1 | ABACK |
| Taken aback | حیران ہو جانا | Aslam was taken aback to see me on his boat. |
| Abandon oneself | رغبت ہونا | I cannot abandon myself to drive. |
3 | ABC |
| ABC | ابتدائی علم | She is still learning the ABC of higher life. |
4 | ABIDE |
| Abide by | پابندی کرنا | He shall abide by the rules of the school. |
5 | ABLE |
| Able bodied | مضبوط /قوی | There is a need for able- bodied youth in the defence services. |
6 | ABLOOM |
| Abloom | کھل جانا کھلے ہونا | Nature is abloom in spring. |
| Abortive effort | ناکام کوشش | It’s useful to be successful in one game than making abortive efforts in all games. |
8 | ABOUND |
| Abound | کثرت میں | The river aboundes in fish. |
9 | ABOUT |
| About ship | مخالف سمت میں | Quaid about-Shipped the British Empire. |
| To be about | کچھ کرنے لگنا، وجہ بننا | The policeman caught the man when he was about to pick a pocket. |
| Come about | ہونا {کچھ بھیَ} | Whatever may come about, I must have this project. |
| Out and about | نارمل ہونا | After a long illness my father is at last out and about. |
| Go about | تیار ہونا | Please go about your business instead of passing your time. |
10 | ABOVE |
| Above board | صاف ستھرا | Your actions should be above board. |
| Above ali | بڑھ کر {سب سے} | He is very gentle and honest, but above all, he is very hard-working. |
| Above criticism | تنقید سے بالا تر | No human being is above criticism. |
| Above one’s station | اوقات سے بڑھ کر | He may try his best but the post is de-finitely above his station. |
| Above ground | زندگی میں | Everybody want something to live by while he is above ground. |
| Above mentioned | پیشگی تذکرہ | Please onside the above-mentioned questions immediately. |
| To live above one’s means | چادر سے زیادہ پاؤں پھیلانا | Only the foolish live above their means. |
| Above one s under standing | سمجھ سے بالا تر | His talk is always above one’s under standing. |
| Over and above | اضافی طور پر | Over and above this issue I want to discuss some other issues too. |
| Above oneself | مفرور ہونا | She was above herself when got the news that she topped the list in the CSS competition. |
| Abracadabra | بے معنی عقل سے بالا تر | The talk between two scientific experts was all abracadabra to me. |
12 | ABREAST |
| Abreast | پہلو بہ پہلو | The youth much march abreast with ideas. |
13 | ABROAD |
| Abroad | کافی آگے/دور | Monsoon is too abroad. |
14 | ABSENCE |
| Absence of mind | غائب دماغی | She could not do well in history paper because of absence of mind. |
15 | ABSENT |
| Absent-minded | غائب دماغ/غیر متوجہ | An absent- minded person is never successful in his Life. |
| Out of sight out of mind | آنکھ اوجھل پہاڑ اوجھل | Please write me as soon as you reach Lahore do not be out of sight, out of mind. |
16 | ABSEY |
| Absey book | تھوڑا سا علم ہونا | The IB is still in the absey book about Murtaza’s Murder. |
| Absolute alcohol | مکمل ناکافی | Absolute alcohol is dangerous for your body. |
| Absolute zero | خود سر | For millions of people in the world success is an absolute zero. |
18 | ABSORB |
| Absorb | ڈوبا ہوا | When I reached home I found my brother absorbed in studies. |
19 | ABSTAIN |
| Abstain from | پرہیز کرنا | You should abstain from smoking. |
| To abstract a thing from | نکال لینا | I have abstracted every coin from my bank account. |
| Abundance of the heart | کھلے دل سے | People supported the cause of CBN with abundance of the heart. |
22 | ABUZZ |
| Abuzz | حرکت میں | The hall was abuzz in the concert. |
23 | ACCEDE |
| Accede to | قبول کرنا | After much persuasion the boss acceded to my request. |
24 | ACCEPT |
| Accept one’s hand of friendship | دوستی کا ہاتھ بڑھانا/قبول کرنا | Pakistan has always accepted a hand of friendship from every country. |
| Acceptable to | قابل قبول | The amount of discount demanded you is not acceptable to me. |
| Acceptance | تصدیق | The acceptance of our proposals from Messrs Parry & Co. has duly been received. |
