'B' idioms and phrases with urdu meaning

Hole the babyکم سنبھالناWhen Mr. James was imprisoned Mr. Josepih held the baby.
Back friendساتھ دینے والا دوستThere are few back friends left nowadays.
Back handedغیر مخلصBeware of the back- handed friend.
He is playing a back-handed game with us.
Backing downپہلو تہی Once you have made a commitment let there be no backing down.
Back-numberبیکارAn aged man is a back- number.
A dismissed minister is a back-number.
Back ofپیچھےChina is back of Pakistan.
Back outوعدہ سے پھرناDishonest business people back out of their deals when the market goes up.
Back waterچپو چلانا پیچھے کوWe had to back water to reach the shore.
Break the back ofکام کا بڑا حصہ ختم کرنا/کمر توڑناGovernment of a big country can break the back of the stronger Prime Minister.
On the back ofکافی پیچھےRussia is on the hack of India.
Back outپھرناIt is no heroism no back out of your commitments.
Put one’s back intoسخت محنت کرناYou must put your back into preparation for the examination.
Behind one’s back intoپیٹھ پیچھےBehind my back at the office, my assistant puts everything in disorder.
To back upحمایت کرناFor a good cause one must always back up.
To turn one’s back uponمنہ موڑناIt is shame in you to turn your back upon your fiends in trouble.
Back and bellyروٹی کپڑا It is very hard to earn back and belly now-a-days.
Backstair influenceخفیہ مضبوط سہارا/سفارشCome what may, I will get a job with out backstair influence.
To Set one’s backکسی کا ناراض کرناI do not think it is advisable to set any body’s back.
Backbiteچغلی کھاناIt is not good to back bite your friends.
Backboneریڑھ کی ہڈی/اہمA Prime Minister is a backbone of the democratic government.
Backbone lessغیر مضبوطی/کمزوریA weak democratic government suffers from backboneless.
To the backboneمکمل طور پرAll our staff are honest to the back bone.
To bring one the baconمقصد میں کامیابیI had to work before I brought him the bacon.
Bad debtقرضہ جو واپس نہ ملےSooner or later you have to write off a bad debt.
Bad manبدمعاشEvery town today is full of bad men.
Bad shotغلط اندازہ His examination was a bad shot.
Go to the badبرائی اپناناThe whole nation is going to the bad.
In bad booksمعتوبRahat is in bad books of the principal.
With a bad graceنامہربانیHe received the guests with a bad grace.
Bad bloodدشمنیDo not have bad blood With anyone.
Bad timeبرے وقتDuring the bad time relatives and friends do not stand by.
Bad formبد اخلاقیA person with bad form does not succeed in life.
Bag and baggageبوریا بسترI left for Pakistan in 1947 bag and baggage.
Let the cat out of the bagراز کے لئے دیناThe women quite often let the cat out of the bag.
In the bottom of the bagآخری کوشش کے طور پرHe had his gun in the bottom of his bag go help his brother in the fight.
Accept, dmit to, Allow Bailضمانت پرThe magistrate accepted the bail of a rich man to set the prisoner free.
Bail upمغلوب ہوناThe debtor was bailed up.
To hang in balanceغیر یقینیThe future of a young man hangs in the balance.
Balanced personalityمستقل مزاجیQuaid had a balanced personality.
To lose one’s balanceتوازن کھوناWhile getting down from the car, my wife lost her balance.
Balance of advantageسفارش {بڑی}He has balance of advantage in getting the job of an overseer.
Keep the ball rollingکام چلتا رکھناWhen a man dies, his family has to keep the ball rolling.
Ball at one’s feetکامیابی ہاتھ میں ہوناIn the next General Elections, no party will find the ball at its feet.
Band of hopeتنظیم جو نشہ وغیرہ سے پرہیز کرےThere is no band of hope in the world today.
Bandy wordsبحث و مباحثہWhen you have lost a case, bandying words wil not save the situation.
Bang-upفیشن زدہEvery university boy is in the bang-up.
Break the bankجوئے سےHe broke the band and won a large sum of money.
To bank uponانحصارEven at the age of thirty he banks upon his parents.
Go bankruptدیوالیہMany traders go bankrupt because of their dishonesty.
Keep the banner flyingکام کرتے رہناWhile I am away from the force, please keep the banner flying.
