit of one’s mind | کھری کھری سنانا | When I asked him for some money, he gave a bit of his mind and said no. | |
69 | BITE | ||
Bite the dust | مرنا | The greatest conquerors have at last bitten the dust. | |
70 | BITTER | ||
Bitter end | آخر تک | The Pakistan Army fought to the bitter end. | |
Bitter-sweet | تلخ و شیریں کا امتزاج | Life is bitter-sweet. | |
71 | BLACK | ||
Black and blue | شدید | The teacher beat the boy black and blue. | |
Black sheep | کالی بھیڑ | There are black sheep everywhere in social organizations. | |
In black and white | تحریر میں | Please submit your demands in black and white. | |
In one’s black books | نا پسند | He is in the black books of his teacher. | |
Blackmail | ناحق فائدہ | You can no longer blackmail him, as full details have been published in the papers. | |
Blackhole | فوجی قبضے میں | During every war many soldiers are blackholed by opposite groups. | |
72 | BLANKET | ||
On the wrong side of blanket | حرامی | He was born on the wrong side of the blanket. | |
Wet blanket | مزہ خراب کرنا | A selfish man is a wet blanket. | |
73 | BLIND | ||
Turn a blind eye | نظر انداز کرنا | It is best to turn a blind eye to other people’s doings instead of coming into conflict with them | |
Blind man’s holiday | روشنی سے پہلے | Rahat and Nadeem enjoy a blind man's holiday. | |
Blindfold | غیر محتاط | Your blindfold habits will ruin you one day. | |
74 | BLOCK | ||
Block up | روکنا | Rains have blocked up the Lahore Road. | |
Chip of the old block | باپ جیسا | His child is a chip of the old block. | |
75 | BLOOD | ||
Blood hound | جاسوسی | I hope you are not a blood hound. | |
Blood sucker | خون چوسنے والے | Most of the shopkeepers are blood suckers. | |
In hot blood | قبضے میں | He killed the man in hot blood. | |
In cold blood | سوچ بچار کے بعد | The man was killed in cold blood. | |
Flesh and blood | انسان | A flesh and blood is never happy in life. | |
Blood and iron | طاقت کا ظالمانہ استعمال | Hitler mastered Germany through blood and iron. | |
76 | BLOW | ||
Blow hot and cold | ادھر ادھر کی بانکنا | If you want to win the war, you must not blow hot and cold. | |
Blow one’s own trumpet | اپنی تعریف کرنا | It is not good to blow one’s own trumpet. | |
Blow over | گزر جانا | Every unpleasant happening blows over in the course of time. | |
Blow up | غیر موجب | The earthquake blew up. The minister blew up with anger. | |
Blow upon | غصے میں آنا | The people blew upon the leader. | |
To come to blow | مارنے مرنے پر آمادہ | After their heated discussion both the groups came to blows. | |
77 | BLUE | ||
Once in a blue moon | کبھی کبھار | He comes to see mc once in blue moon. | |
78 | BOARD | ||
To sweep the board | کامیاب | lmran Khan has always been sweeping the board in his life. | |
79 | BOAT | ||
To sail in the same boat | ایک کشتی کا سوار | Both husband and wife are sailing in the same boat. | |
To have an oar to another’s boat | دوسروں کے معاملات میں ٹانگ اڑانا | It is unwise to have an oar in another’s boat. | |
80 | BODY | ||
Body and soul | دل و جاں | He devoted his body and soul for getting first class in the B.A. examination. | |
81 | BOLT | ||
Bolt from the blue | غیر متوقع حملہ | Her sudden illness was a bolt from the blue. | |
Have shot one’s bolt | اس سے زیادہ نہ کر پانا | The Congressmen have shot their bolt. | |
82 | BONE | ||
Bone of contention | وجہ فساد | Money is always a bone of contention in the family. | |
Make no bones of | ضمیر کی خلش | Many men do not make bones of their morals. | |
To the bone | اندرونی حصہ | He is a Jana Sanghi to the bone. | |
To pick a bone with someone | جھگڑنا | I do not want to pick a bone with anyone. | |
83 | BOOK | ||
Bring the book | سوال کرنا | You will be brought to book for all your misdeeds. | |
Tade a leaf out of another’s book | دوسروں کی مثال سے فائدہ اٹھانا | It is time for young men to take a leaf out of their elders’ book. | |
Talk like a book | کتابی باتیں | Do not talk like a book before melet me know your mind. | |