26 | ACCESS |
| Access to | رسائی | Do you have any access to the minister? |
| Accomplished in | ماہر ہونا | Raju is accomplished in singing. |
| Accomplished | ماہر | Our professor is an accomplished scholar. |
28 | ACCORD |
| With one accord | مکمل اتحاد سے | Election of Benazir Bhutto as Pakistan’s Prime Minister was one accord of the PPP. |
| Of one’s own accord | اپنے زور بازو سے | One should try everything of his own accord. |
| In accordance with | مطابق | To perform in accordance with law is always a safe thing. |
| According as | منحصر | The success in the examination depends according as the student prepares for the same. |
| According to | مطابق | I completed he assignment according to the professors instructions. |
31 | ACCOUNT |
| Call to/bring to account | وضاحت طلب کرنا | The National Assembly called Zardari to account for the import licenses scandal. |
| To find one’s account | فائدہ لینا | An officer finds his account in whatever he does for you in his routine. |
| Go to one’s long account | مرجانا | The Railway minister has gone to his long account. |
| Hold to account | ذمے دار ہونا | Opposition is held to account for all troubles in the country. |
| Account with, in | کاروباری تعلق | The Rahman Publishers are in account with most of the booksellers in the country. |
| Make account of | اہمیت دینا | A saint can’t make account of wordly possessions. |
| Account of, on | وجہ سے | She was fined on account of his absence from the college. |
| On no account | بغیر وجہ | A teacher should not beat the student on no account. |
| Take into account | سوچنا | The judge must take into account the nature of the crime before taking into task. |
| Take no account of | نظر انداز کرنا | A modern teacher takes no account of boyish pranks in the class. |
| To turn to good account | فائدہ اٹھانا | You must turn to good account any opportunity that comes your way. |
| Account for | وضاحت دینا | You will have to account for your negligence. |
| On account | پیشگی رقم | A cheque for RS.2000/- from S.A salam & Co. is received on account, the balance will be received in due course. |
| To turn to account | سود مند بنانا | Wise men turn to account even their misfortunes. |
| To be account | محترم | Zardari was accounted high in the Court of Zaman. |
| To close an account with | مالی تعلق ختم کرنا | We have closed an account with the MCB. |
| To open an account with | مالی تعلق شروع کرنا | We have opened an account wigh the Habib Bank Ltd. |
| On one’s account | اپنی ذمہ داری پر | I may remind you once again that everything you are doing as entirely on your own account. |
| To square on account | برابر کرنا {اکاؤنٹ} | By payment of Rs.600/- to us your accounts will be squared up fully. |
32 | ACE |
| Ace | ممتاز کامیابی والے | Many ace pilots die in this war. |
| With an ace of | بال بال | After the motor accident he had to escape with an ace of death. |
33 | ACID |
| Acid | چبھتا ہوا | He made an acid remark. He is a man of acid nature. This is the acid test of your character. |
| Acid test | تنقیدی امتحان | The trials, troubles and tribulations are the acid test of your character. |
34 | ACOCK |
| Acock | بدسلوکی / سر مزاجی | The prime Minister finds the opposition acock in the parliament. |
| To be acquainted with | شناسا ہونا | He is acquainted with all the details of the problem. |
| Acquired character | حقیقت میں اچھا ہونا | True greatness in an acquired character. |
36 | ACQUIT |
| Acquit oneself of | فرض سے فارغ ہونا | He acquitted himself of marrying daughter. |
| Acquit oneself | ثابت کرنا | The soldier acquitted himself in the battle. |
37 | ACROSS |
| Come across | ملنا | I came across an old friend in the bazar. |
| Get across | لوگوں پر اثر کرنا | His speech did not get across in the parliament. |
| Put it or get is across | قابل قبول کرنا/منانا | The bridegroom was unwilling to marry; but his uncle got it across to him. |