To forbid the bannsشادی میں رکاوٹ ڈالناWhen the boy wanted to marry, the girl’s mother forbade the banns.
Bail upHe has balance of advantage in getting the job of an overseer.
Baptism of bloodشہادت /مرجاناTipu Sultan accepted the baptism of blood at the altar of the freedom of Muslims.
Call to the barبیریسٹر بنناMany young boys are called to the bar.
At the barوکالت کی پریکٹس کرناFor many years Abraham lincoln was at the bar.
Cross the barمرناQuaid crosssed the bar on September 11, 1948.
Sell one a bargainبیوقوف بناناThe lawyer sold the litigant a bargains.
Strike a bargainبات بنناThe man struck a good bargain with the shopkeeper.
Dutch bargainپینے پلانے پر ختم ہونا{معاملہَIn all bargains, the drunkards always prefer to Dutch bargains.
Bark up the wrong treeغلط جگہ جانا/تہرے بندے پر شک کرناIn investigating the murder of the Railway Minister, the police is barking up the wrong tree.
Basking sharkخطرناک لیکن غیر مضر شخصA police officer is a basking shark.
To have too many eggs in one basketبہت کچھ کرناA modern businessman has always too many eggs in one basket.
To carry out one’s batکام کو کامیابی سے مکمل کرناMrs. James hopes to can our her bat.
Off one’s own batاچھے بل بوتے پر One rises or falls off one’s own bat.
Bated breathرکی ہوئی سانسThe people heard the tidings with bated breath.
Off one’s own batاپنی کوشش سےI have made all money entirely off my own bat.
Masked batteryدشمن کی نظر سے اوجھلRadio Pakistan is a kind of masked battery.
To turn a man’s battery against himselfکسی کو اسکی دلیلوں سے ہراناI turned his battery against himself while discussing politics with him.
Half the battleکامیابی کی طرف لے جاناPassing a university examination is half the battle to getting employment.
Not to know from battledoreناواقفSo far as chess is concerned, I do not know AB from battledore.
Stand at bayدشمن کا سامناWhen the enemy attacked, the patriots stood at bay.
To bay at the moonناممکن کے حصول کی کوششYour efforts are all baying at the moon.
At the point of bayonetزبر دستی The soldiers robbed the civilians at the point of bayonet.
Be all and end-allآخر نتیجہOne should never be too proud, death is the be-all and end-all of all human beings.
Draw a bead onنشانہ لیناThe acoit new a bead on the policeman
To tell one’s beadsتسبیح کرناAn aged man should retire from politics and tell his beads.
On one’s beam-endsتشویش میںYou have to offer help when you find someone on beam-ends.
Full beansپر جوشAfter the college exams the students are full of beans.
Give one beansدھمکی دیناWhen a child does something wrong, do not give him beans.
Bear a handمدد کرناKindly bear me a hand in lifting this burden.
Bear awayسمندر میں سفر شروع کرناThe ship bore away with the tide.
Bear Hardمرضی کے بغیرDo not bear hard on the child.
Bear in handامید رکھنا/برقرار رکھناPlease bear the youth in hand.
Bear outتصدیق کرناPlease bear out that I have done no harm to you.
Bear upحوصلہ برقرار رکھناYou must bear up until the trouble is over.
Bear up forسفر کرناPlease bear up for a great position in life.
Bear withبرداشت کرناYou should bear with your friend’s weakness.
Borne in uponزبردستی متاثر کرناIt must be borne in upon you that I am not going to take lies.
Bring to bearعمل میں لاناGreat influence was brought to bear upon the minister for getting quotas of steel.
Beard a loin in its denبڑی طاقت کو للکارناChallenging the might of the Mughals, the Sikhs bearded the lion in its own den.
Beat about the bushبال کی کھال اتارناThere is no use always beating about the bush.
Beat a retreatہتھیار پھینکناBefore the advancing forces of the enemy, the patriots beat a hasty retreat.
Beat downکم کرناThe Pakistani ladies are often competent in beating down the prices.
Beat itبھاگ جاناWhen the down appeared, the cat beat it.
Beat the airبے مقصد لڑناIn fighting against the people, a government can only beat the air.
Beat one’s brainsپریشان ہوناDo not beat our brains about the illness of your father.
Beau idealخیالی خوبصورتیTruth should be the beau ideal of life and not money which is the beau ideal now-a-days.