Without book | یاداشت سے | The judge talked without book. | |
To be in one’s good books | نا پسندیدہ | He is in the good books of the manager. | |
To be one’s bad books | نا پسندیدہ | He is in the bad books of his manager. | |
84 | BOOT | ||
Get the boot | معطل ہونا | The dishonest employees got the boot. | |
Die in one’s boots | فرض کے دوران فوت ہونا | My brother died in his boots. | |
Have one’s heart on one’s boot | ہمت ہارنا | The constable had his heart in his boots. | |
To make boot of | فائدہ | The new policy of the Government is going to punish those who are making boots by charging higher prices. | |
To be given the boot | معطل ہونا | He has been given the boot from the service. | |
85 | BORN | ||
To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth | منہ میں سونے کا چمچہ لے کر پیدا ہونا | Salma was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. | |
To be born under a lucky star | خوش قسمت | He is born under a lucky star. | |
86 | BOSOM | ||
Bosom friend | ولی دوست | You are my bosom friend. | |
87 | BOTTLE | ||
Bottle up | بند کرنا | We were bottled up in the house. | |
Pass the bottle of smoke | جرم کرنا | The men in power are forced to pass the bottle of smoke. | |
88 | BOTTOM | ||
Bottomless pit | دوزخ | Let the wicked get to the bottomless pit. | |
Get to the bottom | سچ کی تلاش | Let us get to the bottom of the story. | |
Stand on one’s own bottom | آزاد/اپنے پاؤں پہ | You must learn to stand on your own bottom. | |
Touch bottom | سطح سے گر جانا | Goodwill of the ruling party has touched the bottom. | |
From the bottom of the heart | بہت زیادہ خلوص سے | We thank you from the bottom of our heart of what you have done for us. | |
89 | BOUND | ||
By leaps and bounds | دن دوگنی رات چوگنی | With the help of a guru you can make progress by leaps and bounds in the spiritual world. | |
90 | BOUNTIFUL | ||
Lady bountiful | عزت دار خاتون | Rani is the Lady Bountiful in our town. | |
91 | BOW | ||
To make one’s bow | ریٹائر ہونا/عزت سے | The fault of our leaders is that they never want to make their bow once they become ministers. | |
To draw the long bow | لمبی چوڑی چھوڑنا | Do not draw the long bow in the court because you will never be able to brave your statement. | |
On the bow hand | ضائع ہونا | He did his best, but his efforts were on the bow hand. | |
Two strings to one’s bow | متبادل ہونا | In dealing with your enemy you should have at least two strings to your bow. | |
92 | BOWWOW | ||
Bowwow | دھمکی آمیز | In dealing with a strong opponent, a mere bowwow will not help you. Carlyle wrote in bowwow. | |
93 | BOX | ||
In the wrong box | غلط جگہ پر | In a crowd of politicians I find my self in the wrong box. | |
To be in the box | پریشانی میں | He is in the box now-a-days. | |
94 | BOY | ||
Boy friend | دوست | Every nice girl should have a nice boy friend. | |
95 | BRAIN | ||
Brain fag | ذہنی تھکان | Every one suffers from brain fag after a hard day’s work in the field or in the office. | |
Brain wave | خود ذہن میں آنے والا سوال | A brain wave can often carry you through an emergency. | |
Brains trust | ماہرین کی کمپنی | Radio Pakistan has a brains trust to speak on the national problems. | |
To blow out one’s brain | گولی سے مارنا | During the war the soldiers are ordered to blow out one’s brain. | |
96 | BRANCH | ||
Root and branch | مکمل طور پر | He uprooted the cause of distress root and branch. | |
97 | BRAND | ||
Brand from the burning | خطرے سے نکالنا | His life was brand from the burning when his friend came to his help. | |
98 | BRAZEN | ||
Brazen-faced | بے شرم | There are more and more brazen-faced boys in a schools and of faces. | |
99 | BREACH | ||
Breach of the peace | امن کی خرابی | Bad characters are responsible for the breach of the peace in the street. | |
Breach of promise | وعدہ خلافی | The boy’s father is responsible for the brcachof promise. | |
100 | BREAD | ||