38 | ACT |
| Act of God | خدائی کام | Ranning is an act of God. |
| To act | رویہ رکھنا/سلوک کرنا | Students are taught to act properly in schools. |
| Act of grace | معافی سے | He was saved from death by an act of grace. |
| Act on | عمل کرنا | We have acted on your advice. |
| Act up to | انجام دینا/پورا کرنا | The soldiers die acting up to higher sense of patriotism. |
| To act upon | ماننا/عمل کرنا | Always act upon the advice of elders. |
39 | ACTION |
| To put action | عمل میں رہنا | If the Pakistani Plans were put in action to the extent they are on paper, the economy of Pakistan would have improved to a great extent. |
| Man of action | عملی آدمی | Quaid was a man of action. |
40 | ACTIVE |
| Active service | میدان جنگ میں | Many soldiers die on active service. |
41 | ADAM |
| Old as Adam | پرانے قصوں سے | There are a lorge number of historical places in Pakistan which are as old as Adam. |
| Not known from Adam | علم نہ دینا | I have not known from Adam your friend Mr. Kamran. |
42 | ADD |
| To add fuel to the fire | جلتی پر تیل ڈالنا | Samuel's way of speech always adds fuel to the fire. |
| To add insult to injury | زخموں پر نمک چھڑکنا | An abuse always adds insult to injury. |
43 | ADDICT |
| Addict to | عادی ہونا | My friend is addicted to liquor. |
44 | ADDLE |
| Addle brained, addle-headed addle pated | خالی الذہن | Many addle- headed people manage to get into the Parliament. |
| Addle egg | مفرور | My father-in-law is an addle-egg. |
45 | ADHERE |
| Adhere to | چپک جانا | One should adhere to one’s principles. |
46 | AD HOC |
| Ad hoc | خاص مقصد کے لئے | From time to time ad hoc committees are formed to examine the cost of living in the country. |
47 | ADIEU |
| To bid adieu | خدا حافظ کہنا | As the train whistled out, I bade him adieu. |
48 | ADO |
| Ado about nothing | خواہ مخواہ برھانا | It is a systematic policy of the opposition in Parliament everywhere in the world to make much ado about nothing to pull a feather or two from the cap of the party in power. |
49 | ADONAIS |
| Adonais | خوبصورت نوجوان نسل | Many an adonais glitters on the campus. |
50 | ADVANCE |
| Advance copy | اشاعت سے پہلے | This is an advance copy of our Dictionary of idioms and phrases. |
| Advance in | پیشگی/پہلے ہی | Please let me have a copy of your speech in advance. The soldiers fought in advance. |
| Advance in life | بڑھتی عمر | As a man advances in life he becomes more serious and conscious. |
| To take advantage of | فائدہ اٹھانا | You can take advantage of my influence for getting a job in S.A. Salam Publications. |
| To have advantage over | برتری ہونا | An employer has always many advantages over his employees. |
| Advantage ground | اچھی پوزیشن میں | Once a man gets popular, he is at advantage ground to go ahead with his schemes at a quick pace. |
| To take a person at an advantage | حیران کرنا | The Russians took the Americans at an advantage at the Geneva Conference. |
52 | AD VERBUM |
| ad verhum | من وعن/لفظ بہ لفظ | The school girl crammed the poem ad verbum. |
53 | ADVISE |
| advise | آگاہ کرنا | I have advised him telegraphically that I am leaving by Night Coach. |
54 | AEGIS |
| under the aegis of | سرپرستی میں | A great function was held under the aegis of the Government of Pakistan to honour King Faisal. |
| Affettuoso | نرمی سے | As he parted from his beloved friend, he kissed her affettuoso. |
| affiliate with | الحاق ہونا | Boston College is affiliated with Punjab University. |
| affiliate to | رکن بننا | I an affiliated to the Muslim League. |
57 | AFFRONT |
| To Offer an affront to | بے عزتی کرنا | Mokaram offered an affront to his father. |
58 | AFIELD |
| far afield | فاصلے پر/دور | The economic regeneration of Pakistan is still far afield. |
| afore hand | وقت سے پہلے | One often knows of one’s death aforehand. |
60 | AFTER |