Beauty sleepآدھی رات سے پہلےLet us have some beauty sleep before the clock strikes twelve.
Beauty queenخوبصورتی کی ملکہ/حسن کا پیکرSalma is the beauty queen of saman a bad College.
To become ofہونا / انجام ہوناWhat will become of his Sons after his death?
A bed of rosesآسانLife is not bed of roses.
To take to bedبیمار ہوناHe has been taken to bed for the last ten days.
Bed-fellowولی دوستKamran and Mohsin are bed-fellows.
Beforehand with the worldآسانی سے ملناThe prince was before hind with the world.
Begging letterخیرات کے مقصد سے خطThe mail of begging letters is heavy but it is seldom replied.
Go a-beggingضرورت ہوناBecause of a ceiling on big properties huge building go a-begging for customers.
To begin withشروع میںTo begin with I am not acquainted with Pakistan History.
To begin the worldزندگی شروع کرناIt is very difficult to begin the world now-a-days.
Beginning of the endباب بند کرناIt is begging of the end for the Pakistani National Assembly which Ghulam Ishaq had rightly advised that its should be dissolved.
Behind the scenesپردے میںThe principal and the lecturers are having their successions behind the scenes.
Behind the timeماضی میںThe main reason for his dismissal from service was his being behind the time.
Fall behindپیچھے رہ جاناHe has fallen behind in English studies.
Behind one’s backپیٹھ پیچھےI do not like your habit of criticising a man behind his back.
Behind handپیچھےOur commitments for June will be behind hand in July. Let us complete them in May.
Bell the catناممکن کام کا عزمThe opposition wants to oust the Prime Minister from power but no body is ready to bell the cat.
Bell-bottomedٹخنوں سے کھلےModern boys and girls wear bell-bottomed pants as the latest thing in fashion.
Bear off or carry offbellپہلی پوزیشن لیناIn the last General Election Mrs. Benazir bore off the bell.
To sound clear as bellصاف ہونا بالکلHis love for you sounds clear as a bell.
Below one’s breathخاموشی سےWe are talking below our breath.
Below the markمعیار سے کمHis work is below the mark.
Belly godپیٹوAhmad is a belly god.
Hitting below the beltوار کرنا {گھٹیا طریقے سے}It was a moral code with our Aryan forefathers never to hit a man below the belt.
Hold the beltبیلٹ والا ہوناMy friend held the belt in the last boxing championships.
Bemock the moonبیوقوفی کرناIf you have lost the game, don’t bemock the moon.
But and a benدو کمروں کا گھرHe lived in a but and a ben.
live but and benعزت سے رہناFor many many years she lived but and ben in her village.
Bench holeٹوائلٹGo, ease yourself on the benchhole.
On the benchجج کا دفترMr. afeer is on the bench of the Lahore High Court.
Raise to benchجج بنناMy friend, Mr. Safeer, has been raised to the bench.
Bend one’s kneeجھکناNever bend your knees before anybody except God.
Beneath contemptحقارت سے بالا ترThe Prime Minister Thought him beneath contempt.
Benefit of the doubtشک کا فائدہMany criminals are set free because of the benefit of the doubt.
To the top of one’s bentرغبت سے زیادہHe enjoyed liquor to the top of his bent.
Take to the bentاڑاناWhen we came, they took the bent.
To run berserkپاگل ہوناMany men in Lahore run berserk on account of hot and damp weather.
To bive a wide berth toفاصلے پر رکھناIt is best to bive a wide berth to insincere friends and acquaintances.
Beside oneselfآپے سے باہرWhen the boy returned home, the mother was beside herself with joy.
Beside the mark, point, questionغیر متعلقہYour discussion is beside the mark. Your argument is beside the point. Your answer is beside the question.
Best-sellerہاتھوں ہاتھ بکنے والی“India’s War With Pakistan” was the best seller.
Best boy, girlاچھی / دلپسندRahat was the best boy in the party.
Best maidدلہن کی طرفMariam was the best maid at Salma’s wedding.
Best manشہہ بالاWho will be your best man tomorrow?
Best partبڑا حصہI had little money for the best part of my life.
For the bestاچھے ارادے سےI helped her with the best intentions.
Give one the bestفتح دیناIn this game of cards, I give you the best.
Have the best of itمقابلے میں جیتناKashmiris had the best of it in struggle war against India.