Bread and butter | دال روٹی | Everybody works hard for his bread and butter. | |
Bread study | روٹی کمانے کے لئے کوشاں | Most of the education to-day is mere bread study. | |
Bread buttered on both sides | پانچوں انگلیاں گھی میں ہونا | The sons of a minister find bread buttered on both sides. | |
Take the bread out of one’s mouth | روزی سے محروم | If you dismiss a man from job, you take the bread out of his mouth. | |
101 | BREAK | ||
Break away | جدا | BanglaDesh has broken away from Pakistan.. | |
Break a jest | مذاق اڑانا | Mian Nawaz Sharif quite’ often broke a jest. | |
Break down | ناکام/خراب ہونا | In times of emergency all controls tend to break down. | |
Break ground | کسی چیز میں رہنمائی | The laboures have broken the ground for new work. | |
Break in, upon or into | زبردستی گھسنا | The intruder broke in upon our meeting with a pistol. | |
Break loose | زبردستی نکالنا | The boy has broken away from the family. | |
Break no squares | کوئی فرق نہ ڈالنا | Your speech breaks no squares in the government policy. | |
Break off | اچانک بھاگنا | The boy has broken off with the family. | |
Break one’s mind | کسی سے بات بانٹنا | At last the mother broke her mind to the son. | |
Break out | پھوٹنا | Plague has broken out in the city. | |
Break the heart | دل توڑنا | The death of my brother has broken my heart. | |
Break upon the wheel | سخت سزا دینا | The rebels were broken upon the wheel. | |
102 | BREAST | ||
Make a clean breast | اعتراف جرم کرنا | The murderers of Shahid have not yet made clean breast. | |
103 | BREATH | ||
Above one’s breath | اونچا | Please speak above your breath. | |
Below or under one’s breath | آہستہ آواز میں | Some people are in the habit of speaking under their breath. | |
Catch the breath | سانس روکنا | Yogis can catch the breath. | |
Out of breath | سانس پھولا ہونا | I was out of breath after catching the bus. | |
Take breath | آرام | Please take your breath before you talk. | |
Spend one’s breath | بہ فضول بولنا | Why are you spending your breath.? | |
With bated breath | حیرانی سے | The boys listened to the teacher with bated breath. | |
104 | BREATHE | ||
Breath again | پرسکون ہونا | After the result, Mohsin is breathing again. | |
Breathe freely | آسانی میں ہونا | In my house you can breath freely. | |
Breath upon | کام پر قبضہ لگانا | Your action breath upon your father. | |
To breathe one’s Last | مرنا | My friend breathed his last on 27th May, 1975. | |
105 | BREACH | ||
Wear the breaches | حکمران ہونا | My wife does indeed wear the breaches in the house. | |
106 | BREEZE | ||
Breeze up | تازہ دم | Let us breeze up in the garden. | |
107 | BRIEBERY | ||
Bribery oath | رشوت نہ لینے کا حلف | Nobody is asked to bribery oath because everybody is taking bribes. | |
108 | BRICKS | ||
Like a ton of bricks | بھاری پڑنا | The death of my brother fell on me like a ton of bricks. | |
109 | BRIEF | ||
Take a brief | کسی کی ذمہ داری لینا | The lawyer has accepted my brief. | |
The brief and the long | مکمل کہانی | The brief and the long is that the doctor killed my brother. | |
To be brief | تھوٹے لفظوں میں | To be brief, I am too busy to meet Dr. Dilawar. | |
In brief | مختصراٍ | Please describe the matter in brief. | |
110 | BRING | ||
Bring about | وجہ بننا | M.r. Quald brought about great changes in the country. | |
B ring down | عاجز | Do not bring down your friends. | |
Bring forth | پیش کرنا | Evil brings forth evil. | |
Bring forward | بڑھانا | I have brought forward the sum due to you. | |
Bring in | متعارف کرانا | I was brought in to the grand assembly. | |
Bring out | واضح کرنا | Please bring out the meaning of your poem. | |
Bring over | بدلنا | You cannot bring me over to communism by violence. | |
Bring round | ہوش میں لانا | Sprinkling of water on his face brought him round. | |
Bring under | قابو پانا | The British failed to bring Pathans under. | |
Bring up the rear | آخر میں آنا | I bring up the rear in the procession. | |