| To look after | دیکھ بھال | The women should always look after the house and men should work in offices. |
| After all | آخر کار | After all he is your brother, you must not behave like that. |
| Hanker after | تلاش کرنا | An intelligent person should not hanker after a clerical job. |
| Look before and after | سوچنا | A wise man always looks before and after while doing anything. |
| aftermath | برے نتائج | Kashmir is still suffering from the aftermath of war between India and Pakistan. |
62 | AGAIN |
| Now and again | کبھی کبھی | I visit Sahiwal now and again. |
| As much again | دوگنی | I cannot sell this book for two rupees; even if you pay as much again, it will still be below my cost price. |
| Time and again; over and over again; again and again | بار بار | The teacher explained the problem again and again till every student understook it. |
63 | AGAPE |
| Agape | دھچکا پہنچانا | Yahya Khan’s action in Bangla Desh left the people agape. |
64 | AGAINST |
| Against a rainy day | برے وقت کے لئے | It is wise to keep some money against a rainy day. |
| To work against time | جلدی کام کرنا | We are asking all the laboures of our factory to work against time for completing that Government’s contract before the end of this month. |
| To run against | اچانک ملنا | I ran against Sonia in Hotel during my last visit. |
65 | AGE |
| A golden age | اچھا وقت | Years 1972 was a golden age for my brother’s business. |
| To come of age | بالغ ہونا | Salma god married when she came to age. |
| For ages | کافی عرصہ سے | My brother has not written me for ages. |
| Over-age | بوڑھا | The man is over-age for government employment. |
| Under-age | بہت چھوٹا | The is under-age for military service. |
66 | AGENCY |
| By the agency of | مدد سے | By the agency of God, we completed our expedition to the Himalayas. |
67 | AGITATO |
| agitato | جوش سے | You cannot win a point by speaking agitato. |
68 | AGO |
| Long, long ago | بہت عرصہ پہلے | Long, long ago, there was a king named Shiraz, who sacrificed everything for the well being of his nation. |
69 | AGONY |
| agony column | اخبار کا کالم {موت ، گمشدگی وغیرہ سے متعلق | One day I found the name of my friend in the agony column. |
70 | AGREE |
| agree with | ماننا | I fully agree with you. |
| agree to | اتفاق کرنا | The whole family agreed to the suggestion of Naeem. |
| Agree on | متفق ہونا | At last the family agreed on to carry on the business jointly. |
| Agreeable |
| Agreeable to | موافق | The climate is agreeable to me. |
71 | AGOG |
| To be all agog | مشتاق | The whole nation was all agog to have a glimpse of Clinton. |
72 | AHEAD |
| to go ahead | آگے بڑھنا | Go ahead with your plans. |
73 | AHORES |
| Ahorse back | گھوڑے کی پیٹھ پر | Napoleon often slept ahorse back. |
| Aide-de-camp | ساتھی/مددگار | Mr. Shahid was an aide-de-camp to the prime Minister. |
74 | AIL |
| Ail at | اعتراض | What ails him at? |
75 | AIM |
| Take aim | دانستہ مقصد | She took aim at her boy friend. |
| Aim at | متوجہ | He aims at becoming a pilot one day. |
76 | AIR |
| In the air | نا مکمل | Many schemes are in the air. |
| Take air | ہوا کھانا | Let us go out and take the air. |
| Take air | مشہور ہونا | Let your secrets not take air. |
| On the air | نشر کرنا | The morning news is now on the air. |
| To give a person | معطل کرنا | A dishonest person is given the air in no time. |
| The air an air of absurdity | بے وقوفانہ | He is always having an air of absurdity. |
| Airy | ہلکے دل کی | Many women are airy and hence cannot be depended upon. |
77 | AJAR |
| To be ajar | آدھ کھلا | When we reached home, we found the door ajar. |
78 | ALARM |
| To raise an alarm | شور مچانا/خطرے سے آگاہ کرنا | when the fire broke out in Sadar Bazar, the people of the locality raised an alarm. |
| To take alarm | خوفزدہ ہونا | A person who always takes alarm cannot prosper in life. |
79 | ALAS |
| Alas the day | بدقسمت دن | Alas the day when Quaid lost his life. |