Had, were bestاچھا ہوناI were best. Me were best.( it were best for me.).
Make the best of ones wayجتنا آسانی سے کر سکےLet us make the best of our way in life.
Put one’s best foot forwardاچھا آغازIn whatever work we are called upon to do, let us put our best foot for- ward.
To the best of my beliefجتنا میرے علم میں ہےTo the best of my belief, he is a reasonable man.
Be better than one’s workوعدے سے زیادہ کرناLet us be better than our word.
Better offاچھے حالاتPeople today are better off than before independence.
Get the better ofبرتری ہونا/فائدہ ہوناBy and by will get the better of any trial or trouble.
Think better ofچھوڑنے کی سوچناI have learnt to think better you.
Better late than neverنہ آنے سے دیر بھلیEven if you start with your studies now it will be better late than never.
One’s bettersبرتر / عزیزOne should always respect one’s betters.
Between whilesوقفے میںI hope to write to you between whiles.
Between you and me and the postراز کی باتBetween you and me and the post, I have lost my money.
Between the devil and the deep seaپریشانی میںAs and authou, I am between the devil and the deep sea.
Between two tiresدو پارییو ں کے درمیانA wise arbitrator always avoids to bet between two fires.
Between cup and lipامید و حقیقت کے درمیانThere is many a slip between the cup and the lip.
Beyond Measureناقابل پیمائشThe success achieved by Waqas is beyond measure.
To go beyondحد سے گزرناNever go beyond reality.
Bid good-byeخدا حافظ کہناAs soon as the train whistled he bade good-bye to his friends.
To bid welcomeدل خوش آمدیدWhen we reached the party we were bid welcome by Mohsin’s uncle.
Bid fairلگتا ہےHide bids fair to become a minister.
Big belliedحاملہThe big-bellied lady is about to bear a child.
Big businessاچھا کاروبارBig business runs the government in many countries of the world.
To talk bigلمبی چوڑی ہانکناHe is in the habit of talking big.
To look bigمتاثر کرناReality is reality, looking big will not convince me.
Big with youngحاملہShe is big with a young now-a-days.
Bill of fareکھانے وغیرہ کی لسٹHe told the bearer to bring the bill of fare before ordering his dinner.
Bind overقانونی ذمہ داریHe was bound over for the security of the child.
Be bound up inواقف مکمل طور پر He was bound up in his work.
Bind/dareذمہ داریI dare or I will be bound.
Bird- eyedتیز نظر والاHe is a bird-eyed man.
Bird’s eye-viewعمومی سوچ سے اوپرYou can have a bird’s eyeview of Lahore from the top of Minare Pakistan.
Like birdتیزی سےHe did everything like a bird.
A bird’s eye-viewعمومی سوچWe could hardly have a bird’s eye-view at the time of Quaid’s cremation.
Birds of same featherایک جیسی عادتوں والےBirds of the same feather flock together.
Bird in handیقینیA bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
To kill two birds with one stoneایک تیر سے دو شکارEvery politician tries to kill two birds with one stone.
Set up one’s birseغصہ بڑھاناKashif has set up Wasim’s birse.
Bit and supکھانے پینے کوLet me have bit and sup.
Bit by bitتھوڑی تھوڑیI will manage to write the book bit by bit.
Do one’s bitاپنی کوشش کرناI will gladly do my bit for you.
Tobive a bit of one’s mindکھری کھری سناناWhen I asked him for some money, he gave a bit of his mind and said no.
Bite the dustمرناThe greatest conquerors have at last bitten the dust.
Bitter endآخر تکThe Pakistan Army fought to the bitter end.
Bitter-sweetتلخ و شیریں کا امتزاجLife is bitter-sweet.
Black and blueشدیدThe teacher beat the boy black and blue.
Black sheepکالی بھیڑThere are black sheep everywhere in social organizations.
In black and whiteتحریر میںPlease submit your demands in black and white.
In one’s black booksنا پسندHe is in the black books of his teacher.
Blackmailناحق فائدہYou can no longer blackmail him, as full details have been published in the papers.
Blackholeفوجی قبضے میںDuring every war many soldiers are blackholed by opposite groups.
On the wrong side of blanketحرامیHe was born on the wrong side of the blanket.
Wet blanketمزہ خراب کرناA selfish man is a wet blanket.