To bring about | وجہ بننا | His negligence brought his failure. | |
To bring to mind | یاد کرنا | Please bring to mind. I paid you rupees ten last Sunday. | |
111 | BROKEN | ||
Broken man | بیمار/دیوالیہ | It is not good to be a broken man. | |
112 | BROWBEAT | ||
Browbeat | تیوریاں دکھانا | The boss quite often browbeats the employees. | |
113 | BROWN | ||
Brown study | اداسی/اداسی میں | Keats was often found in brown study. | |
114 | BRUSH | ||
Brush up | بہتر کرنا | Read my book “Brush Up Your English”. | |
115 | BUBBLE | ||
Bubble over | ناراض ہونا | My child bubbled over her pocket money. | |
To prick the bubble | بھانڈا پھوڑنا | Defeat and death prick the bubble of life. | |
116 | BUCK | ||
Buck up | خوش ہونا | Buck up; you are winning the game. | |
Pass the buck | دوسرے پر ذمے داری ڈالنا | The ruling party tries to pass the buck to the Opposition for inflation and rising prices. | |
117 | BUCKET | ||
Give the bucket | معطل کرنا | The dishonest employee was given the bucket. | |
Kick the bucket | مرجانا | Many a dozen friends have kicked the bucket in 1975. | |
118 | BUD | ||
Nip in the bud | شروع میں ختم کر دینا | It is always best to nip the evil in the bud. | |
119 | BUILD | ||
To build castles in the air | خیالی پلاؤ پکانا | It is no use building castles in the air; do something solid. | |
120 | BULGE | ||
To get the bulge on one | کسی پر فائدہ لینا | It is not easy to get the bulge on the ruling party. | |
121 | BULL | ||
A bull in the china shop | موقع کے مطابق ناموزوں ہونا | In high society the villager is a bull in the china shop. | |
Take the bull by the horns | مضبوطی یا اعتماد سے خطرے پر قابو پانا | If you are in the trouble, always take the bull by the horn. | |
122 | BURN | ||
Burn a hole in one’s pocket | پیسے خرچ کرنے کو بے چین ہونا | A hundred rupee note burns a hole in the pocket of a youngster. | |
Burn one’s boats | فیصلہ کر لینا | If you want to win a victory against heavy odds, burn your boats behind you. | |
Burn out | جل کر ختم ہونا | The soldiers burnt ‘out the whole town. | |
Burn the candle at bothends | اللے تللہ کرنا/پیسہ ضائع کرنا | The boy burnt the candle at both ends by gambling and bad investment. | |
Burn the midnight oil | سخت پڑھائی کرنا | Many student burn the midnight oil near the examinations. | |
To burn one’s fingers | نقصان اٹھانا | Confine to your work and do not burn your fingers. | |
Burn day light | وقت ضائع کرنا | I don’t like people burning daylight. | |
123 | BURST | ||
To burst into tears | رونا | On seeing her injured, she burst into tears. | |
124 | BURY | ||
Bury the hatchet | دشمنی ختم کرنا | India and Pakistan have buried the hatchet. | |
125 | BUSH | ||
Beat about the bush | ادھر ادھر کی ہانکنا | If you need money ask it. There is no use beating about the bush. | |
126 | BUSINESS | ||
Mind your own business | اپنے کام سے کام رکھنا | Will you please mind your own business? | |
Send about ones business | معطل | If you misbehave, I will send you about your business. | |
127 | BUTT | ||
Butt in | مداخلت | When I am speaking, don’t butt in. | |
128 | BUTERچاپلوسی | ||
Butter one’s words | ڈھیر لگانا | Please don’t butter your words when you speak to me. | |
129 | BUY | ||
Buy in | ڈھیر لگانا | Big business people buy in and create shortages. | |
Buy off, out | پیسے سے خریدنا | He brought off the hotel he went to eine in. | |
Buy up | سارا ڈھیر خریدنا | By and by he became a minister. | |
130 | BY | ||
By and by | رفتہ رفتہ | By and by he became a minister. | |
By and large | سچی بات یہی ہے | By and large, mothers control the house. | |
By the way | ویسے ہی | By the way, how much money have you in your pocket? | |
By the by | ویسے ہی | By the by, what is your name? | |
Let bygones by gones | جو ہوگیا سو ہو گیا | I would very much appreciate if you will please let bygones be bygones and talk about the present only. | |
By dint of | وجہ سے | By dint of hard work, he secured first position in the university. |