80 | ALERT |
| On the alert | ہوشیار | A constable should be always on the alert. |
81 | ALIVE |
| Alive with | بھرا ہونا | The room is alive with mosquitoes. |
| Be alive | جلدی | Be alive to catch the train. |
82 | ALL |
| All cheering | خوشیوں سے بھرا | It was an all cheering function. |
| All fired | دوزخی | It was an all-fired battle. |
| All in all | کرتا دھرتا | The Principal is all in all in the college. |
| All at once | اچانک | All at once, a robber attacked me. |
| All in | کلی طور پر | All in, we were five people against fifty. |
| All out | پوری رفتار /قوت | I rode all out to catch the train in time. |
| All Over | ہر جگہ | When entered the valley, I found water all over. |
| All over with | ختم ہونا | In five minutes it was all over with him. |
| All’s one | فرق نہ ہونا | It’s all one, whether you go asfray. |
| All to one | اکھٹے | All to one, there were a hundred souls. |
| All there | ہوشیار | Till the end he was all there. |
| All the same | تاہم | The doctor did his best for the patient; all the same he died. |
| All up with | امید سے باہر ہونا | The patient was sinking every minute. So it ‘as all up with him. |
| At all | بالکل/قطعی طور پر | He did not make any effort at all to help himself. |
| For all | سب کے باجود | He failed for all the effort he made and money he spent. |
| AU and sundry | خاص و عام | The law applause to all and sundry. |
| All-rounder | ہرفن مولا | He is an all-rounder, well up both in studies and in games. |
| All through | ہر لطف سے | The mechanic has looked all through his scooter. |
| All of a sudden | اچانک | His mother expired all of a sudden. |
| For good and all | ہمیشہ کے لئے آخر کار | I intend leaving Lahore for good and all. |
| Once for all | صرف ایک بار | Once for all, I request you to leave this place. |
| Alla breve | جلد از جلد | You must achieve your goal alla breve. |
83 | ALLOT |
| Allot | ملکیت | This house is allotted to me. |
84 | ALLOW |
| Allow for | خیال کرنا | While marking the papers an examiner allowed allowa for cleanliness. |
| To make allowance for | خیال دینا | In offering this job, we should make allowance for family background. |
| Almighty dollar | پیسہ | The almighty dollar rules the world today. |
87 | ALONG |
| All along | پہلے | All along you had been saying that you want to go to Karachi and now when the opportunity has arisen; you decline to do so. |
| Along with | ساتھ | Next time when I go abroad I shall take my wife along with me. |
88 | ALOOF |
| Keep aloof | دور رہنا | Keep aloof from all selfish friends. |
89 | ALPHA |
| Alpha and omega | شروع و آخر | Money is alpha and omega of modern man. Truth is alpha and omega of education. |
90 | ALTAR |
| To lead to altar | شادی | Jamil led Maria to altar. |
91 | AMAZON |
| Amazon | مضبوط و بہادر عورت | She was Amazon in police and cowed down criminals. |
| Ambrosia | دیوی دیوتاؤں کی خوراک | Modern food is no ambrosia. |
93 | AMEND |
| To make amends | تلافی کرنا | The teacher advised Salman to make amends for his conduct. |
94 | AMISS |
| To take amiss | غلط سمجھنا | You may tell me whatever you want, I will not take amiss. |
| Not amiss | غلط نہ ہونا | To reprimand an erring child sometimes is not amiss. |
95 | AMUCK |
| Run amuck | پاگل ہو جانا | The constable ran amuck and shot down two fellow policemen. |
96 | ANCHOR |
| At anchor | بادبان پر | The ship is at anchor in the harbour. The wife is anchor at home. |
| To cast anchor | بادبان گرانا | The ship cast the anchor in the Port. |
| Weigh anchor | بادبان باندھنا | The ship weighed anchor and sailed away. |
97 | ANCIENT |
| The ancient of days | خدا | A man who trusts in the ancient of days, generally succeeds in life. |
98 | ANGEL |
| Angel of death | موت کا پیامبر | Cholera is the angel of death. |
| Visits like angels | بہت کم آنا | Now—a—days your visits are like angels. |
99 | ANIMAL |