Turn a blind eyeنظر انداز کرناIt is best to turn a blind eye to other people’s doings instead of coming into conflict with them
Blind man’s holidayروشنی سے پہلےRahat and Nadeem enjoy a blind man's holiday.
Blindfoldغیر محتاطYour blindfold habits will ruin you one day.
Block upروکناRains have blocked up the Lahore Road.
Chip of the old blockباپ جیساHis child is a chip of the old block.
Blood houndجاسوسیI hope you are not a blood hound.
Blood suckerخون چوسنے والےMost of the shopkeepers are blood suckers.
In hot bloodقبضے میںHe killed the man in hot blood.
In cold bloodسوچ بچار کے بعدThe man was killed in cold blood.
Flesh and bloodانسانA flesh and blood is never happy in life.
Blood and ironطاقت کا ظالمانہ استعمالHitler mastered Germany through blood and iron.
Blow hot and coldادھر ادھر کی بانکناIf you want to win the war, you must not blow hot and cold.
Blow one’s own trumpetاپنی تعریف کرناIt is not good to blow one’s own trumpet.
Blow overگزر جاناEvery unpleasant happening blows over in the course of time.
Blow upغیر موجبThe earthquake blew up.
The minister blew up with anger.
Blow uponغصے میں آناThe people blew upon the leader.
To come to blowمارنے مرنے پر آمادہAfter their heated discussion both the groups came to blows.
Once in a blue moonکبھی کبھارHe comes to see mc once in blue moon.
To sweep the boardکامیابlmran Khan has always been sweeping the board in his life.
To sail in the same boatایک کشتی کا سوارBoth husband and wife are sailing in the same boat.
To have an oar to another’s boatدوسروں کے معاملات میں ٹانگ اڑاناIt is unwise to have an oar in another’s boat.
Body and soulدل و جاںHe devoted his body and soul for getting first class in the B.A. examination.
Bolt from the blueغیر متوقع حملہHer sudden illness was a bolt from the blue.
Have shot one’s boltاس سے زیادہ نہ کر پاناThe Congressmen have shot their bolt.
Bone of contentionوجہ فسادMoney is always a bone of contention in the family.
Make no bones ofضمیر کی خلشMany men do not make bones of their morals.
To the boneاندرونی حصہHe is a Jana Sanghi to the bone.
To pick a bone with someoneجھگڑناI do not want to pick a bone with anyone.
Bring the bookسوال کرناYou will be brought to book for all your misdeeds.
Tade a leaf out of another’s bookدوسروں کی مثال سے فائدہ اٹھاناIt is time for young men to take a leaf out of their elders’ book.
Talk like a bookکتابی باتیںDo not talk like a book before melet me know your mind.
Without bookیاداشت سےThe judge talked without book.
To be in one’s good booksنا پسندیدہHe is in the good books of the manager.
To be one’s bad booksنا پسندیدہHe is in the bad books of his manager.
Get the bootمعطل ہوناThe dishonest employees got the boot.
Die in one’s bootsفرض کے دوران فوت ہوناMy brother died in his boots.
Have one’s heart on one’s bootہمت ہارناThe constable had his heart in his boots.
To make boot ofفائدہThe new policy of the Government is going to punish those who are making boots by charging higher prices.
To be given the bootمعطل ہوناHe has been given the boot from the service.
To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouthمنہ میں سونے کا چمچہ لے کر پیدا ہوناSalma was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
To be born under a lucky starخوش قسمت He is born under a lucky star.
Bosom friendولی دوستYou are my bosom friend.
Bottle upبند کرناWe were bottled up in the house.
Pass the bottle of smokeجرم کرناThe men in power are forced to pass the bottle of smoke.
Bottomless pitدوزخLet the wicked get to the bottomless pit.
Get to the bottomسچ کی تلاشLet us get to the bottom of the story.
Stand on one’s own bottomآزاد/اپنے پاؤں پہYou must learn to stand on your own bottom.
Touch bottomسطح سے گر جاناGoodwill of the ruling party has touched the bottom.
From the bottom of the heartبہت زیادہ خلوص سےWe thank you from the bottom of our heart of what you have done for us.
By leaps and boundsدن دوگنی رات چوگنیWith the help of a guru you can make progress by leaps and bounds in the spiritual world.
Lady bountifulعزت دار خاتونRani is the Lady Bountiful in our town.
To make one’s bowریٹائر ہونا/عزت سےThe fault of our leaders is that they never want to make their bow once they become ministers.
To draw the long bowلمبی چوڑی چھوڑناDo not draw the long bow in the court because you will never be able to brave your statement.
On the bow handضائع ہوناHe did his best, but his efforts were on the bow hand.
Two strings to one’s bowمتبادل ہوناIn dealing with your enemy you should have at least two strings to your bow.
Bowwowدھمکی آمیزIn dealing with a strong opponent, a mere bowwow will not help you. Carlyle wrote in bowwow.
In the wrong boxغلط جگہ پرIn a crowd of politicians I find my self in the wrong box.
To be in the boxپریشانی میںHe is in the box now-a-days.
Boy friendدوستEvery nice girl should have a nice boy friend.
Brain fagذہنی تھکانEvery one suffers from brain fag after a hard day’s work in the field or in the office.
Brain waveخود ذہن میں آنے والا سوالA brain wave can often carry you through an emergency.
Brains trustماہرین کی کمپنیRadio Pakistan has a brains trust to speak on the national problems.
To blow out one’s brainگولی سے مارناDuring the war the soldiers are ordered to blow out one’s brain.
Root and branchمکمل طور پرHe uprooted the cause of distress root and branch.
Brand from the burningخطرے سے نکالناHis life was brand from the burning when his friend came to his help.
Brazen-facedبے شرمThere are more and more brazen-faced boys in a schools and of faces.
Breach of the peaceامن کی خرابیBad characters are responsible for the breach of the peace in the street.
Breach of promiseوعدہ خلافیThe boy’s father is responsible for the brcachof promise.
Bread and butterدال روٹیEverybody works hard for his bread and butter.
Bread studyروٹی کمانے کے لئے کوشاںMost of the education to-day is mere bread study.
Bread buttered on both sidesپانچوں انگلیاں گھی میں ہوناThe sons of a minister find bread buttered on both sides.
Take the bread out of one’s mouthروزی سے محرومIf you dismiss a man from job, you take the bread out of his mouth.
Break awayجداBanglaDesh has broken away from Pakistan..
Break a jestمذاق اڑاناMian Nawaz Sharif quite’ often broke a jest.
Break downناکام/خراب ہوناIn times of emergency all controls tend to break down.
Break groundکسی چیز میں رہنمائیThe laboures have broken the ground for new work.
Break in, upon or intoزبردستی گھسناThe intruder broke in upon our meeting with a pistol.
Break looseزبردستی نکالناThe boy has broken away from the family.
Break no squaresکوئی فرق نہ ڈالناYour speech breaks no squares in the government policy.
Break offاچانک بھاگناThe boy has broken off with the family.
Break one’s mindکسی سے بات بانٹناAt last the mother broke her mind to the son.
Break outپھوٹناPlague has broken out in the city.
Break the heartدل توڑناThe death of my brother has broken my heart.
Break upon the wheelسخت سزا دیناThe rebels were broken upon the wheel.
Make a clean breastاعتراف جرم کرناThe murderers of Shahid have not yet made clean breast.
Above one’s breathاونچاPlease speak above your breath.
Below or under one’s breathآہستہ آواز میںSome people are in the habit of speaking under their breath.
Catch the breathسانس روکناYogis can catch the breath.
Out of breathسانس پھولا ہوناI was out of breath after catching the bus.
Take breathآرامPlease take your breath before you talk.
Spend one’s breathبہ فضول بولناWhy are you spending your breath.?
With bated breathحیرانی سےThe boys listened to the teacher with bated breath.
Breath againپرسکون ہوناAfter the result, Mohsin is breathing again.
Breathe freelyآسانی میں ہوناIn my house you can breath freely.
Breath uponکام پر قبضہ لگاناYour action breath upon your father.
To breathe one’s LastمرناMy friend breathed his last on 27th May, 1975.
Wear the breachesحکمران ہوناMy wife does indeed wear the breaches in the house.
Breeze upتازہ دمLet us breeze up in the garden.
Bribery oathرشوت نہ لینے کا حلفNobody is asked to bribery oath because everybody is taking bribes.
Like a ton of bricksبھاری پڑناThe death of my brother fell on me like a ton of bricks.
Take a briefکسی کی ذمہ داری لیناThe lawyer has accepted my brief.
The brief and the longمکمل کہانیThe brief and the long is that the doctor killed my brother.