| Animal spirits | خوش باش زندگی سے بھرپور | This voting boy is full Of animal spirits. |
100 | ANON |
| Ever and anon | کبھی کبھار | He comes to my place ever and anon. |
101 | ANSWER |
| Answer the call of nature | رفع حاجت کاجانا | Everyday we have to answer the call of nature. |
| Answer to | جواب دینا | Our parrot answers to Javed. |
| To answer | کامیاب | I am afraid his efforts will not answer. |
102 | ANT |
| Ant-hill | زمین | We are denizens of the ant-hill. |
103 | ANTE |
| Ante bellum | جنگ سے پہلے | Bangladesh was a Pakistani colony anti bellum. |
104 | ANTIDOTE |
| To act as antidote | تریاق کا کام کرنا | Truth acts as an antidote to falsehood. |
105 | ANY |
| At any rate | ہر صورت میں | At any rate, I must get first class in the examination. |
| Anyone | کوئی بھی | The question is so simple that anyone can solve it. |
106 | APART |
| To set apart | وقف کرنا | Some time must be set apart for daily prayers. |
107 | APE |
| God’s ape | پیدائشی بے وقوف | He is a God’s ape. |
| To put an ape in one’s hood | بے وقوف بنانا | Don’t put an apein your hood. |
108 | A-PER-SE |
| Aper-se | غیر معمولی | Taj Mahal is a-per-sc. |
| Apostle of peace | امن کا پیامبر | Quaid was an apostle of peace. |
| Appeal to the country | الیکشن سے جیتنا | A democratic government appeals to the country for the confirmation of its policies. |
| Appeal | مؤثر توت | Beauty has its own appeal. |
| To appeal | مسحور کرنا | A beautiful girl always appeals to the eye. |
| Keep up appearances | ظاہری شان | Every body is trying to keep up appearances these days. |
| Put in an appearance | بذات خود | He put in an appearance at the marriage. |
| To all appearances | ہر لحاظ سے | To all appearances, she was a brave lady. |
110 | APPLE |
| Apple of discord | فساد کی جڑ | Money is the greatest apple of discord in families. Israel is an apple of discord in the Middle East. |
| Apple of sodom ro dead sea apple | قدما کے مطابق ایک پھل جو دیکھنے میں خوبصورت گھر چھونے پر جل جاتا ہے | Politics is an apple of sodom. “Ideal state”, theory of the Plato is dead sea apple. |
| Apple of the eye | لاڈلا | Shahid is an apple of his mother’s eye. |
| Apple-pie order | زبر دست تنظیم | You will find everything in our house in all apple-pie order. |
| Upset the apple cart | منصوبے کو مذکر دینا | Elections will upset apple-cart of the ruling party. |
111 | APPLY |
| Apply for | درخواست دینا | He has applied for a clerical post. |
| To apply oneself to | وقف کرنا | The teacher advised the students to apply themselves to studies. |
| To fix up an appointment | وقت لینا | Please fix up an appointment with the manager, before you can see M.r. |
| To keep an appointment | وقت پر پہنچنا | He always keeps his appointment. |
| To serve apprentices hip | شاگردی کرنا | You must serve apprenticeship with a guru to learn yoga. |
114 | APPROACH |
| Approach stroke or approach shot | بااثر لوگوں سے رابطہ کا ذریعہ | Brite is an approach shot anywhere. He enjoys an approach stroke to the minister. |
115 | A PRIORI |
| A priori | | Gook ends must be achieved by gook means, a priori. |
116 | APRON |
| Apron-strings, tied to a woman’s | بچے کی طرح محکوم ہونا | A minister is tied to the apron strings of the Prime Minister. |
117 | ARAB |
| Street-Arab | بے گھر بچے | Modern world is full of street-arabs. |
| To be the architect of | بنانے والا | A truly great man is the architect of his destiny. |
| To argue it away | تدبیر کے ساتھ نجات پانا | Unemployment in the country cannot be argued away. |
119 | ARM |
| Arm in arm | پانیوں میں پلنیں والے | The friends walked arm in arm. |
| At arm’s length | دور رکھنا/اوقات میں رکھنا | Keep your enemies at arm’s length. |
| In arms | بانہوں میں | The mother carried the child in arms. |
| Right arm | دایاں ہاتھ | He was the right arm of his father. |
| With open arms | دل سے کھلے | They received us with open arms. |
| Arms race | اسلحہ کا مقابلہ | There is an arms race between U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. |
| Bear arms | فوجی بن کر خدمت کرنا | When war is on, all patriots bear arms. |
| In arms | مسلح | India is in arms against Pakistan. |
| Lay down one’s arms | ہتھیار پھینکنا | Japan and Germany laid down arms in the Second World War. |
| To take up arms | لڑائی شروع کرنا | They took up arms against the king. |
| Under arms | مسلح | Vietnamese are under arms. |
| Up in arms | مزاحمت پر راضی | Israelis are always up in arms. |
| King of arms | بادشاہ | Quaid was the king of arms in politics. |
120 | ART |
| Art and part | حصہ دار | The student community is art and part of the political movement. |
| Black art | جادو | Gogies earns their living through black art. |
121 | ARTICLE |
| In the articles of death | قریب المرگ | He found his beloved friend in the articles of death. |
| Of great article | بڑا وہم | This is a book of great article. This is a man of great article. |
122 | ARTISTIC |
| Artistic temperament | شکارانہ مزاج | You cannot depend on a man of artistic temperament to keep his promises. |
123 | AS |
| As it were | کہنے کے مطابق | He was a great man; as it were, a lork of the assembly. |
| As yet | اب تک | He has not arrived home as yet. |
124 | ASHES |
| Sackcloth and ashes | پچھتاوا | The defeated nations do not wear sackcloth and ashes. |
| To lay in ashes | جل جانا | The whole factory lay in ashes. |
| To brig back the ashes | شکست ختم کرنا | Pakistani cricketers did their best to bring back the Ashes from Australia. |
125 | ASIDE |
| Aside from | علاوہ | He has a big balance, aside from his landeed properties. |
| Aside to set | اتک رکھنا | The Supreme Court set aside the Presidential Ordinance. |
126 | AT |
| At the bottom of | ذریعہ سے | Ramzan was at the bottom of the conspiracy against the President. |
| At daggers Drawn | خون کے پیاسے | Shahid and Waqar are at daggers drawn now-a-days. |
| At home in | شناسا | He is at home in English. |
| At the tope of | پوری قوت سے | He shouted at the tope of his voice. |
| At a loss | پریشان ہونا | I am at a loss to understand what made you to go to javed’s house. |
| At liberty | آزادی | He is at liberty now-a-days. |
| At a standstill | ساکت ہونا | The talks of professors for M.A.O. College are again at a standstill. |
| At fault | غلط ہونا/غلطی پر ہونا | When you say you are not familiar with the problem, you are at fault. |
127 | ATOMIC |
| Atomic warfare | ایٹمی جنگ | There is always a danger of atomic warfare while the atomic pile rises in the world. |
128 | ATTEND |
| Attend to | توجہ دینا | You must attend to your duties. |
| Attend on | خدمت کرنا | A hundred ministers attended on the king. |
| To dance attendance of | سہولت اٹھانا | Clerks dance attendance of the Superintendent. |
130 | AVAIL |
| To avail oneself of | فائدہ اٹھانا | I will avail myself of this golden chance. |
131 | AVANT |
| Avant-garde | آگاہ ہونا | Today we do not have any avant-garde in arts, letters or politics. |
132 | AWAY |
| Do away with | ختم کرنا | The Parliament did away with the British laws. |
| Explain away | واضح کرنا | The Government is trying to explain away the assassination of Mr. Nasir. |
| Fall away | جوش رکھنا | When Buddha gave up austerities, many of his followers fell away. |
| Fire away | پیش کرنا بلا توقف | Please fire away the work assigned to you. |
| Make away with | قتل کرنا | The police made away with the criminal. |
| Once and away | اکثر | He comes to Sec me once and away. |
133 | AWE |
| Awe-inspiring | دہشت ناک | The personality of a king is awe-in spiring. |
134 | AWRY |
| Look awry | کن انکھیوں سے دیکھنا | When l asked for his help, he looked awry. |
| Walk awry | غلط سمت لے جانا | Many things are likely to walk awry in life. |
| To go awry | بھٹک جانا | Many a young man goes awry. |
135 | AXE |
| Axe to grind | اپنا فائدہ دیکھنا | I do not like Shahid, he is always in the habit of grinding his own axe. |