To be briefتھوٹے لفظوں میںTo be brief, I am too busy to meet Dr. Dilawar.
In briefمختصراٍPlease describe the matter in brief.
Bring aboutوجہ بنناM.r. Quald brought about great changes in the country.
B ring downعاجزDo not bring down your friends.
Bring forthپیش کرناEvil brings forth evil.
Bring forwardبڑھاناI have brought forward the sum due to you.
Bring inمتعارف کراناI was brought in to the grand assembly.
Bring outواضح کرناPlease bring out the meaning of your poem.
Bring overبدلناYou cannot bring me over to communism by violence.
Bring roundہوش میں لاناSprinkling of water on his face brought him round.
Bring underقابو پاناThe British failed to bring Pathans under.
Bring up the rearآخر میں آناI bring up the rear in the procession.
To bring aboutوجہ بنناHis negligence brought his failure.
To bring to mindیاد کرناPlease bring to mind. I paid you rupees ten last Sunday.
Broken manبیمار/دیوالیہIt is not good to be a broken man.
Browbeatتیوریاں دکھاناThe boss quite often browbeats the employees.
Brown studyاداسی/اداسی میں Keats was often found in brown study.
Brush upبہتر کرنا Read my book “Brush Up Your English”.
Bubble overناراض ہوناMy child bubbled over her pocket money.
To prick the bubbleبھانڈا پھوڑناDefeat and death prick the bubble of life.
Buck upخوش ہوناBuck up; you are winning the game.
Pass the buckدوسرے پر ذمے داری ڈالناThe ruling party tries to pass the buck to the Opposition for inflation and rising prices.
Give the bucketمعطل کرناThe dishonest employee was given the bucket.
Kick the bucketمرجاناMany a dozen friends have kicked the bucket in 1975.
Nip in the budشروع میں ختم کر دیناIt is always best to nip the evil in the bud.
To build castles in the airخیالی پلاؤ پکاناIt is no use building castles in the air; do something solid.
To get the bulge on oneکسی پر فائدہ لیناIt is not easy to get the bulge on the ruling party.
A bull in the china shopموقع کے مطابق ناموزوں ہوناIn high society the villager is a bull in the china shop.
Take the bull by the hornsمضبوطی یا اعتماد سے خطرے پر قابو پاناIf you are in the trouble, always take the bull by the horn.
Burn a hole in one’s pocketپیسے خرچ کرنے کو بے چین ہوناA hundred rupee note burns a hole in the pocket of a youngster.
Burn one’s boatsفیصلہ کر لیناIf you want to win a victory against heavy odds, burn your boats behind you.
Burn outجل کر ختم ہوناThe soldiers burnt ‘out the whole town.
Burn the candle at bothendsاللے تللہ کرنا/پیسہ ضائع کرناThe boy burnt the candle at both ends by gambling and bad investment.
Burn the midnight oilسخت پڑھائی کرناMany student burn the midnight oil near the examinations.
To burn one’s fingersنقصان اٹھاناConfine to your work and do not burn your fingers.
Burn day lightوقت ضائع کرناI don’t like people burning daylight.
To burst into tearsروناOn seeing her injured, she burst into tears.
Bury the hatchetدشمنی ختم کرناIndia and Pakistan have buried the hatchet.
Beat about the bushادھر ادھر کی ہانکناIf you need money ask it. There is no use beating about the bush.
Mind your own businessاپنے کام سے کام رکھناWill you please mind your own business?
Send about ones businessمعطل If you misbehave, I will send you about your business.
Butt inمداخلتWhen I am speaking, don’t butt in.
Butter one’s wordsڈھیر لگاناPlease don’t butter your words when you speak to me.
Buy inڈھیر لگاناBig business people buy in and create shortages.
Buy off, outپیسے سے خریدناHe brought off the hotel he went to eine in.
Buy upسارا ڈھیر خریدناBy and by he became a minister.
By and byرفتہ رفتہ By and by he became a minister.
By and largeسچی بات یہی ہےBy and large, mothers control the house.
By the wayویسے ہیBy the way, how much money have you in your pocket?
By the byویسے ہیBy the by, what is your name?
Let bygones by gonesجو ہوگیا سو ہو گیاI would very much appreciate if you will please let bygones be bygones and talk about the present only.
By dint ofوجہ سےBy dint of hard work, he secured first position in the university.

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